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Objective To study the effect of Haizaoyuhutang with abundant iodine on apoptosis of follicular epithelial cells in goiter Wistar rats due to iodine deficiency.
     Method Iodine deficiency rat model was m cade with sodium perchlorate and low iodine diet. and then divided the rats randomly into 4 groups:model control group, iodine excess group,HaizaoyuhutangⅠgroup,and HaizaoyuhutangⅡgroup.These rats were treated with low iodine diet, and model control group with Double Distilled Water(DDW). iodine excess group with liquid full of high iodine(2000ug/L). HaizaoyuhutangⅠgroup with Haizaoyuhutang (iodine contents is 1989.25ug/L ). HaizaoyuhutangⅡgroup with Haizaoyuhutang (iodine contents is 46.89ug/L ).But the normal group was made with common diet and DDW of the equal-volume. Deoxyribotide termina enzyme mediate with emarginationend in natural position end labeling to definite the number of apoptosis;observe the expression of Fas、FasL and bcL-2 with immunity.Observe the number of the apoptosis of thyroid cells and the expression of Fas/FasL BcL-2.
     Results Giving the processing factor 28 days later, compared with the Nomal Group the number of apoptosis of Model group,Iodine excess group,HaizaoyuhutangⅠgroup and HaizaoyuhutangⅡgroup was obviously heighten.( p <0.01. p <0.05. p <0.01and p <0.05) The expression of Fas、FasL was obviously heighten .both P<0.05. The expression of Bcl-2 was obviously low both p <0.05。Compared with the modelcontral group . the number of apoptosis of Model group Iodine excess group HaizaoyuhutangⅠgroup and HaizaoyuhutangⅡgroup was obviously low. p <0.05。The number of apoptosis of HaizaoyuhutangⅠgroup was obviously lower than HaizaoyuhutangⅡgroup p<0.01。The expression of Fas/FasL got down obviously . both p <0.05. the expression of BcL-2 was significantly heighten. p <0.05.
     Conclusion Apoptosis take part in the formation of the goiter due to iodine deficiency. Prescription with abundant iodine cut down the number of apoptosis of goiter due to iodine seficiency effectually.Prescription without abundant iodine was inferior to Prescription with abundant iodine. Fas/FasL、BcL-2 may take place in the process of the apoptosisof the goitor due to Iodine deficiency.
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