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This paper focuses on the issues of economic growth and inflation and the relationship between the both. Based on the statistical data of Chinese economy during 1952 and 2007, the paper concentrates on doing the empirical analysis on the relationship between the Chinese economic growth and inflation. The paper aims for finding the rules of dependency between the Chinese economic growth and inflation and giving some policy suggestions for maintaining the Chinese economy to be development sustainable and coordination.
     Firstly, the paper sets up a rational function model for the long run relationship between economic growth rate and the inflation rate by adding the cross product term of the both into the traditional model of "output-price" Phillips curve. The empirical analysis shows that the product term has substantial impact on the model's stability. When setting up a coordinate system by using the growth rate as horizontal axis, the inflation rate as vertical axis, and the cross point of the both asymptotic lines of the regression model in rational function as the origin, the four quadrants will represent the four states of the macro economy. The scattered curve of the economic growth and inflation will move and fluctuate in anticlockwise on the four quadrants of the coordinate.
     Secondly, the paper studies the issues of the correlation, causality and the change of structure between the Chinese economic growth and inflation. The empirical analysis shows that there is a two-way Granger causality and a positive correlation between the growth rate and inflation in long-run and short-run during the period from 1979 to 2007. The unbalanced state between the economic growth and inflation in long run may be adjusted in short run by each other. In long run that the lag period of one year or two years of the growth rate and inflation rate have substantial impact on current period. Comparing to the period from 1979 to 2007, the empirical analysis results are totally inversed during the period from 1953 to 1978. The structure between economic growth and inflation has changed a lot since 1979.
     Thirdly, the paper calculates the periodic fluctuations of the Chinese economic growth and inflation and analyzes how the periodic fluctuations impact on the welfare of the aggregate economy. The empirical analysis shows that since 1979 the open and reform policy has led a great change to the Chinese aggregate economy when comparing to the period from 1953 to 1978. Since 1979, the Chinese economic growth rate has increased, the aggregate economy has developed more sustainable, the loss of the welfare from the periodic fluctuations has decreased, and the synchronicity of the periodic fluctuations of the economic growth and inflation has increased. However, since 1979 because the price indexes increase much higher than before, the inflation tax has increased a lot.
     Finally, the empirical analysis shows when the real growth rate of the Chineseaggregate economy is within the range of 7% and 10.6% the inflation rate will maintain inlow level and be less than 3%.
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