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     再者,整合处理法作为一种动态的研究方法将习语看作是实际运用中生成的概念结构。本论文主要探讨习语如何以一种在线、实时结构出现在真实的语境中或特定的语篇中,语言学习者如何获得对习语的准确理解或解释。现举例说明。true to form的词典释义为“一如往常”。True to form, John turned up late. True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home. True to form, Hurricane Wilma is projected to come ashore near Naples, Florida in just a few hours.True to form, Britain has promoted the interests of corporations, not of Africa at the G8 (the Group of the Eight Countries).
     (Melbourne Indymedia, July 2005)
     从结构上分析,这一习语大体上总是位于句首,且用逗号与句子主体分开。如采用整合处理法就会发现“一如往常”这一词典释义并不确切。以最后一句为例。该句中的true to form间接地表达了不赞成甚至谴责的态度,暗示了八国集团一再要求非洲发展中国家采取自由贸易政策,为西方发达国家创造有利的贸易环境这一恃强凌弱的行为以及由此造成的使非洲国家丧失贸易调控杠杆,加剧贫穷走势的后果。在这一特定的上下文中,true to form作为一个出现在真实语境中的概念结构具有特定的蕴涵,即“故态复萌”、“故伎重演”。这一意义由该习语的句法、语义、语用及社会文化等要素整合而成。
     英语习语整合处理法的提出具有一定的原创性。自上世纪六十年代以来,随着习语研究的逐渐展开,由形式语言学、功能语言学、认知语言学等不同的理论构架衍生出一系列的习语理解模式,如Lexical Processing Model(Bobrow & Bell 1973), Simultaneous Processing Model (Swinney & Cutler 1979), Configuration Model (Cacciari & Tabossi 1988)及Decomposition Processing Model(Gibbs et al.1989)等。这些模式的构建无一例外是以母语人群为适用对象的。就目前而言,针对非母语人群的习语研究尚未形成气候,现有少量文献(Lattey 1986;Lennon 1998;Cooper 1999)局限于提供一些操作层面的教学细节提示。正是在这样的研究背景下,作者尝试探索出一个针对非母语者的英语习语整合处理法,旨在抛砖引玉,一方面对英语习语的教学提供些许的启示或参考,另一方面激发对这一领域更深入的兴趣和探究。
     第三章回顾了自上世纪六十年代后期以来的习语研究历程。近四十年来,形式语言学、功能语言学以及认知语言学分别从各自的视角出发关注着习语的分类、习语的变异、习语的喻义和本义间的关系等共同问题,并相继确立了各自的习语理解模式。本章对采用这三种研究方法开展的习语研究作了较为详尽的探讨,着重分析比较了各自代表性的成果如Bruce Fraser(1970)的习语固化分级,Fernando(1996),Cacciari和Ghcksberg(1991,1993)的习语功能化分类,Vega-Moreno(2001)的关联论判释法,Cacciari和Tabossi(1988)的完形模式,Gibbs和Nayak(1989)的习语分解模式以及Gibbs(1994)的隐喻模式。这三种研究方法的启示和整合,奠定了本文后续章节的理论基础。
Idioms belong to the vast family of fixed expressions including collocations, proverbs, cliches, speech formulas, and so forth that shares some degree of conventionalization of meaning yet at the same time differs in semantic as well as syntactic properties. A large part of our everyday linguistic repertoire is formed by these conventionalized ways of saying things. Nonetheless, the task of describing what an idiom is, and how it is processed and understood, is still a rather challenging and controversial one, particularly in second or foreign language acquisition. Idioms remain to be viewed by a good many language teachers as mere quirks of the language, used randomly or without much motivation. They have been relegated to the sidelines of language teaching. Students are usually left with memorizing idioms as chunks and using them in some gap-filling exercises without much context. With only a superficial knowledge of idioms, they find themselves at a distinct disadvantage in their readings, discussions, debates and communication with native speakers. How idioms are processed by non-native speakers is definitely a non-negligible area deserving keen observation and detailed investigation.
    This dissertation starts with a synchronic and diachronic delineation of distinctive properties of idioms, then proceeds on to a critical review of different approaches (formal, functional, and psycholinguistic) and models for processing idioms (the Lexical Processing Model, the Simultaneous Processing Model, the Configuration Model, The Decomposition Processing Model) and finally focuses on a conceptual structure-based approach from the perspective of holistic integration — a holistic approach to English idioms for non-native speakers.
    As opposed to atomism, holism is concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts and emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its components. The holistic approach to English idioms motivated by this theory can be epitomized as follows.
    One of the hallmarks of this approach is the holistic integration of information
    from background knowledge, the concepts underlying constituent word meanings and the assumptions and implications arising from them.
    Secondly, this approach aims at organizing parts into an organic, unified whole. To be more specific, holism-based idiom access involves integrating syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, cognitive and sociocultural factors into an organic, unified whole when an idiom is processed.
    Thirdly, as a dynamic approach, the holistic approach treats an idiom as a conceptual structure occurring as an on-line, real-time construction in an actual environment or in a particular text or context.
    By way of illustration, evidence is provided to fortify the arguments as presented in this dissertation.
    true to form: being or behaving as expected; in the usual, typical or characteristic way (dictionary explanation)
    True to form, John turned up late.
    True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he 'd left his
    wallet at home.
    Ture to form, Hurricane Wilma is projected to come ashore near Naples, Florida
    in just a few hours.
    True to form, Britain has promoted the interests of corporations, not of Africa, at
    the G8 (the Group of the Eight Countries).
    (Melbourne Indymedia, July 2005)
    A structural analysis of the idiom shows that it is invariably positioned at the beginning and separated by a comma from the main framework of the sentence. A holistic examination of the idiom as it occurs in the particular context will reveal the inadequacy of the sole reliance on the syntactic analysis and make it necessary to improve the dictionary explanation. In the last case for instance, the idiom true to form in that particular context conveys an indirect reproach of the G8 agreement made for the benefit of rich countries. It hints at the G8's undesirable practice of requiring African countries to pursue the free trade policy and create more favorite business environment for western companies. This goal of free trade for poor countries is a
    authentic discourse. It shows further how idiom compositionality combines with context as well as general world knowledge to constrain or motivate idiom variation and productivity.
    Chapter Five brings forth a holistic approach to English idioms for non-native speakers and recommends developing different types of competence and different strategies for holistic access to English idioms. This approach is intended to provide learners with constructive guidelines to make idiom comprehension and language learning more enjoyable and fruitful.
    Chapter Six is mainly concerned with pedagogical implications of the present study and suggestions for further exploration.
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