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The discharge of food waste (FW) is increasing due to the populationgrowth of the world. Large amount of FW, on the one hand, has caused severeenvironmental pollution in many countries. On the other hand, lots ofbio-energy in FW was wasted. The traditional disposal methods (e.g., aniamalfeed, incineration and landfill) could not meet the current demand ofenvironmental protection. As a green process, anaerobic digestion (AD) couldnot only dispose large amount of FW effectively, but also transform thebio-energy in organic waste into biogas. Biogas production from AD of FWwas investigated in this present paper. Pilot-scale anaerobic digestion wascarried out based on the operation condition of lab-scale anaerobic digestion.Anaerobic digestion in a dual solid-liquid (ADSL) system was applied toovercome the inhibition from higher concentration of salts and lipids.Moreover, to balance the nutrient elements of FW and enhance AD efficiency,cattle manure (CM) was applied as a co-substrate for AD of food waste. Themain contents are as follows:
     1. To overcome the lower treatment capacity of digester in batch test, research was mainly focused on the semi-continuous AD. The optimumoperation codition and the model for predicting methane production insemi-continuous AD were investigated. Results of batch test indicated that theoptimum TS for AD was5.6%, corresponding to the biogas production of888mL/g-VS. The optimum operation condition for semi-continuous AD was:8g-VS/L organic load and2d retention time. At this condition, the methaneyield and the corresponding COD of effluent were436mL/g-VS and93.3%,respectively. In a cycle of semi-continuous digestion, biogas productionincluded two models: zero-order model with volatile fatty acids (VFA)accumulation, and one-order model with no VFA accumulation. Moreover,biogas production from AD of each component in FW was also investigated.The biogas production of starch, protein and fat was modeled. Results fromAD of starch indicated that the hydrolysis (rate-limiting) step occurred in theinitial one day. Biogas was mainly produced in day2, and the total biogasproduction was448mL/g-VS. Biogas production of starch matched theslogistic model. By contrast, biogas production of both protein and fatmatched zero-order model. Higher biogas production rate was observed in ADof protein while lower rate was obtained in fat. The whole digestion time forprotein and fat were1day and14days, respectively. Results also showed thatinhibition on biogas production could be caused by fat in co-digestion ofstarch, protein and fat. The actual biogas production was higher than thepredicted data in co-digestion of starch and protein.
     2. To avoid the inhibition from both of waste oil and high concentrations ofcationic elements, AD of food waste in a dual solid-liquid (ADSL) systemwas examined in this section. Results from batch test indicated that both ofthe methane production rate and the methane yield in the ADSL system werehigher than that in raw FW (RFW) system. The methane yield of food solidwaste (FSW), food liquid waste (FLW) and RFW were643,659and581mL/g-VS, respectively. In the semi-continuous AD, the optimum organicloading rates (OLR) for FSW, FLW and RFW were9,4and7g-VS/L/d,respectively. The total methane production of RFW and ADSL systems, basedon1kg-VSRFW, were405and460L, respectively, indicating that themethane production increased by13.6%in the ADSL system. The optimumC/N ratio, redistribution of metal element and lower content of waste oil inFSW explain the higher methane production.
     3. To further enchance the performance of AD, anaerobic co-digestion ofFW and cattle manure (CM) was investigated. Results of both batch andsemi-continuous tests indicated that the total methane production is enhancedin co-digestion, with an optimum FW/CM ratio of2. At this condition, thetotal methane production in batch test was enhanced by41.1%, and thecorresponding methane yield was388mL/g-VS. Moreover, high suffercapacity was observed in co-digestion system, allowing higher organicloading rate (OLR), e.g.,48g-VS/L, without pH control. In thesemi-continuous digestion, the total methane production in co-digestion, at the OLR of10g-VSFW/L/d, increased by55.2%, corresponding to themethane yield of317mL/g-VS. The C/N ratio and the higher biodegradationof lipids might be the main reasons for the biogas production improvement.
     4. To assure AD of FW could be carried out in pilot-scale and even inindustrial-scale, pilot-scale AD was investigated in this section. Experimentswere conducted in20L,30L and300L digesters, respectively. The biogasproduction and methane yield of20L digester were744mL/g-VS and467mL/g-VS, respectively. The corresponding COD of effluent was in the rangeof5g/L-6g/L, and the total nitrogen and sulfide in the effluent were below400mg/L and10mg/L, respectively. Results from30L digester indicated thatthe optimum rotational speed of proper was100r/min. At this condition, themean velocity was0.082m/s. Not only effective mass transfer could beobtained in anaerobic digester but also granular anaerobic sludge could beformed. Analysis showed that the optimum OLR for300L pilot-scale digesterwas6g-VS/L/d. The corresponding biogas production and the COD of theeffluent were680mL/g-VS and4g/L, respectively.
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