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     结果:针对水样中的重金属Cd、Pb残留,已经形成完整的样品处理及免疫学检测流程。结果表明,将采集好的水样用0.45μm滤膜过滤,调节pH至9.0,水样中残留的Cd可被纳米Ti02定量富集,吸附于纳米TiO2上的镉离子可用0.1 mol/L的EDTA·2Na溶液定量脱附。在优化实验条件下,纳米Ti02对Cd的吸附容量为14.7 mg/g,富集倍数可达50倍。制备了比色法判定结果的胶体金试纸条,并建立了纳米Ti02富集-胶体金试纸条联用检测方法。对实测样品的检测耗时约90min,该方法对Cd的定量下限可达5μg/L,适用于环境水样检测的国家标准。同样,水样中的残留的Pb可被纳米Ti02定量富集,然后用DTPA溶液进行洗脱,富集倍数可达50倍。制备了比色法判定结果的胶体金试纸条,对分离富集后的溶液进行Pb含量检测,换算倍数后,得出的检测结果令人满意,符合国家检测标准。
Objectives:To standardized the sample processing against cadmium and lead, to establish a method of sample handling and Enrichment for the Immunological detection against ion cadm ium and lead, and make stable and reliable Colloidal Gold test papers.
     Methods:First of all,samples must be collected including water, plants,soil and primary pro ducts,and choose different qualification to handle different kinds of samples. Then,it could using Nanometer-size TiO2 to adsorp the ion cadmium and lead,as well as explore the best conditions of Adsorption. Finally, colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay was used for detecting ion cadmium and lead, and the best conditions of Immunological detection was fixed.
     Results:At pH 9.0, Cd was retained on the nanometer-size TiO2, then eluted with 0.1 mol/ L EDTA·2Na quantitatively. The adsorption capacity of nanometer TiO2 was found to be 14.7 mg/g for Cd(II). The maximum preconcentration factor was 50. We made a kind of dipstick wit h colorimetric assay, nano colloidal gold particles were prepared and labeled to an anti-Cd(Ⅱ)-i EDTA (Isothiocyanobenzyi-EDTA) monoclonal antibody. Linked with nanometer TiO2 as soli d adsorbent, the whole detection process could be performed in 90 minutes, and the minimum de tection concentration could be down to 5μg/L. Samely, Pb was retained on the nanometer-size Ti 02, then eluted with 0.5 mol/L DTPA quantitatively. The maximum preconcentration factor also was 50. The method was applied to the determination of Cd (Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) in environmental wa ter samples and satisfactory results were obtained.
     Conclusion:A new method was developed for the rapid determination of trace Cd(Ⅱ) and Pb(II) using nanometer sized TiO2 as solid adsorbent and detected by Colloidal gold immunoch romatographic method. The sensitivity of the method is high enough to satisfy the safety require ments for non-environmental pollution aquatic products.
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