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Driven by the progress of science and technology, and with the process ofeconomic globalization and cultural diversification, contemporary memorialarchitectures prensent in various forms and styles. These results are not onlygenerated by the developments, changes and richnesses of the collective humanspirits, but also the needs for nations to participate in international competition ofmulticultures. As a special and important building type, memorial architecture is theproduct taking collective human spirits as it’s basis and driving forces, and has beenplayed a crucial role in cultivating the collective spirits and shaping the collectiveidentical senses of the people. The collective spirits of certain collectivitiy are theaccumulated results of forms and contents of the common existences, practices andsocial communications among their subjects in the process of their co-existing totheir consciousness. Collective spirits relate to the collective unconscious,perceptual experience, conceptual cognition and rational idea each level ofsubjective consciousness. Among different human collectivities, there will exsitsimilar or even the same ingredients of human collective spirits because of thesimilar and same forms and contents of the common existences, practices and socialcommunications among their sujects. In order to understand the similarities anddifferences of contemporary architetures with various forms and styles, and toresearch the memorial architectural creation methods, we must have acomprehensive and in-depth understanding and mastering of the conciousnessactivitities on each level of subjective conscious related to collective spirits.
     This dissertation is based on the foundmental idea that the collective spirits areformed by the forms and contents of the subjects’ common existences,practices andsocial communications accumulating to all levels of their consciousness. Firstly, thedissertation elaborates evidences for the dividing of subject consciousness levels,analyzes the relationships among the levels, and constructs the basic framework ofsubject consciousness levels. Then, the dissertation introduces the theories on eachconsciousness level that have profound studies on the laws of the consciousnessactivities on the related level, summarizes the natural laws of consciousnessactivities on each level, and constructs the general framework for the memorialcreation method constructing. The construction of the framework is in connectionwith the main aspects of memorial that the consciousness actives on each level ofthe subjects grasps, experiences, and understands. Lastly, the dissertationconstructs four types of memorial creation methods based on further explorationand construction of the laws and main aspects of consciousness actives on each level. The method constructions are closely related with a large number ofmemorial practices. The four levels of subject consciousness are instinctive,perceptual, cognitive, ideaistic levels. The four types of memorial creation methodsare the architype expression methods, atmosphere experience methods,meaningcognition methods and concept guidance methods. These methods on eachconsciousness level themselves can not only constitute an comparative integratedwhole, but also can relate to the methods of other levels to constitute theprogressive method system of memorial creation. Specifically, the contents of themethod constructions are as follows.
     On instinctive level, the expressions of architypes in memorial architectureforms provide basic foothold points for collective spirits of subject existing in theworld. Based on systematically combing the Archetypal theories in variousdisciplines, the dissertation systematically constructs a hierarchical model of thearchitypes, the basic and innovational expression methods of various architypes inmemorial architecture creations. These methods constitutes the architype expressionmethods of memorial form creation.
     On perceptual level, by using of various perceptual laws and clues, theatmospheres of memorial architetures can inspire the imagination, association andmeditation of the subjects, and deepen the degree of their experiences and senses ofexistence. The consciousness activities on perceptual level are the expansions ofthe sujective spiritual activities based on the footholds provided by architypicalexpressions on instinctive level. Based on systematically analysis of perceptuallaws of the subject, the dissertation sumarizes and constructs the specificapplication methods of perceptual laws in memorial architecture creations on threeaspects: the using of perceptual clues, the shaping of silence atmospheres and theconstructing of perceptional blanks.These methods constitutes the atmosphereexperience method of memorial space creations.
     On cognitive level, by using various kinds of symbols and narrative methods,memorial architectures clearly express the particular meanings and realize theassociations with the memorial objects, and the subjects also understand thememorial meanings through the reflecting and reading the symbols and narrativecontents. The conscioness activities on cognitive level are rational distillations ofthe perceptual experiences of subjects. Based on analyzing the symbolic nature ofthe metaphor and symbol, the dissertation constructs the applicative methods ofsymbols on the decoration, space and entity levels of memorials. Narrative is builtup on the basis of the applications of symbols. So, on the basis of theabove-mentioned research, the dissertation furtherly analyzes the constitution ofnarrative scenes, constructs the structural modes of logic and path linkings betweenthe narrative parts and scenes, and presents the meaning blank construction methods of narratives and symbols. These are the imprtant contents of memorial creation,and they constitute the complete meaning cognition methods of memorial creationaiming to the meaning expressions of memorials.
     On ideaistic level, the memorial architecture creations of architects andacceptances of subjects are always under the guidance of specific collective ideas.The ideaistic level is the highest level of the human reason. Human existing waysand social practices are changing with the developments of history, and come tovarious contents. So, the collective ideas of subjects are constantly developing anddiversiform that sublimate from the basis of human instinctive, perceptual andcognitive activities.The dissertation seizes the dominant ideas in contemporaryhuman existent and practical activities that reflect relationships between subjectsand basic things such as nature, time and space (technology), humanself, art (humanspirit) and contextual environment around them, and also reflect human ideas aboutthese basic things themselves. Then it constructs the specific memorial architecturecreation methods under the influence of these dominant ideas individually. Thesemethods constitute the concept guidance method of memorial general creations.
     The research will fundamentally help architects to grasp the nature ofmemorial architecture creation methods and understand the natural relationshipsbetween memorial architecture creations and human collective spirits. So, they cancreat rich and tuching memorials. For averge recipients, the research still has a verygreat significance for them to throughly understand the meanings of memorialarchitectures and deepen their experience and cognition degree of them.
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