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The Dominion of Canada is one of the most developed industrial countries in theworld. It has great economic strength, and its citizens usually live prosperously.However, as all the other countries, there have always been some Canadians living in asituation of poverty. Since the founding of Dominion, Canadian governments havebeen dealing poverty problem with all kinds of social policies, especially anti-povertypolicies, to provide social assistance for its poor citizens. These policies have beeneffective, but still have certain defects.
     This dissertation focuses on the social poverty problem and the making process ofgovernmental anti-poverty policies in Canada in1950s and1960s. During this period,Canadian social policy had been extended; the welfare state had also been establishedand developed with notable progresses. There had been a number of improvements inCanadian anti-poverty policy sphere, the most important one of which was theintroduction of Canada Assistance Plan in1966. It is one of the most importantfederal measures aiming at solving social poverty, and has caused great impact on thedevelopment of modern Canadian welfare state and its public policy system. Themaking process of this Plan will be the main concern of this dissertation.
     Before discussion on the policy making process, this dissertation will describe theearly evolution of Canadian anti-poverty measures since the colonial era, to explorethe policy background of the establishment of Canada Assistance Plan. It will alsoinspect the extent and charactors of the social poverty problem in Canada in1950s and1960s, to explore the social context of the the establishment of Canada Assistance Plan.By examing relative statistics and data, this dissertation will prove that, in1950s and1960s, there were certain number of poor people living in Canada, and the everexisting social inequity had been arosing the attention of Canadian society andgovernments.
     After certain analysis about policy making procedures, this dissertation willdiscuss the making process of Canada Assistance Plan, which includes a series of policy changes during the period between1958and1966. The most crucialelements for us to explain the complicated policy making process would be thefrequent communication and active interaction among Canadian federal and provincialgovernments and among different federal departments.
     We will notice that there were several important political and institutionalcharacters showed in this policy making process. First of all, it showed a kind ofmode that can be described as "incrementalism", as most of the reform achievementshad been formed by series of smaller changes of policies. Second, during the policymaking process, Canadian federal and provincial governments cooperated andcompeted wth each other,"bargaining" with each other through certain strategies andtactics. On one side, policy demands from the provinces promoted the makingprocess of Canada Assistance Plan; on the other side, the federal Department of Healthand Welfare actively collected provincial opinions, integrated them, and fixed thedetails of future anti-poverty policy. Third, welfare officials who was them workingin governments played a very important role in the policy making process by workingout the specific policy details, which means that welfare professonals actually hadmore and more effect on public policy decisions during that era. Totally speaking, theanti-poverty policy reform in1950s and1960s had been reflecting the crucialcharactors of Canadian "liberal welfare state".
     The purpose of research in this dissertation is not only to inspect the policymaking process. The evolution of Canadian anti-poverty policies in1950s and1960s was complicated, formed under the operation of many actors or organizations,reflecting social, economic, political, institutional and ideological characters ofCanada. The purpose of our discussion about policy making process is to discoverthe fundamental factors that had been promoting or blocking the innovation ofCanadian anti-poverty policies during this period, and to explain the policy changesfrom political and institutional aspects.
    ③根据“经济与和平研究所”发布的2011年“全球和平指数”(Global Peace Index)排名,加拿大再次跻身于世界前10名“最和平的国家”。2011年11月9日获取自http://www.visionofhumanity.org/info-center/global-peace-index-2011/
    ④该调查衡量了公众对全球50个国家的看法。加拿大当选是由于其稳定的民主政体、高GDP和人均收入,以及对国际政治局势的中立态度。In "Canada is the Country with the Best Reputation in the World According toReputation Institute."2011年11月9日获取自http://www.reputationinstitute.com/events/27_Sept_11_PR_Country_RepTrak_Results.pdf/
    ①在1867年,经过英国的同意,原上加拿大(Upper Canada)、下加拿大(Lower Canada)、新布伦瑞克(NewBrunswick)和新斯科舍(Nova Scotia)四个地区组成了加拿大自治领。这一过程也被称为英属北美殖民地的“联合”(the Confederation)。
    ②加拿大的宪法是半成文宪法,由包括《不列颠北美法》在内的众多英国和加拿大法令以及不成文的宪法惯例组成。《不列颠北美法》是英国议会通过的一系列法律。其中,《1867年不列颠北美法》最为重要,是加拿大最基本的宪法文件。1982年加拿大宪法改革后,它被改称为《1867年宪法法(》Constitution Act,1867)。
    ③1989年11月24日,加拿大众议院一致通过了一份关于儿童贫困问题的全党派决议。该决议认为:“本院将努力,到2000年时,达到在加拿大儿童中消灭贫困的目标”。然而,在15年后,加拿大仍是所有西方发达国家中儿童贫困率最高的国家之一。1990年代晚期,这个比率曾一度高达14.9%。这一数字是令人惊讶的。In Patrizia Albanese, Child Poverty in Canada, Don Mills: Oxford University Press,2010.
    ①Rodney S. Haddow, Poverty Reform in Canada,1958-1978: State and Class Influences on Policy Making,Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press,1993, p.4.
    ③Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada: Report of the Special Senate Committee on Poverty,Ottawa: the Alger Press Limited,1973, p.3.
    ④John Harp and John R. Hofley, eds., Poverty in Canada. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.,1971.
    ①Dennis Raphael, Poverty and Policy in Canada: Implications for Health and Quality of Life, Toronto: CanadianScholars’ Press Inc.,2007, p.8.
    ②Haddow, Poverty Reform in Canada,1958-1978, p.4.
    ①In Ian Adams, William Cameron, Brian Hill and Peter Penz, The Real Poverty Report, Edmonton: M.G. HurtigLimited,1971.
    ②David P. Ross and E. Richard Shillington, The Canadian Fact Book on Poverty—1989, Ottawa: The CanadianCouncil on Social Development,1989.
    ③J. K. Galbraith, The Affluent Society, New York: The New American Library,1958, p.251.
    ④S. M. Miller and Pamela Roby, The Future of Inequality, New York: Basic Books,1970, p.11.
    ①Miller and Roby, The Future of Inequality, p.12.
    ②In Christopher A. Sarlo, Poverty in Canada, Vancouver: The Fraser Institute,1992.
    ②Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz, The Real Poverty Report, p.8.
    ④In Christopher A. Sarlo, Measuring Poverty in Canada, Vancouver: the Fraser Institute,2001.
    ②Canadian Council on Social Development. Not Enough: the Meaning and Measurement of Poverty in Canada.Ontario: Canadian Council on Social Development,1984, p.7.
    ③Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada, p.11.
    ①Neil Gilbert, Paul Terrell[美]:《社会福利政策导论》黄晨熹、周烨、刘红译,华东理工大学出版社2003年版,第58页。
    ②Allan Moscovitch, The Welfare State in Canada: A Selected Bibliography,1840to1978, Toronto: WilfridLaurier University Press,1983.
    ②John Porter, The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada, Toronto: University ofToronto Press,1965.
    ④这一著作在加拿大学术史上具有重要的地位。之后,研究者们进一步对该书观点进行了更为细致的分析,并追加了关于60年代以后加拿大社会和加拿大社会学新发展的内容。一些比较重要的相关文章收录在《重访垂直的马赛克》一书里,就当时加拿大社会中的新发展趋势,如种族问题和社会组织的关系、妇女视角等进行了讨论。In Rick Helmes-Hayes and James Curtis eds., The Vertical Mosaic Revisited, Toronto: Universityof Toronto Press,1998.
    ⑤Ian Adams, The Poverty Wall, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited,1970.
    ②Alford and Friedland, Power of Theory, p.161.
    ④In Atkinson and Coleman, The State, Business, and Industrial Change in Canada, p.60; p.63; p.65.
    ①In Haddow, Poverty Reform in Canada,1958-1978.
    ②Perry Rand Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s: the Canada Assistance Plan, Ph.D. Dissertation,Queen’s University,1973.
    ③Rand Dyck,“The Canada Assistence Plan: the Ultimate in Co-operative Federalism”, In Raymond B. Blake andJeff Keshen, eds., Social Welfare Policy in Canada: Historical Readings, Toronto: Copp Clark Ltd.1995, pp.326-340.
    ④Derek P. J. Hum, Federalism and the Poor: A Review of the Canada Assistance Plan, Ontario: OntarioEconomic Council,1983.
    ⑤Gareth Davies,“North American Anti-Poverty Wars: Canada and the United States in Comparative Perspective”,in Hans Bak, Frits Van Holthoon and Hans Krabbendam eds., Social and Secure? Politics and Culture of theWelfare State: A Comparative Inquiry, Amsterdam: Vu University Press,1996, pp.146-159.
    ①Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz. The Real Poverty Report.
    ②Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada: Report of the Special Senate Committee on Poverty,Ottawa: the Alger Press Limited,1973.
    ③Keith G. Banting, The Welfare State and Canadian Federalism, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press,1987.此书一问世就立刻成了加拿大政治学研究的经典之作,影响了整整一代学者。
    ②W. E. Mann, ed., Poverty and Social Policy in Canada, Vancouver: The Copp Clark Publishing Company,1970.
    ③M.W. Menzies, Poverty in Canada: Its Nature, Significance and Implications for Public Policy, Winnipeg:Manitoba Pool Elevators,1965.
    ④Gunter Schramm, Regional Poverty&Change, Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada,1976.
    ①Dominique Marshall, The Social Origins of the Welfare State: Quebec Families, Compulsory Education, andFamily Allowances,1940-1955, Translated by Nicola Doone Danby. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press,2006.
    ②Donald V. Smiley, Canada in Question: Federalism in the Seventies, Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson,1976.
    ①Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, pp.22-23.
    ②Neil Gilbert, Paul Terrell[美]:《社会福利政策导论》,第2页。
    ①Neil Gilbert, Paul Terrell[美]:《社会福利政策导论》,第97页。
    ①Dennis Guest, The Emergence of Social Security in Canada, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,1985, p.9.
    ①在第一次世界大战之前,加拿大社会福利领域的唯一的一个联邦法规是1908年的《政府年金法》(theGovernment Annuities Act)。它只是一个简单的自愿选择的计划,由受益人来负担所有的成本。
    ③Guest, The Emergence of Social Security in Canada, p.24.
    ①In Margaret K. Strong, Public Welfare Administration in Canada, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1930.其他著作中也有关于这一问题的讨论。 In R.B. Splane, Social Welfare in Ontario1791-1893, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1965; Michael Oliver ed. Social Purpose for Canada, Toronto: University of TorontoPress,1961.
    ①Elisabeth Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University,1950, p.111.
    ②Bryden, Old Age Pensions and Policy-Making in Canada, p.128.
    ③H.B. Neatby, The Lonely Heights, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1963, p.110; Kenneth McNaught, AProphet in Politics, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1959, pp.215-220.
    ①Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, p.151.
    ①Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, p.304.
    ②J.W. Pickersgill, The Mackenzie King Record, vol.1. Toronto: University of Toronto Press1960, p.466.
    ④这一说法的基础是,温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)也是一个保守派,并在英国引进了一个类似的措施。Interview with Diefenbaker, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.46.
    ⑤House of Commons Debates, July25,1944, p.532; J. W. Willard,"Some Aspects of Family Allowances andIncome Redistribution in Canada," Public Policy,1954.
    ②Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, p.245.
    ①除了《罗厄尔-西罗伊斯委员会报告》、《关于社会保障的马什报告》、《哈格蒂报告》(the Hagerty Report)和“绿皮书建议”之外,还有夏洛特·惠顿(Charlotte Whitton)和哈利·卡西迪(Harry Cassidy)所做的一些综合性分析。
    ②Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, p.210.
    ③Report of the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations, Book2,1940. Ottawa,1954, pp.24-26.
    ④L. C. Marsh, Report on Sicial Security for Canada, for the Advisory Committee on Reconstruction, Ottawa,1943, p.49.
    ⑤Charlotte Whitton, The Dawn of Ampler Life, Toronto: Macmillan,1943.
    ⑥Harry M. Cassidy, Social Sedurity and Reconstruction in Canada, Toronto: Ryerson Press,1943, p.156.
    ①Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, p.342.
    ②在这方面,唯一的值得注意的是多数省都已经开始向它们的公民提供的一种社会保险措施,即“工人补偿金”(workmen's compensation)。
    ③In Dennis Guest, The Emergence of Social Security in Canada, chapter5,6and7.
    ①卡西迪教授曾在其著作中对省福利项目进行了批评。In Harry M. Cassidy, Public Health and WelfareReorganization, Toronto: Ryerson Press,1945.
    ②R.G.E. Davis,"Measures to Supplement Unemployment Insurance", a paper given at the Round Table on SocialSecurity, Toronto, May29,1949, p.4.
    ①Canadian Welfare Council, Dominion-Provincial Relations and Social Security, Ottawa,1946, p.10.
    ③加拿大福利委员会下设一系列“处”(divisions),其中包括“公共福利处”。“公共福利处”成立于1920年,1970年被“加拿大社会发展委员会”(the Canadian Council on Social Development)取代。它的工作目标是:提供一个途径,使从事公共福利或者积极关心公共福利的人们或群体们可以在一起研究并讨论,如何使各级政府以尽可能高的标准为加拿大人提供公共福利和服务。In Canadian Welfare Council, PublicWelfare Division, Report,1953-1954, pp.18-19.
    ④Canadian Welfare Council, Public Assistance and the Unemployed, Ottawa,1953.
    ①Canadian Welfare Council, Presentation to the Government of Canada, Ottawa, March20,1953, p.4.
    ②Canadian Welfare Council, Presentation to the Government of Canada, p.4.
    ③Canadian Welfare Council, Presentation to the Government of Canada, p.4.
    ①House of Commons Debates, January27,1955, p.602.
    ②Interview with Dr. Davidson, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.55.
    ①Interview with Mr. Martin, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.57.
    ②House of Commons Debates, June27,1956, p.5448.
    ①Economic Council of Canada, Fifth Annual Review, Ottawa: Queen's Printer,1968, pp.104-105.
    ①Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz, The Real Poverty Report, p.16.
    ②In Porter, The Vertical Mosaic,1965.
    ③Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz, The Real Poverty Report, p.1.
    ①Edward C. Budd, Inequality and Poverty, New York: Norton,1967, p.21.
    ②Giles Radice, Democratic Socialism, New York: Praeger,1966, p.65.
    ①Sylvia Ostry, Unemployment in Canada,1961, Ottawa: DBS,1968, p.23.
    ②In Department of National Health and Welfare, Income Security for Canadians. Ottawa: The Department ofNational Health and Welfare,1970.
    ①Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada, pp.20-23.
    ②1971年,“加拿大统计局”指出:在所有的低收入家庭的家长中,有四分之一以上(约27%)的年龄在65岁及65岁以上。In Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada, pp.13-18.
    ①Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada, pp.35-36.
    ①In Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada, p.18.
    ①Federal Task Force on Agriculture, Canadian Agriculture in the Seventies, Ottawa: Queen's Printer,1970, p.422.
    ②Manitoba Pool Elevators, Poverty in Canada, Winnipeg,1965, p.31.
    ③Federal Task Force on Agriculture, Canadian Agriculture in the Seventies, p.424.
    ⑤N. H. Lithwick, Urban Poverty, research monograph no.1, Ottawa: Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation,1971, p.52.
    ①In Porter, The Vertical Mosaic, part two,"the Structure of Power".
    ②Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz. The Real Poverty Report, p.4.
    ④很明显,与社会支出相比,军费开支更符合大商业资本家们的利益。In Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz, TheReal Poverty Report, p.5.
    ②1964年1月8日,美国总统林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)在讲话中提出了“向贫困宣战”这一口号,标志着该国开始动用国家力量处理社会贫困问题。
    ③Harp and Hofley eds., Poverty in Canada, p.1.
    ①In "The Real Poor in Canada--And Why We Don't Know Who They Are," fifth Maclean's-Goldfarb report,Maclean's, Jan.1971.
    ①In D.B.S., Statistics on Low Income in Canada,1967, Ottawa: Information Canada,1971, tables1,12,13.
    ②Special Senate Committee on Poverty, Poverty in Canada, pp.13-18.
    ③In Adams, Cameron, Hill and Penz, The Real Poverty Report, p.21.
    ④Company of Young Canadians,"Brief presented to the Special Senate Committee on Poverty", First Session, No.4(May8,1969), p.130.
    ①Sarlo, Poverty in Canada, p.8.
    ①David Easton, A Systems Analysis of Political Life, New York:1965, pp.363-366.
    ①The Canadian Welfare Council, Social Security for Canada, Ottawa,1958, pp.10-11.
    ①Canada, Statistics Canada, Social Security Statistics,1976, pp.511-512.
    ①Dominion-Provincial Conference of1957, Ottawa, Novermber25-26,1957, p.52.
    ②Dominion-Provincial Conference of1960, Ottawa, July25-27,1960.
    ③J.S. White, Statement on Federal Sharing of Public Assistance Costs, pp.85-86.
    ②K.W. Taylor,"Coordination in Administration," Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference, Institute of PublicAdministration of Canada,1957, pp.253-273; A.R. Kear,"Cooperative Federalism: A Study of theFederal-Provincial Coordinating Committee on Fiscal and Economic Matters," Canadian Public Administration,vol.6,1963, pp.43-56.
    ①Letter to Hon. J.W. Monteith, July18,1961, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.73.
    ②Letter to the Nova Scotia Minister, August3,1961, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.73.
    ③Letter to the Nova Scotia Minister, December19,1961, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.74.
    ④Atlantic Provinces, Minutes of the Atlantic Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Welfare Meeting, October2,1962.
    ①Saskatchewan, Department of Welfare, Annual Report, Regina: Queen's Printer,1962, p.13.
    ①Quebec, Report of the Study Committee on Public Assistance, Quebec: Queen's Printer,1963, p.23.
    ②Quebec, Report of the Study Committee on Public Assistance, p.121.
    ③Quebec, Report of the Study Committee on Public Assistance, p.123.
    ①Auditor General's Report, Ottawa,1961, p.31.
    ②Auditor General's Report, Ottawa,1961, p.31.
    ①R.M. Clark, Economic Security for the Aged in the United States and Canada, Ottawa,1960, p.328.
    ②Royal Commission on Government Organization, Vol.5, The Organization of the Government of Canada,Ottawa,1963, p.89.
    ③Minutes of the Federal-Provincial Conference on the Canada Pension Plan, September9and10,1963.
    ④Minutes of the Federal-Provincial Conference on the Canada Pension Plan.
    ①Federal Provincial Conference1963, Ottawa, November26-29,1963,(Queen's Printer,1964), p.14.
    ②Federal Provincial Conference1963, p.96.
    ③Notes on the Federal-Provincial Plenary Conference, November,1963, p.29.
    ④Notes on the Federal-Provincial Plenary Conference, p.31.
    ②Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, Ottawa, February14and15,1964, p.23.
    ①Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.18.
    ②即《母亲津贴削减方案》(The Mothers' Allowances Deduction Formula)。
    ③Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.32.
    ⑤Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.32.
    ①Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.46.
    ②Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.55.
    ①Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.138.
    ②Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.162.
    ①Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.162.
    ②Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.200.
    ①Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.212.
    ②Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.271.
    ③Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.271.
    ③Meeting of the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Welfare Programs, p.21.
    ①Federal interviews, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.120.
    ①Notes on the Federal-Provincial Plenary Conference, Quebec, March31-April2,1964, Appendix C, p.65.
    ②Notes on the Federal-Provincial Plenary Conference, Quebec, March31-April2,1964, Appendix B, p.57.
    ④In Federal-Provincial Conference on Shared-Cost Welfare Programs, April13,1964.
    ⑤Introductory Statement by the Hon. Louis P. Cecile, Q.C., Minister of Public Welfare, at the Federal-ProvincialMeeting of Welfare Ministers on Public Assistance, May28-9,1964.
    ②Statement by the Hon. Emilien Lafrance, Minister of Family and Social Welfare, Federal-Provincial Conference,Ottawa, May28-9,1964, p.7.
    ②Quoted by Dr. Splane in his remarks at the meeting of the National Council of Welfare, April1965,4(2), p.7.
    ①Charles E. Lindblom, The Policy-Making Process, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,1968, pp.70-100.
    ②Interviews with the three officials involved, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.128.
    ①In Owen Carrigan, Canadian Party Platforms.
    ①In Special Planning Secretariat, Fighting Poverty in1966, Ottawa: Queen's Printer,1967.
    ①Special Planning Secretariat, Fighting Poverty in1966, pp.5-6.
    ②Special Planning Secretariat, Fighting Poverty in1966, p.2.
    ①House of Commons Debates, April5,1965, p.2.
    ②House of Commons Debates, April5,1965, pp.38-39.
    ④House of Commons Debates, April5,1965, p.40.
    ⑤House of Commons Debates, April5,1965, p.41.
    ⑦如“加拿大劳工协会”(the Canadian Labour Congress)。
    ①Notes on the First Meeting of the National Council of Welfare, p.13.
    ②Notes on the First Meeting of the National Council of Welfare, p.14.
    ①Position Statements of the Minister of National Health and Welfare on the Agenda Items of the Conference ofMinisters of Welfare, April8and9,1965.
    ①Richard B. Simeon, Federal-Provincial Diplomacy, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1972, pp.13-14.
    ①The Canada Assistance Plan, section2.
    ②The Canada Assistance Plan, section2.
    ①Interview with provincial officials, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.165.
    ②例如,安大略省总理曾在1965年7月的会议上提出要求,认为“所有的”儿童福利服务都应当被包括在“加拿大救助计划”之内,进行成本分担。In Federal-Provincial Conference, July19-22,1965, Ottawa, p.29.
    ②Letter from Mr. Harding to Miss LaMarsh, May11,1965.后者于5月18日回信说,已经特别注意这种财政需求的主意了。“我会与我的同事们讨论这个问题,我肯定他们会好好考虑它的。”
    ③Meeting of Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Welfare of the Atlantic Provinces, June21,1965.
    ①Meeting of Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Welfare of the Atlantic Provinces, September17,1965.
    ②Memorandum from F.R. MacKinnon to Dr. J.W. Willard, October19,1965.
    ①阿尔伯塔省的回信是在12月2日;安大略省在3日;萨斯喀彻温省在17日;新斯科舍省在30日。参见不列颠哥伦比亚省福利部档案(B.C. Welfare Department files)。 In Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.171.
    ①Department of National Health and Welfare, Reference Paper on the Canada Assistance Plan, Ottawa,November1965.
    ①Nova Scotia Submission to the Conference of Welfare Ministers. Ottawa, January7and8,1966, p.6.
    ①Communique on the Federal-Provincial Conference of Ministers of Welfare. Ottawa, January8,1966.
    ①克罗尔教授有任安大略省前内阁部长的经历,在上议院(upper chamber)中一直有进步的名声(aprogressive reputation)。
    ②Interviews with Dr. Davis and Senator Croll, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.182.
    ③一开始参议员克罗尔认为这个建议太过激进,但戴维斯坚持自己意见,克罗尔说服他改变用词,从“委员会推荐”改为“委员会在原则上赞同”(endorses in principle)“有保障的收入项目”。 In Interview with Dr.Davis and Final Report of the Special Committee of the Senate on Aging, Ottawa,1966, in Dyck, Poverty andPolicy-making in the1960’s, p.182.
    ①House of Commons Debates. June14,1966, p.6408.
    ②赢得众议院最多席位的党派成为执政党,赢得席位数第二多的党派则成为执政党的“议会反对党”(theofficial opposition,也称为“在野党”)。它是议会中采取针对执政党的立场的最大反对党,可以是一个党,也可以由几个党组成的政党联盟来充当。
    ③House of Commons Debates. June14,1966, p.6413
    ④House of Commons Debates. June14,1966, p.6416
    ⑤Interview with Dr. Davis, Globe and Mail, editorials for June21,22and23,1966.
    ①"CAP in peril, Welfare Council director says," Globe and Mail, June24,1966, p.4.
    ②House of Commons Debates. June28,1966, pp.6990-1.
    ①即“有保障的收入支持”(the Guaranteed Income Supplement)项目。 In House of Commons Debates, July5and8,1966, pp.7205,7417.
    ②也就是说,如果缺乏必要的监管手段,“加拿大救助计划”的某些条款可能会被滥用。 In Senate Debates,July11,1966, p.900.
    ①威拉德说,他们现在建议重新考虑“协议”的措词,希望它的文字所传达的信息是各省在提供福利项目时能够实际使用的。"Willard letter to provincial deputy ministers," January27,1967, Dyck, Poverty andPolicy-making in the1960’s, p.198.
    ②Minister of National Health and Welfare, The Canada Assistance Plan, p.5.
    ③Minister of National Health and Welfare, The Canada Assistance Plan, p.6.
    ①Minister of National Health and Welfare, The Canada Assistance Plan, p.7.
    ①Haddow, Poverty Reform in Canada,1958-1978, p.3.
    ①R.E.G. Davis,"Measures to Supplement Unemployment Insurance," Paper given at Round Table on SocialSecurity, Toronto, May29,1949, p.15.
    ②Wallace, The Changing Canadian State, p.363.
    ①Frank McGilly, An Introduction to Canada’s Public Social Services: Understanding Income and HealthPrograms, Toronto: Oxford University Press,1998, p.2.
    ②Jennifer Klein, For All These Rights: Business, Labor, and the Shaping of America's Public-Private WelfareState, Princeton,2003, p.257.
    ①David Easton, A Systems Analysis of Political Life, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,1965, p.40.
    ②David Easton, A Systems Analysis of Political Life, p.40.
    ①Simeon, Federal-Provincial Diplomacy, p.219.
    ②In Donald Smiley, The Canadian Political Nationality, Toronto: Methuen,1967, pp.47-55.
    ①In Simeon, Federal-Provincial Diplomacy, chapter10.
    ①Interview with Jack White, Director, Public Assistance Division, Canadian Council for Social Development, inDyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.99.
    ③Aaron Wildavsky, The Politics of the Budgetary Process, Boston: Little Brown,1964, p.87.
    ①In Federal interviews, in Dyck, Poverty and Policy-making in the1960’s, p.214.
    ①Donald Smiley,"Public Administration and Canadian Federalism," Canadian Public Administration, vol.7,(1964), p.378.
    ②Smiley,"Public Administration and Canadian Federalism," Canadian Public Administration. vol.7,(1964), p.378.
    ①In Banting, Poverty, Politics and Policy.
    ③A. V. Dicey, Law and Public Opinion in England, London: Macmillan,1914, p.33.
    ②In Taylor Cole, The Canadian Bureaucracy, Durham: Duke University Press,1949; Porter, The Vertical Mosaic;Maurice Lamontagne,"The Influence of the Politician," Canadian Public Administration, vol.6,(fall,1968), pp.263-271.
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    [2] Statutes of New Brunswick,9Eliz.2, chapter9(1960).
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    [5] House of Senate Debates,1966-1967.
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