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The research of the tunneling dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) loaded into optical lattices have attracted enormous attention. One of the important discovery is that the energy band structure, the stabilities, the localized and self-trapped states of BEC are influenced dramatically by the atoms interactions. However, most previous studies are mainly focused on considering the two-body interaction in low dimension system. Indeed, the real behaviors of BEC will be influenced dramatically by the three-body interactions and the lattice dimension. Thus, one aim of this thesis is to investigate the tunneling dynamics of BEC in one dimensional optical lattices with two and three-body interactions. The influences of the three-body interaction on the energy band structure, the stabilities, the localized and self-trapped states are discussed analytically and numerically. Another aim of this thesis is to study the effect of lattice dimension on the localized and self-trapped states of the system. Furthermore, the tunneling dynamics of superfluid Fermi gas in optical lattices are studied analytically and numerically. We find that the phase diagrams vary greatly along the BEC-BCS crossover; the dynamics of Fermi wave packet are very different from that of Bose wave packet. The major investigations are listed as follows:
     Chapter I: The conception, the realization of the BEC, and the progress of studing BEC trapped in optical lattices are reviewed briefly.
     Chapter II: By using the two-mode approximation and tight-binding approximation, the dynamical properties, including energy band structure, energetic and dynamical instability, and the tunneling dynamics of a dilute BEC trapped in one-dimensional periodic optical lattices are discussed. It is demonstrated that the lowest energy band can show a loop structure at the boundary of the first Brillouin zone only when the number of atoms is larger than a critical value, which is influenced by the three-body interaction dramatically. The obtained atom fluid density depends on the number of atoms, two-body interaction, the optical lattice parameters, and, especially, the three-body interaction. It is also important to note that, the boundaries of dynamical instability and Landau instability are modified significantly due to the presence of the three-body interactions. In addition, after the three-body interactions are taken into account, the critical conditions for the BEC wavepacket to take place the self-trapping, diffusion, stable moving soliton and breather are all modified dramatically.
     Chapter III: Developing a five-well model for describing the tunneling dynamics of BEC trapped in 2D optical lattices. The tunneling dynamics of BEC in this five-well model are investigated both analytically and numerically. We focus on the self-trapped states and the difference of the tunnelling dynamics among two-well, three-well and five-well systems. The criterions for the self-trapped states and the phase diagrams of the five trapped BEC in zero-phase mode andπ-phase mode are obtained. We find that, the criterions and the phase diagrams are largely modified by the dimension of the system and the phase difference between wells.
     Chapter IV: The tunneling dynamics of a BEC loaded into 1D, 2D and 3D deep optical lattices are studied both analytically and numerically. We focus on the self-trapping state and the effect of the system dimension. Under the tight-binding approximation, we obtain an analytical criterion for the self-trapped state of BEC using time-dependent variational method. The phase diagram for self-trapping, soliton, breather, or diffusion of the BEC cloud is obtained accordingly and verified by directly solving the discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) numerically. Our results show that, the change of the lattice dimension leads to many interesting consequences: self-trapped state can also emerge in higher-dimension systems, however, compared to the 1D situation its parameter domain in the phase diagram is largely shrunken; the stable moving soliton and breather solutions of the wave packet that can exist in 1D system, no longer stand in 2D and 3D systems; In addition, when the self-trapping occurs, the ratio between the final BEC cloud width and the initial wave packet width is greatly modified in 2D and 3D systems compared to the 1D case.
     Chapter V: We predict the existence of self-trapping, stable moving soliton and breather of Fermi wave packet along the BEC-BCS crossover in 1D, 2D, and 3D optical lattices. The dynamical phase diagrams for self-trapping, stable moving soliton and breather of the Fermi matter waves along the BEC-BCS crossover are presented analytically and verified numerically by directly solving a discrete nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Our results show many new and interesting consequences: the self-trapped state of Fermi wave packet can exist in 1D, 2D, and 3D optical lattices along the BEC-BCS crossover; the stable moving soliton and breather solutions of Fermi wave packet along the BEC-BCS crossover in both 1D and 2D system can exist, while for 3D case, the stable moving soliton and breather solutions can exist only in the BCS superfluid. This point is totally different from the Bose system (in Bose system, the stable moving soliton and breather solutions can exist only in 1D optical lattices); the self-trapped, stable moving soliton, and breather states take place in the BCS superfluid always easier than that in the BEC superfluid. Moreover, the critical conditions for the occurrence of self-trapping, stable moving soliton, and breather solutions in both BEC and BCS superfluids increase sharply with lattice dimension.
     Finally, in the sixth chapter of this paper, we summarize the main results and give some outlooks.
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