鸢尾属(Iris L.)部分植物资源评价及种质创新研究
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     1.1 根据鸢尾属(Iris L)5种植物致死性干旱胁迫处理后复水再生萌发能力及成活率与其抗旱性程度的相关性,初步确定了供试5种鸢尾抗旱性自强而弱的排序,即德国鸢尾(Iris gemanica)>鸢尾(I. tectorum)>黄菖蒲(I. pseudacaorus)>溪荪(I. sanguinea)>马蔺(I. lactea var.chinensis),其中德国鸢尾具有更强的抗旱能力,即在盆栽干旱胁迫处理35、48天后的复水再生萌发和成活率分别达到了83.33%和73.68%,鸢尾次之为52.9%和37.5%,对照马蔺仅为23.8%和14.8%。研究还表明,通常用于水生、湿生栽培的黄菖蒲,不仅可以旱生栽培,同时还具一定的抗旱能力。
     1.2 进行了干旱胁迫处理下的生理生化指标变化与5种鸢尾抗旱相关性研究、结果表明:叶含水量、膜稳定性、可溶性物质的渗透调节以及叶绿素含量等8种生理生化指标变化特点及规律与各植物种类的抗旱性密切相关,并与致死性干旱胁迫处理所反映的5种鸢尾抗旱性一致。
     从德国鸢尾(Iris germanica L.)栽培品种软腐病感病症状植株上分离到的细菌菌株,结合菌株形态、致病性、染色反应、培养性状及生理生化反应结果,将该菌株初步鉴定为:欧文氏菌菊欧氏杆菌(Erwinia chrysanthemi Burkhdder, Mc Fadden & Dimock)。
     3.1 由于所选德国鸢尾(Iris germanics L.)杂交亲本种质的遗传背景复杂,因此,其一些表型性状特别是花色在杂种后代分离中,除了得到与亲本花色表型性状相同或相近花色后代个体外,在其中间色系列中还出现了与亲本花色差异较大的个体后代。本研究结果还表明,德国鸢尾品种间杂交,杂交亲本之一花色为紫色的杂交组合,其杂种后代花色分离规律表现为:紫色花色相对于黄、白、粉、
    4.聋尾须毛附属物亚属部分种质的1 SsR分析
    考尾栽培品种(杂种单株)基因型进行鉴定.因此,认为1 SSR分子标记是用于聋尾种
    关键词:奔尾属;种质资源;抗早性;矮生观赏地被植物;抗病性;杂交选育;1 sSR.
The objective of this paper was to research in the fields which were pay close attention in irises application at present such as the drought resistance of some ornamental iris native to China, the isolation and identification bacterial soft rot disease of some introduced Iris, dwarf and bacterial soft rot resistant cultivars breeding and utilization of ISSR molecular markers for identification, analysis and evaluation of genetic diversities and resources preservation of Iris. The results were as follow: 1. Studies on the drought resistance of some ornamental Iris species1.1 Based on the correlationship between the regerminating percentage and the drought resistance of the 5 Iris species by mortal drought treatment and then watered, it is revealed that the drought resistance of Iris species from strongest to the weakest was: I. germcmica, I. tectorum, I. pseudacorus, I sanguined, I. lactea var. chinensis. I. germanica was the most drought tolerant species, being watered after 35and 48 days drought treatment, the germinating rate of I. germanica was 83.33% and 73.68% respectively. Next, I. tectorum, 52.9% and 37.5% respectively. I. lactea var. chinensis, the control just 23.8%andl4.8%. I. pseudacorus was often planted as water plants in the garden before, the results of the experiment also showed that it could not only be planted in the soil and but also be a more drought tolerant plant.1.2 The correlationship between physiological parameter changes and the drought resistance of five Iris species was discussed. It was showed that the characters and regulating change of8 physiological parameter such as relative water content, the chlorophyll content of the leaves, the stability of cell membrance and soluble materials regulation were close related with the drought resistance of 5 Iris species, and that was the same with the mortal drought treatment in each species.2 Studies on the isolation, purification and identification of the bacterial soft rot pathogenic bacteria in Iris L.The pathogen isolated from 7m germanica L.was identified as the bacterial soft rot pathogen, Erwinia chrysanthemi Burkhdder, Me Fadden & Dimock based on bacteria
    morphological, pathogenicity tests, cultural, and physiological and biochemical properties.3 The breeding studies on the dwarf and disease resistant cultivars of Iris germanica L.3.1 Due to the cultivars of/, germanica L. used as parents are heterozygotes, therefore, some characters, especially flower colors were different in first filial generation. The flower colors of individual plants obtained in first filial generation were same, similar and some totally different with parents. It was also showed that the heredity of the flower color of purple was much stronger than yellow, pink, red and white in intraspecies crossing of /. germanica L., and the individual plants with purple flowers were much more than the individual plants with other colors in filial generation.3.2 The heredity of tall character was much stronger than that of dwarf ones, and the number of plants with different height of the filial generation reduced from gradeIIIto grade II and gradeIVand grade I . The results showed that the dwarf plants of I. germanica L. could be obtained through repeated backcrossing to the dwarf parent.3.3 The hybrid generation survival rate of the combination with one parent of bacterial soft rot resistant grade 1 were 26.3%~28.7% higher and the percentage of diseased plant 17.6-20.3% fewer than that of the control. A few bacterial soft rot resistant individuals have been obtained by using a bacterial soft rot resistant parent to cross with elite parents. The resistance of the filial generation had been proved through 4 life circles in the plots with pathogenic bacteria. The results showed that bacterial soft rot resistant individuals have been obtained by using a bacterial soft rot resistant parent to cross with elite parents.3.4Fives hybrid combinations for dwarf breeding and 3 for disease resistant were carried out for Iris germanica L. and eight new dwarf individual plants and five bacte
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