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     2.设A是k个正整数构成的集合。称{∑_(b∈B)b:B(?)A,B≠φ}为A的子集和集合,记为S(A).M.B.Nathanson在Trans.Am.Math.Soc.(1995,347(4):1409-1418)中研究了子集和的逆问题,并提出一个未解决问题。本文研究这一问题,提出如下猜想:若|A|=k≥ 6,gcd(A)=1,A中最大数为M,则同时给出这个猜想的部分证明。所得定理改进了Nathanson的结果。
     A(?)B={a+b:a∈A,b∈B,a≠b},L(G)=|{g:g∈G,2g=0}|。对满足|A|+|B|=|G|+L(G)的G的非空子集A和B,我们证明了|A(?)B|≥|G|-2,并完全描述使A(?)B≠G的那些子集A,B的结构。所得结果推广了L.Gallardo等人在Z/nZ中关于A(?)A的相应结论(J.London Math.Soc.2002,65(2):513-523)。
In this dissertation, we investigate rational cuboids and some problems in additive number theory. The main results are summarized as follows.
    1. A rational cuboid is a rectangular parallelepiped whose edges and face diagonals all have rational lengths. The problem of finding rational cuboids has attracted much historical interest. Are there rational cuboids with a given face? We pose this problem and develop a general theory to deal with this problem. In a sense, we reduce this problem to a finite calculation.
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