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The research of resilience had originated from the middle of 1970s, when the scholars abroad first discovered the phenomenon and the concept. It was explored at the 1980s and sprung out in recent years in our country. Resilience is a dynamic process that the individual achieve the adaptation under stress or adversity. It is essentially a process that the protective factors have interaction with the environment. Protective factors make the operational definition of resilience and the mechanism interacting with environment.
     In this study, the design of group intervention was based on the theory of protective factors. The purpose of the study was to enhance the resilience through operating the protective factors. 32 college students with different level of resilience were assigned into two groups randomly, one is experimental group with intervention, and the other was control group with no intervention. The study discussed that the level of resilience significantly increased in the experimental group, and even higher after three months(p<.001), however, there was no change in control group. This proved that the group intervention had significant effect on improving the resilience of college students. The efficacy factors of intervention were:1、a reasonable and targeted intervention;2、group cohesion;3、emotional catharsis and cognitive counseling;4、play the advantages of group members.
     The main conclusions of this study are as follows:
     1、Operating on the protective factors is the entry point to improve the resilience of the college students.
     2、It is feasible of group intervention to improve the resilience of college students.
     3、In this study, the group intervention programs with the operability can be carried out to improve the resilience of college students.
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