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     利用2009-2011年田间耕作试验数据,评估免耕(NT)、少耕(RT)和传统耕(CT)方式对土壤水分及作物产量的影响。试验结果显示表层0-30cm NT土壤含水量高于CT。NT剖面土壤储水量最高,CT最低。水分利用效率(WUE)主要受气象条件影响(如在湿润年份降低了64%),其次受耕作方式的影响,如2009年CT和RT较NT分别高36%和15%。8年田间实测作物产量结果表明,NT可使玉米减产,而RT并未使玉米和大豆减产,且对两种作物都有相对高的经济效益,因此在不考虑环境效益的前提下,RT是该区域值得推荐的耕作方式。同时利用该区以上三种耕作方式下2004-2011田间试验数据评估DSSAT模型预测作物产量和根区土壤水分和温度的动态。结果表明模型在CT下得到了较好的校正(nRMSE=9%-15%)。三个处理下表层0-20cm的土壤含水量的模拟值和实测值达到较好的拟合度(d=0.81-0.91; nRMSE=5.3%-20.0%)。实测和模拟的土壤温度的拟合度主要受不同年份和耕作方式的影响,且模型系统地高估了实测的土壤温度(E=3.2-6.2℃),这可能是由于DSSAT模型没有考虑到地表残茬以及作物覆盖的影响,因此建议进一步改进DSSAT模型中土壤温度函数。
     利用2007-2012年加拿大安大略省玉米连作施肥试验结果评估DSSAT模型。结果表明:模型得到很好的校正结果,相应的d=0.99,nRMSE=23%,E=-29kg hm~(-2),而在无肥处理(CC-NF)下验证时得到了中等的拟合程度,相应的d=0.74, nRMSE=43%,E=55kg hm~(-2)。两个处理的地上部生物量都得到较好的模拟(0.82≤d≤0.99)。施肥处理(CC-F)下模拟的的土壤矿态氮含量与实测值的拟合程度为0.76≤d≤0.88,35.8%≤nRMSE≤54.0%,比CC-NF处理的拟合度高,相应的d≤0.5, nRMSE=72.0%-81.0%。2007和2008年模型模拟的土壤含水量与实测值达“中等”拟合度,相应的d=0.60-0.76,nRMSE为25.2%-35.9%,与其他变量的nRMSE值比较,土壤水分的差异较小。因此,DSSAT模型能够对高纬度冷凉区域的长期玉米连作试验的施肥和不施肥处理下玉米生长、土壤矿态氮和土壤水分动态进行合理的模拟。
Tillage and fertilization are two factors impact the soil water-hear-nutrientprocesses, long-term unreasonable tillage and fertilization can lead to yieldreduction, loss of water and soil resources and environment pollution. Thus,studying the effect of tillage and fertilization on crop yields, soil water, heat andnutrient dynamics, to develop the best management practice to improve the cropyields and soil situations, maintain the healthy environment. In this study, weused both the field experiment data and Decision Support System forAgrotechonlogy Transfer (DSSAT) Crop System Model (CSM) to analysize thedifferent field managements and to evaluate the simulation performances. Themain results as below:
     From the year of2009to2011, in Northeast China,3-year filed experimentdata were used to evaluate the long-term effects of no-till (NT), reduced tillage(RT) and conventional tillage (CT) on soil water storage, water use efficiency,and soybean and corn yields. The soil water contents under NT were higher thanCT. And NT had the greatest soil water storage and CT the least. The water useefficiency was greatly affected by weather conditions and tillage managements,i.e., CT and RT were36%and15%higher than NT in2009, respectively. Themeasured corn grain yield data under NT decresed than those under CT, but thegrain yields under RT did not decrease. Thus, without conserdering theenvironmental benefits, we conclude that RT was a good compromise for bothsoybean and corn, as it was associated with higher economic benefits for farmers.
     From the year of2004to2011, in Northeast China,8-year filed experimentdata were used to evaluate the ability of the DSSAT model to predict crop yields and root zone soil water and temperature dynamics for a soybean-maize rotationunder CT, RT and NT.“Good” agreement between simulated and measuredyields was achieved for model calibration (nRMSE=9%-15%), and “good” to“moderate” agreement was achieved for model evaluation (nRMSE=12%-17%).Simulated volumetric soil water contents in the top20cm layer of CT, RT andNT were in “moderate” to “good” agreement with measurements (d=0.81-0.91;nRMSE=15.3%-20.0%). Overall agreements between measured and simulatedsoil temperature varied from “poor” to “excellent” depending on year and tillage;and the measured soil temperatures were consistently overestimated (E=3.2-6.2℃), possibly due to lack of accounting in DSSAT for the insulating effects ofaccumulated surface residues, and the shading effects of standing crops.Refinement of the soil temperature algorithm in DSSAT is recommended.
     From the year of2007to2012, on Southwest Ontario, Canada,6-yearcontinuous maize experiment with fertilization (CC-F) and without fertilization(CC-NF) data were used to evaluate the DSSAT model. A good agreement wasachieved in the calibration from the CC-F yield data (d=0.99, nRMSE=23%andE=-29kg ha-1) while a moderate agreement was achieved in the evaluation ofyield data in the CC-NF treatment (d=0.74, nRMSE=43%and E=55kg ha-1).The simulated above-ground biomasses were in good agreement with themeasured data in both treatments (d ranged0.82-0.99) depending on the year andfertilization treatment. The simulated soil inorganic N contents in moderate togood agreements with the measured data in the CC-F treatment (d ranged0.76-0.88and nRMSE ranged35.8%-54.0%), which is better than the CC-NFtreatment (d≤0.5and nRMSE=72.0%-81.0%). The performance of the model onsoil water content were in “moderate” agreements in2007and2008for bothtreatments (d=0.60-0.76). The nRMSE values (ranged25.2%-35.9%) indicated asmaller discrepancy of soil water content compared with the nRMSE values in other evaluated variables. The overall evaluation showed that the DSSAT modelreasonably simulated maize growth, soil mineral N and soil water dynamics inSouthwest Ontario, Canada.
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