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     有机磷农药诱导的慢性神经毒性(organophosphate induced chronicneurotoxicity,OPICN)具有迟发性,并持续很长时间,机制不明。为探讨这种慢性神经毒性的作用机制,本文研究了CPF撤除对原代培养海马神经元的毒性作用及相关机制。结果显示,10μM CPF连续染毒达96 h未产生明显细胞毒性,但在染毒48 h后将CPF撤除,却可导致明显的细胞毒性,表现为撤除CPF后24或48 h(自染毒计时为72 h或96 h),神经元MTT代谢降低,神经元缺失增加,TUNEL阳性细胞增加。10μM CPF染毒对神经元胆碱酯酶(AChE)活性产生抑制作用,在CPF撤除后,AChE活性轻度升高,提示由CPF撤除引起的细胞毒性不是AChE抑制的直接结果。CPF染毒可使ERK1/2经磷酸化激活,在CPF存在的情况下,这种激活作用可持续数小时,以后逐渐恢复正常,染毒48 h后CPF撤除使ERK1/2磷酸化受到抑制。氨甲酰胆碱与神经生长因子(NGF)可激活ERK1/2,对CPF撤除后的细胞具有保护作用;阿托品与PD98059抑制ERK1/2磷酸化,加重了CPF撤除后的细胞毒性,显示抑制ERK1/2磷酸化在CPF撤除导致的细胞毒性中起重要作用。氨甲酰胆碱是一种胆碱能激动剂,阿托品是胆碱能拮抗剂,两者对CPF撤除后细胞毒性以及AChE的变化都提示CPF撤除引起了乙酰胆碱神经系统功能不足。结论:10μM CPF连续染毒96h无细胞毒性,但染毒48 h后撤除导致明显的细胞毒性,这种细胞毒性不是AChE抑制所致,而与ERK1/2磷酸化抑制及乙酰胆碱神经系统功能不足有关。提示CPF撤除可能引起戒断反应,有机磷农药的慢性神经毒性可能与戒断作用有关。
     在研究1中发现,无细胞毒性浓度的CPF染毒一段时间后撤除可以导致细胞毒性,提示有机磷农药可能会产生戒断毒性。由于耐受作用往往是戒断作用的前提,为进一步探讨有机磷农药的毒性作用机制,有必要对有机磷农药的耐受作用进行深入研究。我们采用无细胞毒性浓度(10μM)CPF对培养海马神经元预处理染毒48 h,再经较高浓度的CPF(30,60,100 gM)染毒48 h,通过测定细胞存活率、LDH漏出率以及Tunel阳性细胞率,比较是否CPF预处理一段时间可以降低较高浓度CPF对细胞的毒性作用。结果:经10μM CPF预处理组比未经预处理组细胞存活率上升、LDH漏出率下降、Tunel阳性细胞率下降,表明经预处理的细胞对较高浓度的CPF产生了耐受作用。本研究进一步提示CPF撤除引起的细胞毒性作用是一种戒断反应,提示有机磷农药导致的慢性神经毒性可能与戒断反应有关。
     农业生产中大量使用有机磷农药与氨基甲酸酯农药,使得人类暴露于这两类农药的机会增加,尤其是可在不同时间暴露于这两类农药,从而产生联合作用。为探讨这两类农药的联合作用与机制,我们研究氨基甲酸酯农药CBF预处理对有机磷农药CPF神经细胞毒性的影响。方法:采用MTT法测定CBF处理后原代培养皮层神经细胞存活率,找出无细胞毒性浓度;采用无毒浓度的CBF对培养细胞进行不同时间的预处理,再加入CPF染毒48 h(同时存在CBF)测定细胞毒性变化;采用Western blot方法研究CBF不同时间预处理对CPF激活ERK1/2作用的影响。结果:10μM CBF染毒72 h显示无细胞毒性,10μM CBF预处理2~24 h可减轻60μM CPF的毒性,预处理8 h作用最强;CBF预处理降低了CPF对ERK1/2的激活作用,抑制ERK1/2激活作用与细胞毒性减轻相关。而CBF与CPF同时染毒(预处理0h)对CPF的细胞毒性及ERK1/2激活影响很小。结论:CBF预处理一段时间后可拮抗CPF的细胞毒性,作用机制与抑制ERK1/2激活有关,而CBF预处理时间过短,则不产生拮抗作用。提示氨基甲酸酯农药与有机磷农药之间的联合作用模式受两者暴露时间间隔影响。
     4.克百威预处理对毒死蜱致皮层神经细胞氧化应激作用的影响在前面的研究中,10μM CBF对皮层神经细胞预处理8 h可显著减轻CPF的细胞毒性,由于氧化应激作用与农药的毒性有关,本研究进一步探讨了氧化应激在该过程中的作用,以揭示有机磷农药与氨基甲酸酯农药联合作用的机制。方法:以10μM CBF染毒原代培养皮层神经细胞8 h,测定丙二醛(MDA)水平、谷胱甘肽(GSH)水平、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活性;以10μM CBF对皮层神经细胞染毒8 h后,再以不同浓度CPF(20、40、60、80μM)染毒24 h,测定上述氧化应激指标。结果:CBF染毒8 h,可使MDA水平轻度增加,SOD、GSH-PX活性升高,GSH水平无显著变化;在无CBF预处理情况下,CPF染毒可使皮层神经细胞MDA水平增加,GSH水平下降,SOD、GSH-PX活性下降,呈现明显的浓度-效应关系,表明CPF可使神经细胞产生明显的氧化应激作用。CBF预处理对CPF所致氧化应激作用产生影响,与未经CPF预处理组比较,CBF预处理组MDA下降,GSH水平有所升高,SOD、GSH-PX活性升高,表明经CBF预处理的细胞对CPF的氧化损伤具有抵抗作用。结论:CBF预处理可拮抗CPF的脂质过氧化损伤作用,作用机制可能与CBF诱导产生轻度的氧化应激作用,在产生轻度过氧化损伤导致MDA升高的同时,增强了细胞的抗氧化能力有关,提示氧化应激作用参与了农药之间的联合作用机制。
This project is a part of the China National Scientific Supporting Program (Technical Research for Evaluating Combined Action of Pesticides or Endocrine Discrupting Substances)(2006BAK02A02).It firstly focused on study of chlorpyrifos (CPF) withdrawal-induced cytotoxicity after a period of exposure in hippocampal neurons,and tolerance of neurons to CPF,which will help to explain the mechanism of organophosphate induced chronic neurotoxicity(OPICN);It secondly focused on study of the effects of carbamate carbofuran pretreatment on organophosphorus CPF-induced cytotoxicity,and role of oxidative stress in this process,which will provide information about combined action of organophosphorus pesticide and carbamate pesticide.
     1.Chlorpyrifos withdrawal induces cytotoxicity in primary hippocampal neurons related to inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation and cholinergic deficit
     Organophosphate-induced chronic neurotoxicity(OPICN) usually delayed-occurs and perisists long,its mechanism is not very clear.In present study,the cytotoxicity and related mechanisms after CPF withdrawal were studied in primary rat hippocampal neurons.The results showed that 10μM CPF induced no detectable cytotoxicity during 96 h continuous exposure,but 10μM CPF withdrawal after 48 h exposure induced evident cytotoxicity,as indexed by decreased MTT metabolism, increased loss of neurons immunostained by neuron-specific enolase(NSE) antibody, and increased TUNEL positive cell rate in the following 24 h and 48 h incubation in the absence of CPF.AChE activity was inhibited by 10μM CPF during exposure,it slightly recovered after CPF withdrawal,suggesting CPF withdrawal-induced cytotoxicity is not direct consequence of inhibited AChE.ERK1/2 activation by phosphorylation was found,it persisted hours and then resumed to normal level during CPF exposure,while CPF withdrawal after 48 h exposure led to inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation.Carbacol and NGF which activated ERK1/2 protected the neurons after CPF withdrawal,while atropine and PD98059 which inhibited ERK1/2 exacerbated the cytotoxicity after CPF withdrawal,indicating inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation played critical role in CPF induced withdrawal-induced cytotoxicity. The effects of carbacol which is a cholinergic agonist,and atropine which is a cholinergic antagonist,also suggest cholinergic deficit involve in the mechanism of CPF withdrawal-induced cytotoxicity.In conclusion,10μM CPF shows noncytotoxic during 96 h exposure,but CPF withdrawal after 48 h exposure induces cytotoxicity in cultured neurons,which is not related to AChE inhibition,but is associated with ERK1/2 inhibition and cholinergic deficit.The results suggest CPF withdrawal-induced cytotoxicity is a kind of withdrawal effect,and OPICN may be related to withdrawal syndrome.
     2.Tolerance study of hippocampal neurons to CPF
     In Part 1 study,the results showed non-cytotoxic CPF withdrawal after a period of exposure induced cytotoxicity,and suggested CPF induce withdrawal effect.Since tolerance is prerequisite of withdrawal effect,we studied whether CPF could induce tolerance in cultured hippocampal neurons to further elucidate the mechanism of CPF withdrawal-induced cytotoxicity.Method:the cultured hippocampal neurons were pretreated with 10μM CPF for 48 h,then,the neurons were exposed to high concentration of CPF(30,60,100μM CPF) for the following 48 h incubation,and cytotoxicity was measured.Result:the survival rate measured by MTT assay increased,the LDH leakage decreased,and Tunel positive rate decreased in noncytotoxic CPF pretreatment groups,compared with corresponding groups without CPF pretreatment.Conclusion:CPF pretreatment induces tolerance of neurons, confirming the cytotoxitiy after CPF withdrawal is related to withdrawal effect,and suggesting OPICN be related to withdrawal syndrome.
     3.Effects of carbamate carbofuran pretreatment on organophosphate chlorpyrifos-induced cytotoxicity in cortical neural cells
     Organophosphorus pesticides and cabarmate pesticides are used extensively in agriculture,resulting in pervasive human exposure,sequential or simultaneous exposure to the two kinds of pesticides leads combined action.To investigate the combined action of organophosphorus pesticide and cabarmate pesticide,in this study, the effect of carbofuran pretreatment on CPF-induced cytotoxicity and related mechanism were studied.Methods:primarily cultured cortical neural cells were exposed to various doses of carbofuran for 72 h,cytotoxicity was measured by MTT method,and a noncytotoxic level was determined.The cultured cells were pretreated with noncytotoxic level of carbofuran for different period,followed by exposure to various concentration of CPF(with CBF presence) for 48 h,and the cytotoxicity were measured.The effect of carbofuran pretreatment on CPF-induced ERK1/2 activation was examed by western blot assay.Results:10μM carbofuran was found nontoxic during 72 h exposure.10μM carbofuran pretreatment attenuated CPF-induced cytotoxicity,8 h carbofuran pretreatment showed the maximum effect;Carbofuran activated ERK1/2,and the ERK1/2 activation lasted shortly,while carbofuran 2-24 h pretreatment inhibited the CPF-induced ERK1/2 activation,which was corresponding to the cytotoxicity attenuation.While concomitant exposure of carbofuran (pretreatment time 0 h) and CPF induced no significant effect on CPF induced cytotoxicity and ERK1/2 activation.Conclusion:Carbofuran pretreatment for certain time antagonize CPF-induced cytotoxicity,which is related to the inhibition of ERK1/2 activation,but carbofuran does not antagonize the cytotoxicity induced by CPF when the two pesticides exposed simultaneously,suggesting the mode of combined action is affected by the exposure interval between the two pesticides.
     4.Effects of carbamate carbofuran pretreatment on organophosphorus chlorpyrifos-induced oxidative stress in cortical neural cells
     In part 3 study,10μM carbofuran pretreatment for 8 h antagonized the cytotoxicity induced by CPF,since oxidative stress is involved extensively in the toxicity of pesticides,we study the role of oxidative stress in the process of carbofuran pretreatment antagonizing CPF toxicity.Method:the neural cells were pretreated with 10μM carbofuran for 8 h,the oxidative stress indices MDA,SOD, GSH and GSH-PX were measured.After 8 h carbofuran pretreatment,the cells were treated with different concentration(20、40、60、80μM) of CPF for another 24 h,and the same indices as previous were measured.Result:Carbofuran treatment for 8 h inceased MDA level sightly but significantly,increased SOD and GSH-PX activity, and induced no obvious change in GSH level;CPF exposure inceased MDA level, and decreased SOD activity,GSH-PX activity and GSH level with a concentration—response mannner;CPF with carbofuran pretreatment decreased MDA level,and increased SOD activity,GSH-PX activity and GSH level,compared to that without carbofuran pretreatment.Conclusion:carbofuran pretreatment antagonizes CPF induced lipid peroxidative damage,the mechanism may be related to that carbofuran induces slightly oxidative stress and increases the anti-oxidative enzymes activity.
     1.Noncytotoxic concentration of CPF can induce tolerance of hippocampal neurons,and induces cytotoxicity after withdrawal,while ERK inhibition and cholinergic deficit are related to the mechanism of CPF withdrawal induced cytotoxicity,suggesting OPICN be related to withdrawal symptom.
     2.Carbofuran pretreatment can antagonize cytotoxicity induced by chlopyrifos in neronal cells,with the mechansim involving that carbofuran pretreatment reduces ERK1/2 activation and oxidative stress induced by CPF,suggesting the mode of combined action is affected by the exposure interval between the two pesticides.
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