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Cities land price dynamic monitoring system constructing is a new task in our country, is a important assignment of new national land and resources investigation of ministry of land and resources. It is significant to research cities land price dynamic monitoring system constructing. Basing on the project of ministry of land and resources - the author researches ulteriorly, then wrote this thesis.
    This thesis argues that cities land price dynamic monitoring system has a three-dimensionalities structure that includes logic dimensionality, space dimensionality and time dimensionality. The logic dimensionality is about base ideas of monitoring system, includes base laws, base concepts, base methods, actualizing schemes and so on. The space dimensionality is actual substances of monitoring system, includes seven levels: monitoring point, land price section, land grade, city, province, region and nation. The time dimensionality is results representation of monitoring system, is a temporal series of monitoring point land price, land price index and datum land price, that all base on land price dynamic monitoring.
    Basing on Huhhot city land grading and datum land price appraising, under some theories, principia, and means, in the different land use types and land grades, this thesis compartmentalized the research region as 121 land price districts. In which, there were 62 commerce-use land price districts, 54 inhabitation-use land price districts, and 5 industry-use land price districts. This thesis choosed 291 land price monitoring points and 60 market business points, in which, the numbers of land price monitoring points in 174 commerce-use, inhabitation-use and industry-use respectively was 174, 83
    and 34; the numbers of market business points respectively was 30, 20 and 10. Then this thesis appraised datum land price of every land price district.
    In the technique, this thesis relates the developing and constructing of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring information system from demand analyzing, system designing and system implementing; discusses the standards of city land price dynamic monitoring information system in system designing and appraising standard, Geo-information standard and data and mapping standard; think that the method and mode of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring information system developing and constructing is valuable to be generalized.
    In the last, this thesis analyzes the distribution orderliness of Huhhot datum land price; argue that the results of city land price dynamic monitoring can be applied in city land grads adjusting, datum land price renewed, land price assistant decision-making and land price information releasing. Cities land price dynamic monitoring is a long process. Cities land price dynamic monitoring system and information system will operate in the long monitoring, and need being renewed and maintained.
    Using demonstration method, this thesis discusses some problems of theory, technique and practice; constructs Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring system and information system; analyzes the first results of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring, gets satisfying achievements.
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