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油松(Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr.)是我国特有的重要造林、用材树种,分布全国14个省(区)。种子园是优树无性系或家系按设计要求营建,实行集约经营,以生产遗传品质和播种品质种子为目的的特种人工林。我国自上世纪70年代初期,就系统开始油松遗传改良研究,目前陕西省已营建油松无性系种子园138.61hm2,但种子园产量低,结实不稳定,已成为当前亟待解决的重要课题,国内外诸多学者从不同角度研究了提高种子园产量的具体技术和措施,影响种子园产量的因素较多,有遗传方面的,也有环境条件的影响。无性系开花结实习性的研究是种子园经营管理的基础工作,也是种子园技术的重点,提高种子园产量和品质是目前种子园工作的中心任务。对无性系的再选择、疏伐、施肥、辅助授粉、土壤管理、种实害虫的防治及激素处理等是促进开花、提高种子产量的关键技术。同时,及时掌握种子园的开花结实习性、种子园无性系开花物候、果实发育过程是种子园建立、经营管理和子代测定不可缺少的环节,对提高种子园产量和质量有着十分重要的意义。
     本项研究以陕西省洛南古城油松无性系种子园为试验基地,选取Ⅳ、Ⅴ两个大区进行调查研究,研究内容包括:球花和球果的发育过程及开花物候规律,种子园无性系生长量、雌雄球花量及2年生球果量调查,雌雄球花量及2年生球果量的差异分析,生长性状与球花球果产量间的相关关系,球花和球果的产量及空间分布规律,三种激素6-苄基氨基嘌呤(6-BA)、矮壮素(CCC)、赤霉素(GA4+7)在不同时间(6、7、8月)和用不同浓度进行喷洒处理,以促进无性系油松种子园开花结实等研究,初步得到以下几点结论: (1)油松种子园无性系之间树高、冠幅、雌球花量、雄球花量及2年生球果量存在极显著差异,球花和球果组成极不均衡,同一无性系内不同分株间存在一定差异,但是差异比无性系间小的多,单株南北枝条间雌球花量和2年生球果量差异极显著,而雄球花量差异不显著。
     (5)三种激素对雌球花量促进作用为GA4+7效果最好,其次为6-BA和CCC,对雄球花促进作用效果为GA4+7最好,其次为CCC和6-BA,并且GA4+7对雌雄球花的促进作用和其他两种激素有着显著差异。三种不同激素浓度处理促进雌雄球花量差异显著。促进雌球花量方面,效果最好浓度为500mg/L,其次为250 mg/L和1000mg/L,500mg/L和其他两种浓度差异极显著。对促进雄球花量方面,处理浓度为1000mg/L效果最好,其次为500mg/L,250mg/L最差,三个浓度之间没有显著差异。
Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr is the major tree species for afforestation and timber native in China. The seed orchard was a special artificial forest built according to superior clones and families. It is aim at productive superior genetic quality and sowing quality seeds. Our country began to systematic research genetic improvement of Pinus tabulaeformis in the early 1970s. At present, shannxi province have built 138.61hm2 clone seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis, but the low production yield and non-stablized fruiting have presently become the important problem that needs urgent solutions. A good many scholars of China and abroad have studied on improvement on seed quantity and quality of clone seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis. Many factors influencing the yield and quanlity of seed orchard, the main factors are genetic and environment. Study on flowering and fruiting of clone is the basic practice of management and administration of seed orchard. At the same time, it is also the key technique of seed orchard. Improvement of seed quantity is a central task of technique of seed orchard. Clone selection, thinning, fertilization, artificial pollination, soil management, control seed and cone insects are the key techniques of improvement on seed quantity and quality. Mastery and comprehend flowering and fruiting characteristics, flowering phenology of clones, fruit debelopment are much more important link in establishment and management of seed orchard and progeny test.
     The flowering and fruiting characteristics and hormone treatment promoting flowering of clone seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis two zones in Luonan Gucheng farm clone seed orchard of Shannxi province, were studied. The researches includes flowering and cone development process and flowering phenology regularity, analysis of female,male flower and 2-year-old cone strobilus differences, the growth, strobilus yield investigation, female, male flowers and 2-year-old cone strobilus space distuibution, relative analysis of clones in female and male strobili yield, 2-year-old cone, breast diameter, height and crown size, the hormone 6-BA, CCC, GA4+7different pretreatment group of concentration and treating time on Promoting flowering of Clone Seed Orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis, The main results were as follows:
     (1) The difference between strobilus production of the clone female and male flowers, 2-year-old cone, height and crown size is remarkable; the difference within strobilus production of the clone the male flowers is extremely remarkable, but the difference within strobilus production of the clone the female flowers and 2-year-old cone is inconspicuous. The difference between strobilus production of female flowers in the north and south branch on one clone and on the 2-year-old cone was significant, but the difference of strobilus production of male flowers in north and south branch on the one clone is not remarkable.
     (2) There was significant positive correlation among male strobilus production,2-year-old cone strobilus production and height. The male strobilus production was significant positive correlation with crown size. The height was extremely significant positive correlation with breast diameter and crown size. There was significant positive correlation between breast diameter and crown size. According to character of the female strobilus production, 2-year-old strobilus production,the tree high, the tree diameter at chest height, the crown size ,etc. Six clones of No.285, No.273, No. 291, No.10, No.266, No.289 were choose by characteristics of breeding value basedon ranking(CICR).
     (3) The male strobilus production was distribution 11-15 wheels in the crown,they have occupied 63.86%.The female strobilus and 2-year-old strobilus production was distribution 6-10 wheels in the crown. The quantitative distribution of female and male strobilus in the longitudinal section o were main borne outside of the crown, there were less distribution inside of the crown. The main distribution of male strobilus in the all directions(east, south, west and north)have not difference, but the sequence was south, west, east and north. There are difference of the distribution of female strobilus and 2-year-old cone strobilus in all directions.
     (4) Three kinds of hormone are great promoting effects on female strobilius production and male strobilus production in clone seed orchard. The significant difference among of clone seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis in different hormone promoting female strobilius production and male strobilus production. Duration of treatments such as 6,7,8 months had significant difference in promoting female strobilus production, the most effect was June and then July , August, and there are significant difference between June and August. But three times have not significant difference promoting male flowers strobilus production.
     (5) GA4+7 was the most effect on promoting female strobilus production in three kinds of hormone, and then 6-BA, CCC. There are significant difference between GA4+7 and other two kinds of hormone. Three treatment and different hormone concentration have significant difference in promoting female and male strobilus production. On the promoting female strobilus production, the most effect concentration was 500mg/L, and then 250mg/L, 1000 mg/L, and the 500mg/L have significant difference between other two concentration. On the promoting male strobilus production, the most effect concentration was 1000mg/L, and then 500mg/L, 250 mg/L, and three concentrations have not significant difference.
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