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With the continuous development of science and technology, discipline knowledge system has become increasingly complex. Cross-disciplines and edge disciplines continue to emerge. The difficulty of scientific research is increased further. Researchers need to learn and absorb others'knowledge constantly for knowledge innovation. The citation of scientific literature is an important way to learn and transfer knowledge for them.
     After making an extensive overview on knowledge transfer literatures, it is clear that the work on knowledge transfer through citation is limited in numbers, and the existing ones focused on geographic distribution of knowledge transfer. There are still some unsolved problems on mechanism in knowledge transfer. This dissertation focuses on knowledge transfer between researchers through citation and tried to do some pioneering study on knowledge transfer based on citation.
     There are nine chapters in this dissertation. And it is started with a thorough review of knowledge transfer theory and discussion on role of citation in knowledge transfer. Consequently, the mechanism and influencing factors of knowledge transfer based on citation is analyzed. Besides, this dissertation also proposes a model for knowledge transfer based on citation and some related theoretical hypothesis.. An empirical study including citation analysis and questionnaire survey is taken in the filed of library and information science to verify the model and hypothesis. The results show that group context, work requirement, organizational environment has a positive impact on knowledge reception intention significantly. Trustworthiness of knowledge source is positive for knowledge reception intention and knowledge performance. Knowledge reception intention has positive effects on knowledge performance. The involvement extent and specialization extent have a positive effect on knowledge performance with significance. However, as far as explicitation extent is concerned, there is no significant effect on knowledge reception intention or knowledge transfer performance. Cultural distance, knowledge distance, or knowledge transfer media has no significant effect on knowledge reception intention. Language barriers, geographical distance, or psychological barriers do not effect knowledge transfer performance significantly. The model is revised on the base of the empirial study. In addition, some promotion strategy for knowledge transfer based on citation is advanced.
     Summarily, there are three innovative points in this dissertation. The first one, this dissertation analyze the mechanism and influencing factors of knowledge transfer based on citation at the basis of obtaining sufficient and abundant of documents on informetrics, knowledge management, psychology and sociology. The second one, this dissertation proposed a model of knowledge transfer based on citation with methods of informetrics, empirical analysis, statistical analysis and verify both model and theoretical hypothesis. The third one, this dissertation considers citation process as knowledge transfer between authors. And the relation influencing factors of knowledge reception intention and knowledge transfer performance is analyzed from the perspective of knowledge receptors.
     This dissertation is supported by one of the key projects sponsored by the Ministry of Education for Philosophy and Social Science Research, namely "Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation Capability and Evaluation" (No.06JZD0003).
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