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The cultural industry is a sunrise industry in the 21st century. It is a special industry which has culture and economy factors. The development of cultural industry was the symbol of social progress. China's cultural industry developed later than other developed countries. After 2000, Chinese government paid attention to Cultural industries gradually. Heilongjiang Province which is located in northeast China is affected by the economic level, geographic location and historical, so as to restricting the development of cultural industry. The U.S. attracted other culture entered into the United States, because it has easy and flexible management mechanism and economic and political advantage. Nowadays, the U.S. has become the world's most developed country in the cultural industry. The history of development of cultural industry is a history of cultural industry cluster growing process. Studying the history of cultural industry cluster and proposing the characteristics and experience of cultural industry are important to the development of Heilongjiang’s cultural industry.
     The dissertation contains 5 chapteres. The first chapter is the summary of the theory of cultural industry cluster. Although the research of culture has continued for years, the theory of cultural industry develops only after 1980s. There is no systemic theory of cultural industry cluster. This dissertation tries to summarize the theory of cultural industry cluster from two directions of cultural industry and industry cluster. It is firstly studied the concept of industry cluster. Then it compared the difference between industrial agglomeration and industry cluster. The beginning of industry cluster comes from Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. There are several theory in Industry cluster theory, such as Marshall's industrial district theory, Weber's industrial location theory, Perrour’s growth pole theory, Becattini’s new industrial district theory, Porter's new competition theory and Krugman’s new economic geography theory. The word cultural industry emerges in 1940s. There is no definite meaning about cultural industry. It is important to study the definition and classification of cultural industry. Finally, this dissertation summarizes the study of cultural industry, such as cultural industry clusters, cultural industry location, cultural industry park, cultural cities, the policy of cultural industries, and so on.
     The second chapter is the basic theory of cultural industry clusters. This chapter compare the different concept of cultural industry so as to defining the concept and classification. After studying the difference between cultural industry, creative industries and copyright industries, it discusses the characters of cultural industry. Then it discusses the format system from external economic effects, innovative effects and reduction of transaction costs effects. The cultural industry clusters is unequilibrium in real life. It means that cultural industry clusters is restricted by some factors, such as demand, human resources, systems, technology, capital, regional culture, and so on.
     The third chapter is the evolution of cultural industry clusters in America. American has the most developed cultural industry in the world and its cultural products are widely popular around the world. The cultural industry is more and more important in U.S. This chapter summarizes the history of cultural industry clusters in America, and discusses the experience and failure in cultural industry agglomeration, so as to studying the lesson which is helpful to China’s cultural industry. Cultural industry contains a lot of industries, such as newspaper, book publishing, radio and TV, film industry, performing arts, advertising, and so on. The study chooses three industries, which are newspaper, film industry, radio and TV. These three representative industries have a longer history. There are new tendency in American cultural industry, for example, the frequent mergers and acquisitions increase the industrial agglomeration, and the enterprise become diversity.
     The fourth chapter studies the level of culture industry agglomeration in US. It estimates the culture industry agglomeration by concentration ration of industry, hoover index and concentration index of industrial space. According to the number of employees and receipts in 1997 and 2002, this chapter estimates culture industry and seven sub-industries which include film music industry, radio and television industry, performing arts, publishing, advertising, entertainment, etc. The film music industry and radio and television industry have higher agglomeration. Advertising and entertainment have lower agglomeration. There are two cultural centers in US. The west cultural center is Los Angeles, and the east center is New York.
     The fifth chapter summarizes the characters of cultural industry and the experience and failure in the developing progress. There are four characters in American cultural industry, such as diversity, openness, expansion and market leading. The development of cultural industry in US depend on law and regulation system, flexible government policies, adequate sources of funding, abundant human resource and technological progress. Heilongjiang province which locates in the east north of China, is affected by the economic level, geographic location and history. It has rich cultural recourse, such as natural cultural resources, historical cultural resources, folk custom, foreign cultural resources. The dissertation analysis the competitiveness of cultural industry, and propose the countermeasures to expand the industrial scale, build cultural brands, increase government support and speed up the personnel training.
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