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     S. mutans,L. bulgaricus,L. acidophilus,L. rhamnosus和L. salivarius通过结晶紫染色来检测生物膜形成能力,采用96孔板法反应24小时,48小时,72小时来测定。为了测定乳酸杆菌对变异链球菌生物膜形成的作用,以上反应以1:1的比例进行,并通过结晶紫染色的96孔板法和共聚焦显微镜进行分析。
     通过PMA染色和实时定量PCR扩增来检测变异链球菌16S rRNA基因,以测定乳酸杆菌对变异链球菌活性的影响。
     通过提取RNA,然后进行real time RT-PCR来检测与生物膜形成有关的基因GtfB和LuxS。
     本研究中所应用的变异链球菌能很好的形成生物膜,它的形成能力在有蔗糖和延长时间的情况下会增强。其他的四种乳酸杆菌相对于变异链球菌来说生物膜的形成能力没有变异链球菌强。所有的这四种乳酸杆菌都减弱了变异链球菌生物膜的形成能力,但是L. acidophilus和L. salivarius减弱的程度比较大,几乎减少了一半的厚度。除了个别结果p值大于0.005,大部分的结果在统计学上都是有意义的(P≤0.005)。这两种细菌同样减少了变异链球菌的活菌数,分别从1.70x105减少到3.08x103和3.13x102,p值为0.002。
     在有L. acidophilus和L. salivarius存在的生物膜中基因GtfB和LuxS的表达明显减少,GtfB的表达在有上述两种乳酸杆菌存在的条件下分别减少到80%和90%,LuxS的表达分别降至56%和83%,由于p值小于等于0.005,这个结果被证明是有统计学意义的。
     口腔内细菌膜的形成得到广泛关注,因为它为微生物提供了庇护所,并有助于抵制抗菌复合物。所以,任何抑制生物膜形成的治疗都是很重要的。由于抗生素耐药性的出现,利用乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌等益生菌治疗得到广泛关注。我们检测了四种乳酸杆菌对于变异链球菌所形成的细菌膜的影响。它们均能减少生物膜,但通过细菌计数显示L. salivarius和L acidophilus能极大的减少生物膜的形成。这可能是由于乳酸菌产生的细菌素能杀死变形链球菌,它可能阻碍变形链球菌的粘附并抑制生物膜的形成。所以,益生菌治疗方法可能有作用并可以替代抗生素。我们需要在不同的方面进行更进一步的研究来确定这种现象。
     Oral cavity is one of the most complex microbial habitats in the human body thatcomprises of more than600diverse arrays of bacterial species. More than250oralmicrobes have been isolated and characterized by the cultivation method but over450microbial species have been identified by the culture independent molecular methods.Among many oral diseases dental caries and periodontitis are common diseases. Bothdiseases are polymicrobial disease. Polymicrobial communities of bacteria are formedin the biofilm form by the early colonizer like Streptococcus mutans. So, the completepicture of microbial communities responsible for dental caries and periodontitis isimportant to depict to find proper treatment of disease. Conventional bacterial culturalmethod failed to depict complete picture as still few oral bacterial strains uncultivated.With the emergence of molecular methods targeting16S rRNA likes polymerase chainreaction based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR DGGE), sequencing, clonelibrary etc. Among them PCR DGGE is one is useful for analyzing the bacterialdiversity profile in different disease condition. This technique is a fingerprintingapproach and used by environmental ecologists to survey entire bacterial communitieswithout cultivation. Biofilm formation by microorganisms is a big problem andprovides shelter and resistance to bacterium inside it. Streptococcus mutans is amongthe early colonizer of oral cavity and initiator of biofilm. S. mutans in the presence ofsucrose produces acid which lower the pH and initiate caries formation. GtfB and LuxSgene is responsible for biofilm formation in the presence of sucrose. So any form oftreatment directed to reduce S. mutans count is useful for maintaining oral health. Nowa day’s consumption of probiotics containing product is increasing. Lactobacilusspecies and Bifidobacterium species are the most widely used probiotics. Despite the wide spread use of probiotics, its use in oral disease still in its infancy and limited to themanagement of dental caries, periodontal disease and halitosis Lactobacilli have gaineda great interest in dental research for several decades. It can produce bacteriocins whichinhibits wide variety of bacterial species including oral streptococci. So probiotics canbe a good candidate for oral disease treatment
     Molecular characterization of microorganisms in dental plaque/biofilm byusing PCR DGGE.
     Determine the Effect of Lactobacillus species on biofilm formation ofStreptococcus mutans.
     Determine the Effect of Lactobacillus species on Streptococcus mutans viability.
     Determine the Effect of Lactobacillus species on genes involved in biofilmformation.
     Material and Method:
     For microbial characterization dental plaque samples were collected from dentalcaries and periodontitis patients, DNA was extracted from plaque samples, PCR wasperformed using primer with GC clamp and run on denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis.
     Biofilm formation capability of S. mutans, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L.rhamnosus and L. salivarius was assessed using crystal violet based96well platemethod at24hrs,48hrs and72hrs. To detect the effect of Lactobacillus species on S.mutans biofilm formation, they are incubated in1:1ratio and analyzed by crystal violetbased96well plate method, confocal microscopy.
     Effect of Lactobacillus species on viability of S. mutans is detected by PMAbased real time PCR by targeting S. mutans specific16S rRNA gene.
     Effect of Lactobacillus species on biofilm formation genes. GtfB and LuxS geneswere selected. RNA was extracted, cDNA synthesized and real time PCR was done forselected gene.
     Each band in DGGE profile showed the presence of single or more than onebacterial species in sample. It is clearly observed that number of bands detected inperiodontitis groups (10.36±3.5) were less than dental caries (12.73±3.2) and normalgroups (17.06±4.34) with P values0.002and0.001among disease and normal group.The three groups failed to form significant cluster. Sequencing results showed the presence of23genera. Mostly Gram negative bacteria in periodontitis group, whiledental caries group contain approximate equal numbers of Gram positive and negativebacteria.
     S. mutans used in this study is a good biofilm former and its ability increased in thepresence of sucrose and with increasing time. All the four lactobacillus strain used arenot a good biofilm former as compared to S. mutans. All the lactobacillus strain reducedbiofilm formation by S. mutans. But L. acidophilus and L. salivarius reduced to a greatextent. These two strains reduce the depth of biofilm almost half. Most of the results arestatistically significant wit P value≤0.005except few have greater than0.005. Thesetwo strains also reduced the viable count of S. mutans from1.70x105to3.08x103and3.13x102respectively with P value0.002.
     Gene expression of GtfB and LuxS genes involved in biofilm formation wasreduced in the presence of L. acidophilus and L. salivarius. The expression of GtfB inthe presence of both lactobacillus strains reduced to80%and90%respectively, whilethe expression of LuxS was reduced to56%and83%. Results were found statisticallysignificant with P value≤0.005.
     Oral cavity harbors diverse array of microorganisms which are present inequilibrium. Once the equilibrium is destroyed it leads to disease state. Dental cariesand periodontitis are the common polymicrobial oral cavity disease. This needs to bedissected to establish good remedies to fight with disease. PCR DGGE is one of theuseful techniques used to detect many bacteria in any environment so we used thistechnique. Advantage of it is visual detection of profile; bands of interest can be cut,cloned and sequenced to get phylogenetic identity. Less diversity diseased group mightbe due to the presence of only acid producing bacteria or bacteria which survives hostdefense.
     Biofilm formation in the oral cavity is a big concern as it provides microbe’sshelter and more resistance to antimicrobial compounds. So any remedies to reducebiofilm formation might be important. Due to emergence of antibiotic resistancebacteriotherapy is becoming famous in the light of probiotics lactobacillus andbifidobacterium species. We also detect the effect of four lactobacillus strains onbiofilm formation of S. mutans. All of them reduce biofilm but L. salivarius and Lacidophilus reduced the biofilm greatly as well as bacterial count. This action might bedue to the presence of bacteriocins responsible to kill S. mutans, it might also interfere with the adherence of S. mutans and restrict biofilm formation. so probiotic approachmight be useful and as an alternate to antibiotics. Still further research is needed indifferent aspect to assure this phenomenon.
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