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     (4)开发了原型系统,对论文所提出的方法进行实验验证。以Visual Studio2008为开发工具,集成Google Maps API开发,采用Mashup技术实现了博客与地图服务的交互与聚合;并用实际与模拟数据验证文中提出的关键技术方法,包括:更新标报中的变化轮廓线分类与目标重构,发布/订阅模式下的标报信息有序传递,以及基于空间型博客的互动标报。验证了本文所提出的模型与方法的可行性。
Change discovery is one of the important procedure of geographic information update, meanwhile, current information marking and reporting is an important means of change discovery. Its advantage is to integrate with various sources of information effectively. The shortcoming is as follows:the efficiency of plotting by hand is low; the cycle for report and summary is long; interactivity is bad, can't meet the demand of dynamic update for geographic information change in informatization condition. It is a feasible way that introduced networked method into geographic information change marked and reported to overcome traditional shortcoming in current situation. In order to realize the networking marking and reporting, we need to study the following aspects:the change outline classification and object reconstruction, to solve the "marked what"; the publish/subscribe model for reported information transfer orderly, to solve "how to transfer"; the design of the user participation multistage interactive technology,to solve the problem of "how to marked". The main research contents and innovative results are as follows:
     (1) For the proposed new requirements of changes in the information reported, a classification of changes in outlines and reconstruction method with the goal of updating is presented in this paper; it generates outlines object increments using lower-dimensional, with the original line snapshot to refine the classification together, analysis and summarize the classification of changes outlines and the classification parameters describe the model; On this basis, it designs updating calculation in outlines for each type of changes classification, performs the corresponding update operator, concludes the fusion rules.
     (2) On the analysis of the network environment for information collection and transmission, a spatial publish/subscribe model for reported information transfer orderly is proposed. The spatial change and marking level is introduced to the original pub/sub. Firstly, we provide the formal description method for marking events, including change contour line and parameters, the description of the marking level, based on this, given the marking content framework. The spatial and temporal information is introduced into subscribe expression to expand the subscribe model. In order to realize the matching between multilevel publishes and the space-time subscribe, puts forward a multidimensional index counting event matching algorithm.
     (3) According to the demand of networked marking multistage interaction, put forward a model of multistage interaction marking based on the spatial blog and multilevel access control. Firstly, the interaction concept model which includes three aspects of information exchange, standardization and visualization is introduced. And then the method of constructing spatial blog is presented. Its construction entities and relationships are introduced in detail in the blog model. The polymerization between map and blog service is realized by Mashup technique. During further anglicizing the shortcoming of RBAC, an improved model named E-RBAC is proposed. In this model, the user group is introduced to solve the multilevel problem of marking.
     (4) Finally, a prototype system is developed using.Net, Oracle and Google Maps API to examine the methods and algorithms presented in this dissertation. Experimental results show evidence of the reasonability and practicability of the marking and reporting model proposed by this paper.
     This dissertation proves the validity of network marking and reporting for change information of topographic data. The design of change outline classification and object reconstruction, the publish/subscribe model for reported information transfer orderly, the design of the user participation multistage interactive technology can be maintained based on the models and methods presented in this dissertation.
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