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     论文以吴起采油厂柳沟油田作为研究区块,利用GIS、3D GIS技术思想,借助全球领先的Skyline技术平台,在收集地形数据、油井数据、钻井资料、地质资料、地层数据以及其他一些辅助说明资料的基础上,完成了地形、油井、地层等建模,通过程序编写将模型及相关信息集成在Skyline软件平台里,最终完成柳沟油田三维可视化油藏管理的研究目标,使得柳沟油田油藏管理立体化、形象化、三维可视化。主要成果有:
At the present time,the world is facing the problem of resources shortage,which is the oil in especial.As the oil development are tending more and more difficult.High input and high consumption of oil companies make it difficult to control development costs.So that,it has forced the oil companies have enough skills and enhance its management to carry forward into the "edge, old, poor, dark, difficult" reservoir. Two-dimensional model of reservoir management, which can not offer intuitive, visualization display and description of the topography, wells, stratigraphic relationship and the spatial distribution,can not conducive to provide convenient, scientific basis for encrypting well,looking for the remaining oil,and so on.
     The paper, which chooses Wuqi oil production Liugou oilfield as a research district,uses the ideas ofGIS、3D GIS technology,the worldwide leading technology platform—Skyline,includes many contents,such as collection of terrain,well, drilling,geological data and stratigraphic data. On the basis of these data,the paper has finished the terrain,oil wells and stratigraphic modeling.Models are integrated in the Skyline by programming.Full use of the Skyline's Top-quality technology,the paper has completed three-dimensional visualization of the liugou oilfield reservoir management,it can make reservoir management three-dimensional,visual and specific. Main achievements are as follows:
     (1) Constructed the terrain, well trajectory and formation models
     With the idea of construction of DEM, merged remote sensing images,the paper completed the three-dimensional terrain model of Liugou oilfield;Combination of the well deviation data,depth data,log interpretation data and other information,the paper completed a three-dimensional trajectory simulation of the well results;Under formation ancient sea level,drill drilled strata information,through the quadrilateral grid modeling method,the paper completed formation model.
     (2) Integratd the multi-source information of reservoir management
     Skyline's 3D visualization technology platform, with its characteristic advantages, completes reservoir management,which involves in multi-source, heterogeneous data integration and visualization present their realized,integrates the discrete data.It can offer a better serve to reservoir management.
     (3) Completed three-dimensional visual display of above and below ground results
     Through wellhead coordinates and underground wells simulation,the paper links distribution of oil well surface and underground distribution together. In the three-dimensional visualization platform,the paper integrated of the two display,it is easy for reservoir management technical staff to know overall understanding of the establishment,and improve management efficiency.
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