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     准循环LDPC (QC-LDPC)码是一类重要的LDPC码,其校验矩阵具有准循环性,在编码上可以利用反馈移位寄存器实现具有线性复杂度的编码器,译码时也大大降低了存储空间。本文从理论研究和硬件实现两个方面对QC-LDPC码进行了深入研究,并基于FPGA实现了QC-LDPC码的编、译码器的硬件设计。主要工作包括:
     4、在ISE8.2和modelsim6.2软件平台上,运用Verilog HDL编程语言,基于译码器的部分并行结构,设计实现了QC-LDPC码的最小和算法译码。
Low density parity-check (LDPC) code was proposed in 1962 by Gallager, which is a kind of linear block codes based on a sparse check matrix. its decoding performance can achieve Shannon Limit. Many communication standards have already adopted LDPC codes as the Error-Correcting codes. So, the hardware implementation of LDPC encoder and decoder are one of the research interests at present.
     The main problem of LDPC encoding is to find an efficient encoding algorithm with linear complexity, and the main problem of LDPC decoding is to make a trade-off between hardware complexity, performance and throughput.
     QC-LDPC code is an important subclass of LDPC codes. Because of the cyclic symmetry, the encoding complexity of QC-LDPC codes are linearly proportional with code length and the decoding storage space is reduced greatly. This thesis studies both the theory and hardware implementation of LDPC codes, and implements the encoder and decoder of QC-LDPC codes on FPGA. The main works are as follows:
     1. The algorithm from the parity-check matrix to the generator matrix is realized when the check matrix is full rank, and the case when the check matrix is not full rank is also researched.
     2. Three fast encoding algorithms for QC-LDPC codes are researched and realized, which are serial encoder, parallel encoder and two-stage encoder. Based on the two-stage encoder, a more effective encoding structure by reusing the first stage circuits is proposed. Simulation results show that the encoding efficiency and working frequency are improved.
     3. Floating simulation of the LDPC encoding and decoding system is performed and fixed simulation of the Mim-Sum decoder is completed. The results show that there are about 0.3 to 0.5 performances losses and the fixed-point processing program is reasonable and effective.
     4. Hardware design and implementation of partially-parallel decoder are completed on the ISE 8.2 and modelsim 6.2 software platform using Verilog HDL.
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