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     (1)本论文提出了一种高效、环保的方法制备高导电镀银玻璃纤维。在有氧潮湿碱性条件下,将玻璃纤维放入配好的多巴胺溶液中,多巴胺就会氧化自聚合从而在玻璃纤维表面形成聚多巴胺层。含有酚羟基和含氮官能团的聚多巴胺既是银粒子和玻璃纤维的连接剂,又是将Ag+还原为单质银的还原剂。利用化学镀方法,在外加还原剂葡萄糖的作用下制备的镀银玻璃纤维,用X射线光电子能谱(XPS),X射线衍射(XRD),扫描电镜(SEM)和四探针分别表征玻璃纤维的表面元素组成,物相组成,表面形貌和电阻率。结果表明,金属态的银粒子致密均匀的沉积在玻璃纤维表面。通过改变硝酸银和多巴胺浓度可以得到银的质量分数为9.5-24%的镀银玻璃纤维,且镀银玻璃纤维的电阻率最低为1.0mΩ cm。
The techniques to modify substrate surfaces are significant for manyindustrial and research applications. In this work,dopamine was used tomodification of glass fiber (GF) and fibrillar silicate nanofiber (FS) viadopamine self-polymerization to polydopamine (PDA) on the materialsurfaces. What’s more, silver-plating glass fiber and Ag/fibrillar silicatenanofiber were synthesized by PDA-assisting electroless plating or PDAoxidation reduction directly. The details of the work are as follows:
     (1) Highly conductive silver-coated GF was fabricated in an efficientand environment-friendly way. When the GF powder was immersed indopamine solution, an adherent self-polymerized PDA layer was formedon the GF surface. PDA acts as both a linker between GF and silvernanoparticles and a reducing agent for reducing silver ions to metallicsilver. The silver nanoparticles can be chemically bound to the catecholand amine functional groups in PDA by electroless plating using glucoseas reducing agent. Chemical and physical characterizations of thesilver-coated GF were carried out by using X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Four-point probe was used to study the electricalresistivity of the silver-coated glass fibers. The results indicated that thesilver coated on the GF surface was compact, uniform, continuous, and ina metallic crystal state. The silver content could be well controlled from9.5to24wt.%by adjusting the reduction conditions. The electricalresistivity of the silver-coated glass fibers could be as low as1.0mΩ cm.
     (2) The transition from micron to nanometer, in this work, a novelmethod was developed for the preparation of silver/FS nanocomposite, inwhich dopamine acts as both modification agent and reducing agent. Onthe one hand, the effects of dopamine concentration and polymerizationtime on the modified FS nanofiber were studied. On the other hand, theeffects of extra-reducing agent, pH, temperature and complexing agenton the Ag/FS nanocomposites were also studied. The surface elementalcomposition and functional groups of FS before and after dopaminemodification were characterized by using X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS) and fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR),surface morphology of samples were characterized by scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), microscopic morphology and structure of Ag/FS wasdetected by transmission electron microscope (TEM) or high resolutiontransmission electron microscope (HRTEM), phase composition ofsample was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The resultindicated that metal silver nanoparticles with mean diameter of2.15nm and narrow particle size distribution deposited on the FS, when the pH is8.5, temperature is60℃.
     In conclusion, this paper shows that dopamine is a versatile methodto functionalize the surface of inorganic materials, and the combination ofthe following electroless plating technique and redox method couldprepare surface metalized composites good adhesion between the metalwith the substrate.
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