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     在19世纪末到20世纪初的大约20多年里,一种借助医学仪器(更为准确地说是生理采集仪器),且标准化和客观性更强的现代测谎方法——心理生理测谎(Psychophysiological Detection of Deception,PDD)技术出现了,使得人类识别谎言的研究和探索前进了一大步。现今,PDD技术在司法领域大展身手,常会出现在侦查或审判中的关键位置上,有时甚至决定着审判的结果。PDD的应用引发了种种复杂的问题,涉及到了科学(scientific)、社会(social)、法律(legal)和伦理(ethical)等各方面,其中法律方面的问题尤为突出。这是因为,从整体上看,PDD技术的准确率始终徘徊在90%左右,其诊断结论还不足以达到法庭证据可靠性的要求。其次,它缺乏良好的科学理论基础,“心理生理反应与试图说谎的心理状态之间并没有建立起紧密的联系”,没有理论可以确定某种心理生理反应的出现是因为“试图说谎”的心理状态而非其它心理状态导致的。另外,大量的研究已经表明,以皮电、呼吸和血压为判断指标的PDD技术可以比较轻松地被反测试技术打败。
     上世纪后半叶兴起的认知神经科学(Cognitive Neuroscience)所发展的新方法和新技术为解决以上问题提供了可能性。功能性磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)与事件相关电位(event-related potential,ERP)技术逐渐被应用于测谎领域中。其中,以P300这一ERP成分为基础的测谎技术脱颖而出,并且在2000年首次应用于实案审判中。但事实上,P300测谎技术目前仍处于基础研究阶段,其测谎范式、理论基础、诊断有罪或无辜的具体指标及其正确率、反-反测试的能力等问题都尚未解决。另外,作为一项来自心理学应用分支学科——法律心理学的研究,为未来的司法实践服务应是本研究的基本立足点。因此,P300测谎技术在实务中的可操作性,以及已经在实务中广泛应用的PDD技术所面临的种种困境,也是本研究要面对的问题。
     基于以上认识,本研究在模拟犯罪情景(mock crime scenario)研究方法的基础上做了一定改进,并以此为探测事件,进行了一系列研究,共包括4个子研究。研究发现:模拟犯罪情景和实案情景(real crime situation)之间的鸿沟是无法忽视的,模拟犯罪情景研究方法确有弱点;而在其基础上的改进方法获得了我们所期待的P300成分,证实了P300测谎的可行性;PDD以及P300测谎技术所依赖的最基本的心理机制应该是“意义效应(significance effect)”所引发的注意机制;最佳的P300测谎范式应是三刺激范式,并要求被试对靶和非靶刺激都做出行为反应;P300测谎确实有着良好的反-反测试作用,并可能具有较高的“击中率”和“漏报率”,而这正是司法背景下对于无法避免的错误更倾向接受的局面。因此,P300测谎技术应用于司法实务之日并不遥远。
According to precious documents, we are sure that as a concept or behavior, lying can be found not only in today's social, but also in the ancient world. The third wave in the field of Children's Cognitive Development, research on“Theory of Mind”greatly promotes the research level and definition about lying or deception. Despite being forbidden by almost all societies, lying is everywhere in our daily life and makes a strong impact on human sociality. There is no agreement whether the impact is positive or negative, but all kinds of culture and ethnic human groups have developed many methods to detect lies or deception. In the twenty years from the 19th century to the 20th century,based on the medicine machine Polygraph, Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) came out. Because of standardization and objectivity, PDD has been widely applied in the forensic field now. At the same time, it brings up all kinds of complicated problems dealing with scientific、social、legal and ethical aspects, especially legal problems. The new techniques, fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and ERP (event-related potential) from Cognitive Neuroscience make it possible to resolve those problems. Based on the modified mock crime scenario, the study practices a series of ERP laboratory experiments. The major findings of the study include the following: there is a gap between mock crime scenario and real crime situation; significance effect is the theoretical foundation of lie detection; P300-based detection of lie in target paradigms is feasible; P300-based detection of lie is an effective counter-countermeasure measure.
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