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With the continuous expansion of the scale of construction projects, more and more projects began to emerge in the form of multi-project including project portfolio or project program. Traditional single-project management methods can not meet the needs of multi-project management, and multi-project management is becoming the focus of attention by the owner in the field of construction engineering. However, research on multi-project management in China is still in the initial stage, and it shows a lot of management problems that need to be dealt with urgently, such as rigid organizational structure, irrational allocation of resources, chaotic supply chain management and so on. So it is urgent and important to resolve the core problems of multi-project management through study and discussion.
     To solve these problems, the disseration is written under the guidance of theoretical methods including project management theory, organizational theory, and the resource allocation and supply chain management theory. Also based on the research results of multi-project management domestic and overseas, characteristics of multi-project management and current situation of owner's multi-project management in China, multi-project management mode of owner's and optimal resource allocation models are established, besides evaluation indexes of multi-project management organizational maturity and optimal management mode of supply chain are put forward.
     In this paper, the main innovation points are as follows.
     1. Two different modes of multi-project management are built up.One is consultative multi-project management service mode and the other is agent constructing multi-project management service mode. Based on internal project organization structure of owner and analysis of owner's project management modes, the methods and ideas of establishing multi-project management organization of owner and two modes of multi-project management are indicated. Relying on these conclusions and analysis of relationship among participants of owners, the game analysis model between owner and project management agency in the bidding period and construction period is built. Nash equilibrium analysis and incentive and restraint mechanisms are put forward, too.
     2. The owner's multi-project management organizational maturity evaluation index system is put forward. According to the reality of multi-project management and organizational running characteristics of owner, the3D structure of owner's organization maturity model on multi-project management is built. Based on the BSC idea, evaluation indexes are divided into four major categories with secondary indexes including level of organizational capacity, organization relationship management, and process management within the organization, learning and growth. The owner's multi-project management organizational maturity evaluation index system is formed and it can successfully evaluate organizational maturity scientifically.
     3. Three optimal allocation models of human resource, material equipment and funds are established. Relying on the feature of resource allocation of multi-project management with two sides of sharing and conflict, optimal allocation models of human resource, material equipment and funds are built respectively by using the method of dynamic planning.And empirical analysis is also made to verify the applicability of the method of dynamic planning. It provides a solution to achieve resource optimal allocation with characteristics of multi-objective, multi-species, multi-level.
     4. Optimal management method of supply chain about owner's construction multi-project is elaborated. On the basis of comparing the differences among procurement methods, as well as the differences of logistics and accounts settling under different centralized procurement mode, the method is elaborated. And then the superiority of centralized procurement in supply chain management is verified by empirical analysis. It can provide a reference for owner's multi-project management on optimizing supply chain management.
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