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在数据仓库系统中,一个仓库数据项的精确的历史沿革,即该数据项从获取、转换、集成到现状这一完整过程的相关描述和信息,称为数据志(Data Lineage)。数据志包含两个部分:起始数据集和作用在该数据集上的数据处理过程。获取数据志的过程称为数据志跟踪(Data Lineage Tracing)。数据志跟踪技术是数据仓库研究中一个最新的前沿性课题,不仅可以支持更全面、更深入的数据分析,还可以帮助技术人员验证源数据、清洗规则和转换处理的正确性,从而提高数据仓库的质量。
     作者根据可逆与弱可逆的思想,提出了一种“基于属性映射的弱逆与验证的方法(Wivem,Weak Inversion and VErification of attRibute mapping)”求解属性映射的(属性级)起源集。在此基础上,作者分析了转换的可逆性,给出了弱可逆转换的形式化定义,并通过对弱可逆转换中弱逆映射求解的弱起源集进行单维合并、多维合并来求解转换的(元组级)弱起源集。
The exact history of a given warehouse data item, including the complete description of its acquisition , transformation and integration is termed the data lineage. Data lineage includes two parts: (1) the set of source data items which exactly produces the warehouse data item; (2) the processes which contribute to the set of source data items. Identifying the data lineage of a given warehouse data item is termed data lineage tracing . As one of the most advanced research problems in data warehouse system, data lineage tracing may play an important role in the area of in-depth data analysis, and help us to validate the source data , cleaning rules and transformation rules, and thus improving the quality of data warehouse.
    Beginning with the formal definition of derivation set, this thesis finds the general laws of derivation set, proves the theorems about derivation set, proposes an approach for weak inversion and verification based on attribute mapping to trace data lineage, gives a series of arithmetic for data lineage tracing, describes the basic processes of data lineage, and then forms systematic theories and approach. Following is the primary work and contributions of this thesis.
    First, the concepts about data lineage tracing are completed and refined, and the formal definition of derivation set and supplementary set are provided. These definitions form the basis for derivation set tracing. At the same time, they are the criterion for verifying the result of tracing. Then this thesis proves five theorems about derivation set, which defined the relationship between transformation and attribute mapping, derivation set and attribute mapping, derivation set and contribution set, and the correlation of supplementary set of transformation. These theorems is the basis and guideline for constructing and verifying the weak derivation set according to the invertibilrty of attribute mapping, thus improves the basic theories of data lineage tracing.
    Next, this thesis presents a data lineage tracing approach, Wivem ( Weak Inversion and VErification of attRibute mappiNg ), which can calculate ( attribute-level ) derivation set of attribute mapping. Then, this thesis analyzes the invertibilrty of transformation, and presents the formal definition of weak invertibte transformation, and calculates ( tuple-level ) derivation set of transformation by one-dimension merging and multi-dimension merging of the weak derivation set resolved by weak inverse attribute mapping. Also, this thesis proves the uniqueness and solution theorems of derivation set of basic relation operators.
    Then , This thesis presents the formal definition of derivation set of transformation diagram, proves the derivation set transitivity theorem, and shows the basic processes for tracing transformation diagram. Upon the construction of weak derivation set, this thesis presents the concept of continuing traceability , and provides decision algorithm
    for the continuing traceability of a transformation sequence and tittering algorithm for the continuing traceable weak inverse attribute mapping. Upon verifying weak derivation set, this thesis gives a series of verification algorithms based on the best property of attribute mapping or transformation.
    Finally, in order to validate our theories and approach, this thesis conducts data lineage tracing experiment with relational query Q2 and Q12 of TPC Benchmark?H, and compares the tracing performance with the approach of tracing query process presented by Doctor Cui. The result shows that the Wivem approach is much better than the approach presented by Cui according to tracing time, storage cost and the precision of tracing result.
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