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     第一章:注意义务概述。本章共分四节,分别阐述英美侵权法上注意义务的历史考察、注意义务的概念、注意义务的产生依据和注意义务的作用。从历史的角度来看,英美侵权法上的注意义务起源于中世纪时期普通法上的“令状”制度,伴随着工业革命的步伐,注意义务从“相对义务”逐步发展成为“普遍性义务”,其中,以英国著名的Donghue v.Stevenson判例阐明的“邻人”规则最具有标志性意义。尔后,英美法的注意义务在“Anns案两步检验法”的推动下“阔步前进”,但二十世纪九十年代之后代之而起的“Caparo三步检验法”,注定了注意义务的发展只能“小步向前”。
     第六章:纯经济损失赔偿案件中的注意义务。纯经济损失的保护问题被喻为侵权法上的“戈耳迪难结”,处理起来十分棘手。本章分为概述和Hedley Byrne原则与纯经济损失两节展开论述,以期得到合理明晰的答案。
     实践中,英美侵权法通常将Hedley Byrne原则作为行为人对因不当陈述造成的纯经济损失承担注意义务的基础。适用Hedley Byrne原则需把握以下条件:行为人拥有或使人相信其拥有某方面的技能、知识或权威;行为人自担责任;受损失者合理的信赖。判断行为人的陈述是否使其自担责任,则要根据陈述的场合、陈述的意图、当事人间特定的关系等综合加以判断。Hedley Byrne原则的适用可以拓展到第三人信赖被告的陈述致原告纯经济损失或疏于作为致原告纯经济损失的情形等。
Duty of Care on Torts originates from Anglo-American cases law.The existence of Duty of Care and the breach of it are the prerequisite and foundation to determine whether or not the behavior has committed Negligence and should shoulder the related responsibilities.From these two centuries, Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts booms quickly and has developed relatively consummate and distinguished tests,standards and defenses for Duty of Care.Its applicable scope developed gradually from the fields of "Physical Damage" to the fields of "Psychiatric Injury" and "Pure Economic Damage".In the developing courses,Continental Torts also founded Duty of Care which can compare with Anglo-American Torts.The comparison of Duty of Care between two legal systems has the important referent significance for making our country's perfect Torts law.
     This dissertation focuses on the issue of Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts,which composes of eight chapters falling in three parts.The first part is the general research of Duty of Care,covering four chapters from Chapter One to Chapter Four with such focuses as the outline,tests of Duty of Care, standards and defenses of its breaching.The second part is the individual research of Duty of Care,covering three chapters from Chapter Five to Chapter Seven and focusing on specific development and application of Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts,such as Duty of Care in cases of compensation of Psychological Damage,Pure Economic Damage as well as Duty of Care related with third parties.The third part is supplementary research which can submit us some suggestions whether or not the Theory of Duty of Care should be founded in our country's Torts legislation and how to found it,through the research of Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts and the comparison on Duty of Care with Continental Torts.Specifically,the eight chapters include the following points:
     Chapter One:The Outline of Duty of Care.There are four sections in this chapter,respectively on the history review,connotation,causes and function of Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts.From the point of history,Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts originated from the "assumpsit" system of Common Law in Middle Ages.With the progress of Industrial Revolution,the Duty of Care gradually develops from "relative duty" to "widespread duty". The most marking event is the famous "Neighborhood Principle" ruled by Donghue v.Stevenson in British history.Afterwards,with the promotion from "Anns two-stage test",the duty of care made great advancement.However,the "Caparo tripartite test" that flourished since the 1990s destined that the development can only be made in limited steps.
     From the connotation of Duty of Care,it does not originate from air and does not go around without limits,and different situations and cases lead to different degrees of Duty of Care which the behaviors carry.Duty of Care has dualism.First,it is the duty that people should obey when they are engaged in their behaviors;secondly,it also constitutes the compensation basis when their behaviors bring other's damage.It is not correct that Duty of Care can be determined only when damage happens and actors need compensate victims.
     Duty of Care has wide origins.When actor behaves positively,his Duty of Care is universal,in other words,He shoulders the duty not to damage the physical safety and property interest of others.However,this Duty of Care can be exempted in specific situations.When actor behaves negatively,the Duty of Care is relative,which means that he does not shoulder any positive obligations which bring others benefits,such as providing relief or preventing third party damage others.But the Duty of Care still exists in some cases, which mainly covers the contracted or contract-like relationship between the two parties involved,the supervision,domination,reliable reliance or trust of one party over the other,the actor's supervision,wardship and domination over the person who actually constitutes tort,as well as the actor's supervision, wardship and domination over the property that actually leads to tort.In addition,the assumption of responsibility resulted from the actor's voluntary providing relief or performance of consignation can also make the actor shoulder the related Duty of Care.
     Just as we discussed thereinbefore,Duty of Care can be regarded as the "essence" of Anglo-American Torts.Its advantageous functions can be illustrated as such:It breaks the limits of relativity of contracts,and promotes the rapid progress of Torts development,especially that of Negligence.It also reacts swiftly to social changes,and maintains the openness,tolerance and social adaptability of Torts.It helps to balance between freedom of activity, protection of victim and social interest,and to regulate people's activity,so that legal orientation and spirit can melt with interest discretion and get internalized into people's actions by self-consciousness.
     Chapter Two:Test for Duty of Care.This chapter falls into four sections: Outline,Foreseeability,Proximity and Policy Discretion.The outline mainly introduces the history development of the test for Duty of Care,specifically the reasons for the decline of"Anns two-stage test" as well as the background about the prosperity of "Caparo tripartite test" and its contents.In addition, this section also analyses and criticizes tests advocated by scholars deeply, such as "assumption of responsibility" and "inerementalism".
     The section of Foreseeability focuses on the meaning and content of Foreseeability--the foreseeable plaintiff and damage.It points out that Foreseeability is the basis for an actor to take Duty of Care,and that it is also a flexible term whose object and realm are hard to define.As a foreseeable plaintiff,he must be within the realm of Foreseeability,either as a particular person predicated by the actor when tort actually being inflicted,or as a member of the specific group being inflicted by the tort of the actor.In other words,the actor does not take the responsibility for all the damages resulted from his acts.Only when the damage is predictable and unreasonably serious is the actor responsible for the Duty of Care.Foreseeability is closely relevant to local recognition within particular place and time,and the likeliness of damage will also influence the depth of predictability.As exceptions of Foreseeability, "Eggshell Skull Doctrine" and "Rescue Doctrine" further extend the range of the actor's Duty of Care.
     Proximity is the decisive or controlling factor in deciding the existence of Duty of Care.With a profound and flexible meaning,it needs to be understood and interpreted according to different cases.Foreseeability is the basis of Proximity,and Proximity is an essential factor to restrict and control Foreseeability,so Proximity has an independent value.In the application of Proximity,the following principles should be observed:The actor should be prevented from "taking uncertain responsibility for uncertain people at uncertain time";reasonable value orientation should be channeled;court should avoid trying non-judicial issues such as the distribution of public resources;public interest should be given priority.
     The foundation of Duty of Care does not only involve the interest balance between conflicting parties,but also affects the investigation and assessment of the public interest afflicted by the case.Therefore,Policy Discretion is necessary.The result of Policy Discretion may still deny Duty of Care although it is compatible with Foreseeability and Proximity.The factors of Policy Discretion frequently employed by judges include the possibility of flood of suits,overkill,loss allocation,economic profit and public interest. Policy Discretion,Foreseeability and Proximity constitute the different facets of one thing,and play different roles in "Tripartite Test".
     Chapter Three:Standards of Duty of Care Breaching.In general,the standards of Duty of Care Breaching include the standards ruled by judges and those made by legislations.The standards ruled by judges include Reasonableman Standard,An-Aggregate-risk-utility Test Standard,Res ipsa loquitur Standard and Legislation Standard.Specific sections in this chapter elaborate on these standards.
     Reasonableman Standard is the most common,frequent and popular standard used on Anglo-American Torts.It is the standard of behavior of a person personified by law with average level of mentality,common knowledgeable and experience,and normal ability to handle social matters. The standard is thus objectified but fabricated.Reasonableman is no more different from average person around,and is not as perfect as flawless.The only difference is that his defects and mistakes can always be tolerated by society within the permissible and reasonable range.Reasonableman Standard in fact signifies the unification of subjectivity and objectivity.As its prerequisite is "reasonable",the image of Reasonableman differs among different judges and jurors,it is thus far from being an objective standard.It needs to apply different standard from that of Reasonableman to such groups as actors with restricted ability,professionals or people in particular situations.
     An-Aggregate-risk-utility Test standard is a standard created by Anglo-American scholars and judges applying economic analysis.By counting the results of the three variables,namely the possibility of damage(P), severity of damage(L) and cost of damage(B),the court can decide whether the actor is supposed to take relevant Duty of Care.For instance,if B<P~*L,the actor will take the Duty of Care to prevent the occurrence of damage, otherwise,the actor will not take the Duty.The establishment of this standard promotes the rise of the school of legal-economic analysis,and adds economic value to the system of Torts.It has been warmly welcomed in the U.S.and its followers,but resisted in Great Britain and its followers.The values of the variables are often hard to count,rendering the standard more significant in statistics other than in application.In spite of this,it is still uniquely meaningful by providing an economic definition of the value of the actor's behavior and avoidance the occurrence of the damage.
     Res ipsa loquitur Standard is in essence used to deduce through the incident itself whether the actor has fulfilled his Duty of Care.The conditions for the application of the standard include:without Negligence,the incident would not have happened;the occurrence of the incident excludes factors other than the defendant;the plaintiff is within the range of Duty of Care of the defendant; the occurrence of the incident is not caused by the initiative action of the plaintiff.This standard does not remit the onus of the plaintiff to provide the court proofs,therefore,he is still required to provide indirect evidence to prove the defendant's violation of his Duty of Care.The judges and jurors are empowered to refuse adopting the evidence to inflict the defendant responsibility.So Res ipsa loquitur Standard does not facilitate the inversion of onus for parties of law suit to provide the court their supporting evidence. Instead,it submits the judge and jurors a reasonable deduction to prove the defendant's failure to perform his Duty of Care,since this deduction can be used to decide the faults of the defendant when he fails to provide adequate evidence to refute.
     Legislation Standard signifies norms of behaviors for all social members, and the violation may indicate that the actor is likely to take relevant responsibilities.In the later half of the ~(19)th century,Anglo-American judges did not believe that any activity violating legislations could be sued as reasons for Torts,and only when these legislations intended to protect the victims including the plaintiff was it possible for them to use as evidence to bring an action against the defendant' Torts.Since legislations have to be carried out through the judicial activities of the court,the interpretation of them thus becomes the key factor to decide whether the actor will take the responsibility of compensating for the damage.The application of the standard needs to be considered comprehensively according to the intention of legislations,the object of their protection and the damage that they design to prevent against.
     Chapter Four:Defenses for Duty of Care Breaching.In order to protect the positive acts of the actor and to share the responsibility of Torts on the basis of justice,Anglo-American Torts have established the equivalent defenses for breaching Duty of Care,which include Consent or Assumption of Risk on the part of the plaintiff,Contributory Negligence and Comparative Negligence,and Privileges.Specific sections in this chapter will focus on these defenses.
     Consent means the recognition,permission,acceptance,confirmation and even tolerance of the acts of others,and the expression of Consent can be either apparent or implied.Consent shall be made by the person with relevant ability of behaving,and willingly made by the plaintiff with full knowledge of facts,and be limited within specific ranges."Informed Consent" can only be carried out as a defense to Duty of Care in specific areas,such as medical treatment,when the actor has disclosed adequate information and enabled the opposing party to be fully informed of the risk of action.Assumption of Risk can be applicable as a defense to Duty of Care on other fields of Torts other than those caused by intention,and its expression and condition are basically same as Consent.In the case of exculpatory agreements,their effect needs to be reconsidered if they involve public interest or policy.In addition,the rescuer's action cannot be regarded as Assumption of Risk.
     In Common Law,if the plaintiff is also responsible for the occurrence of Negligence,he will commit Contributory Negligence,which in turn prevents him from getting relieves provided by Torts.The principle of Contributory Negligence is rather harsh for the victim.In practice,Anglo-American Torts limit its application through the principle of "last clear chance".In the 20~(th) century and after,Anglo-American Torts have adopted Comparative Negligence to settle the issue of rational sharing of compensations. Specifically,the methods of Comparative Negligence include "Pure Comparative Negligence" and "Modified Comparative Negligence".
     On meeting the needs of public policy,protection of oneself or others, Anglo-American Torts provide some privileges for the actor,in order to exempt him from the possible responsibility.These privileges mainly include Defense of Oneself or Others,Defense of Property,Necessity,Immunity and other Privileges.The Defense of Oneself or others also involves protection of the spouse or other family members.Everyone,other than the attacker or the person who illegally invokes aggression,is entitled to the defense.When practicing Defense of Property,the actor cannot use fatal or dangerous ways, but for that his safety or that of others is engendered by damaging or threat of instant damaging.Necessity includes Public Necessity and Private Necessity. Generally,the damage avoided by Necessity should be larger than that caused by Necessity.From the consideration of public policy,Anglo-American Torts endow the right of Immunity for the people who have special status,perform special functions or who are in special procedures,so as to exempt them from the possible responsibilities due to their failure to fulfill their Duty of Care. From middle of 20~(th) century,owing to the ever-increasing doubts concerning the right of Immunity,it has been either eliminated or limited to use.For instance,in Great Britain and New Zealand,the Immunity of lawyers has been eliminated.
     Chapter Five:Duty of Care in Cases of Compensation Caused by Psychiatric Injury.In addition to the physical damage to the victim,the act of tort also causes psychological sufferings.Different from the ordinary physical injury,Psychiatric Injury necessitates special duty of care of the actor. Psychiatric Injury can be divided into two categories which are respectively applicable to primary victims and secondary victims,to differentiate the direct and indirect victims of the act of tort.
     The first section of the chapter provides a comprehensive introduction of the meaning,characteristics and development of Psychiatric Injury.It clarifies that Psychiatric Injury had been regarded as affiliated to physical injury,and it is not until the beginning of the 20~(th) century that the independent Psychiatric Injury began to be identified.To judge the existence of Psychiatric Injury, various factors should be taken into consideration,such as the seriousness of the defendant's act,the degree of the plaintiff's psychological injury,as well as the victim's mental problems as confirmed by medical test.
     The second section of the chapter focuses on the actor's Duty of Care in cases of compensation caused by secondary victim's Psychiatric Injury.In such cases,if defendant's act is believed to constitute the threat to plaintiff's safety and thus leads to Psychiatric Injury,plaintiff is entitled to claim compensation.It does not matter whether plaintiff is really endangered.If plaintiff participates either actively or passively in the incident and suffers from Psychiatric Injury due to the death or injury of others,and if he is not the direct victim of the incident,his status is judged differently by different judges, either as the primary or secondary victim.For those who suffer from Psychiatric Injury when performing their responsibilities,such as policemen and firemen,their claim for compensation is generally rejected.With the development of Anglo-American Torts,when the person involved suffers from Psychiatric Injury as a result of his endangered property or his perpetual stressful work,he can claim for compensation as primary victim.
     The third section of the chapter elaborates on the actor's Duty of Care in cases of compensation caused by secondary victim.In comparison with Psychiatric Injury of primary victim,that of secondary victim is harder to define,and the majority of courts either reject or limit the claim for compensation.Judging from the series of cases in Anglo-American Torts, when the actor is judged as the violator of his Duty of Care and thus to be responsible for Psychiatric Injury of secondary victim,the following conditions should be meet:firstly,there should be sufficiently close ties of love and affection between primary and secondary victim;secondly,secondary victim should bear some spatial and temporal proximity with the incident and its damaging effect;thirdly,secondary victim should feel the incident and its damaging effect directly.
     Chapter Six:Duty of Care in Cases of Compensation Caused by Pure Economic Loss.The protection of Pure Economic Loss has been considered as "Gordian knot".This chapter covers an outline as well as the point of Hedley Byrne Principle and Pure Economic Loss.
     The outline emphasizes on the meaning,characteristics and development of Pure Economic Loss on Anglo-American Torts,the reason for the caution of inflicting Duty of Care on Pure Economic Loss.It can be illustrated through this section that Pure Economic Loss refers to the monetary loss,other than the safety threat or physical damage,directly inflicted on the victim due to the actor's tort.Pure Economic Loss is characterized by invisibility,directness and relative certainty.It has experienced three stages of development: rejection,growth and limitation,which are compatible with the development of Duty of Care.The courts are very cautious in defining Duty of Care in dealing with cases of Pure Economic Loss on Anglo-American Torts.The reasons may involve the concerns over the floodgate of lawsuits,the possible damage to the relativity of contracts,potential negative influence on the interest of Torts and the demand of legal certainty.Therefore,in comparison with visible damage,Pure Economic Loss is more limited in the protection on Anglo-American Torts.
     Pure Economic Loss is widely accepted in the realm of misstatement.In judicial practice of Anglo-American Torts,Hedley Byrne Principle is often used as the basis to judge the actor's responsibility for Pure Economic Loss as a result of misstatement.The following principles should be observed in application of Hedley Byrne Principle:the actor possesses,or is believed to possess special skill,knowledge or authority in particular area;the actor constitutes Assumption of Responsibility and the victim lays reasonable reliance on him.In the judgment of whether the actor's statement is ruled as Assumption of Responsibility,the occasion,purpose and the specific relations between parties involved should be considered comprehensively.The application of Hedley Byrne Principle can be extended to judge Pure Economic Loss the plaintiff suffered either by third party's trust on misstatement of defendant or by the omission of defendant.
     Chapter Seven:Duty of Care Related with Third Party.In Common Law, people do not take Duty of Care to limit or control the act of the third party to avoid possible damages,or to warn those who are likely to incur the danger of damage from the third party.However,as an exception,in some specific situations,the actor is still supposed to take such Duty.The situations include: some special relationship exist between the defendant and the third party;the third party inflicts the act of tort on premises or using chattels owned, controlled or provided by the defendant.Both two sections in this chapter will elaborate on these points.
     As for the special relationship between the defendant and the third party,it mainly involves the defendant's control,supervision and administration over the third party.In employment,the employer may take vicarious liability for the employee's behavior,on the condition that the employment really exists and the employee's behavior is within the realm of employment.Even if the employer prohibits the employee from performing certain activity,it does not mean that the employer has already fulfilled his Duty of Care.The issue should be decided according to the fact that whether the prohibitive regulation is designed to define the realm of employment or the way of fulfilling the employment activity.This principle is also applicable for agent.For instance, the corporation shall take vicarious responsibility for its directors.
     When third party enters premises owned,controlled,or operated by defendant,or use chattels possessed or provided by defendant,the defendant is supposed to take relevant Duty of Care.Generally,the defendant undertakes responsibility to safeguard the personal and property safety for the person paying visit to the premises owned,controlled or operated by him.Similarly, the defendant is also obliged to take Duty of Care to prevent third party from damaging the visitor on the premises.However,exception of such Duty exists when the defendant is unable to take any measure to prevent third party from doing it.In Common Law,property owner is obliged to properly handle his chattel so as to avoid possible damages to other people,including Duty of Care to prevent third party damaging others when using his property.However,such Duty of Care is not applicable to the manufacturer or seller of merchandize, unless he knows for sure that third party use the product to pursue illegal intent.
     Chapter Eight:Supplementary Research:Comparative Study on Duty of Care of Two Legal Systems and Inspiration to Chinese Torts Legislations.Although the two legal systems are greatly different and respectively characteristic,they still share some common features and accommodate with each other.Duty of Care on Torts is just a reflection in point.It is significant and inspiring to make mature Chinese Torts.
     The first section of the chapter makes comprehensive comparative studies on Torts between Anglo-American Legal System and Continental Legal System. Due to the influence of ancient Roman laws,the change of Negligence from subjectivism to objectivism,and the promotion of Negligence theory in criminal laws,the countries of Continental Legal System have adopted in succession the theory of Duty of Care,so as to establish Negligence system on Torts.France has set up a highly rigorous and widely applicable system of Duty of Care,and the courts largely use "prudent et diligens paterfamilias" to judge on Negligence of the actor.Germany has established relevant Duty of Care through such cases as damage by withered branches of street trees,not splashing salt on steps covered by snow in front of gate,and the butcher's damage caused by a sick cow treated by a veterinarian in order to make up for the absence of relevant legislations and to deal with various tort cases. Japanese scholars of Civil Law,on the basis of comparative studies with Duty of Care on Negligence Crime,have taken duty of avoidance of damage as the core of Duty of Care,and refer to the economic analysis method of Hand Formula to measure whether the actor shall take duty of avoidance of damage or not by a few factors.In judicial practice,the Duty of Safety Caring is much widely used by Japanese courts.In comparison,it is not hard to discover that the historical background of rise of Duty of Care in two legal systems are basically same,that the origin and application of Duty of Care are universally applicable,that Duty of Care reflects the combination of subjective and objective factors,and that functions of Duty of Care are both indispensable.
     The second section of the chapter focuses on the inspirations that the theory of Duty of Care provided to Chinese Torts legislations.In China,there is disagreement on the issue whether the theory of Duty of Care should be guided into Torts legislation.The author of the dissertation holds that,to judge whether a legal system can be adopted and applied,and whether it is functional, it is not enough to simply study which legal system it comes from,or whether it is native or borrowed.Instead,the decisive factors are whether there is mature theory,whether the value function is practical,and whether it accords with the development and perfection of native laws.To absorb Duty of Care on Anglo-American Torts will not cause system converse of Chinese Torts legislation.The theory development and law practice of Chinese Torts show that the absorption of Duty of Care is urgent and feasible as well.Legislature and some experts all mention Duty of Care in their legislation advice.Through the comparison of 4 legislation schemes,the author of the dissertation thinks that Chinese Torts legislation should regulate Duty of Care.Duty of Care can be listed in general articles,with its concept being defined as this:Duty of Care refers to the duty for an actor,on the basis of legislation,exchange tradition,common norms of social communication and good customs,to predict and judge whether his act will cause damage,to act cautiously accordingly,and to take reasonable measures to avoid the occurrence of potential damages.Criteria of Duty of Care should be compatible with the widely acceptable criteria observed by local citizens who share similar situations with the actor.If the actor belongs to some special groups,the criteria of Duty of Care should be applicable to those groups.At the same time, the standard of An-Aggregate-Risk-Utility Test on Anglo-American Torts is also recommended.In addition,the establishment of Duty of Care should be compatible with the need of social public policy,and should also be limited from various aspects to balance freedom of behavior,interest protection of others and social efficacy.It is not suitable to design a too low or too high gate for Duty of Care.
[1]Winterbottom v.Wright[1842]10 M.& W.109.115 per Alderson B.
    [2]Leigh and Sillavan Ltd v.Aliakmon Shipping Co.Ltd.[1986]A.C.786
    [1]Winfield and Jolowicz,On TORT(16~(th) ed.),Sweet& Maxwell,London,2002,p.157.
    [1]Donoghue v.Stevenson[1932]A.C.562 House of Lords.
    [2]Hedley Boyrne & Co.Ltd v.Heller& Partners Ltd[1964]A.C.465,524-525
    [3]Dorset Yacbt Co.v.Home Office[1970]A.C.1004,1027.
    [4]Anns v.Merton London Borough Council[1978]A.C.728,751-752.
    [1]Sutherland Shire Council v.Heyman[1985]60 A.L.R.1.
    [1]Yuen Kun-yeu v.Attorney-General of Hong Kong[1987]2 All E.R.705.
    [2]Murphy v.Brentwood DC[1991]1 A.C.398,H.L..
    [3]Caparo Industries v.Dickman[1990]2 A.C.605,H.L..
    [4]Caparo Industries v.Dickman[1990]1 All E.R.574,585-586,per Lord Oliver.
    [5]Caparo Industries v.Diekman[1990]1 All E.R.568
    [1]See "Duty of Care and Economic Loss:A Wider Agenda"(1991) 107 L.Q.R.249 and "The Law of Obligations(1998)",an Essay in Cane and Stapleton(eds).
    [2]Customs & Excise v.Bardays Band[2006]U.K.H.L.28 p.71.
    [1]Murphy v.Brentwood District Council[1991]1 A.C.398,486-487,H.L..See also:Caparo v.Dickman[1990]2 A.C.605,635,H.L.,per Lord Oliver,and Reeman v.Department of Transport[1997]2 Lloyd's Rep 648,676,C.A.,per Phillips LJ.
    [2]X v.Bedfordshire County Council[1995]2 A.C.633,H.L..
    [3]A v.Essex County Council[2004]1 W.L.R.1881,C.A..
    [4]Canadian National Railway Co v.Norsk Pacific Steamship Co Ltd[1992]1S.C.R.1021.
    [5]Cooper v.Hobart[2002]204,206 D.L.R.(4~(th) ed.) 193,S.C.C.
    [1]See:Scott Group Ltd v.McFarlane[1978]1 N.Z.L.R.553,584,N.Z.C.A.;South Pacific Manufacturing Co Ltd v.New Zealand Security Consultants and Investigations Ltd[1992]2 N.Z.L.R.282,317,N.Z.C.A..
    [3]W.L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th)),West Publishing Co.,p.356.
    [4]Le Lievre v.Gould[1893]1 Q.B.491.
    [1]See:Yania v.Bigan,1959,397 Pa.316,155 A.2d 343;Handiboe v.McCarthy(1966),114 Ga.App.541,151 S.E.2d 905;Allen v.Hixson,I11 Ga.460,36 S.E.810;Sidwell v.McVay,Okl.1955,282 P.2d 756;O'Keefe v.William J.Barry Co.1942,311 Mass.517,42 N.E.2d 267;Gautret v.Egerton,1887,L.R.2C.P.381;Chastain v.Fuqua Industries,Inc.1980,156 Ga.App.719,275S.E.2d 679.
    [2]Bourhill v.Young[1943]A.C.92,108,H.L.(Lord Wright).
    [3]Caparo Industries pie v.Dickman[1990]2 A.C.605,621,H.L.(Lord Bridge);Fraser v.Westminer Canada Ltd[2003]228 D.L.R.(4th) 513,515-16,N.S.C.A.(The Court).
    [4]Nussbaum v.Lacopo,265 N.E.2 d 762(N.Y.1970).
    [1][美]Vincent R.Johnson:《美国侵权法(American Tort Law))》,赵秀文、徐琳、刘克毅注,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第65页。
    [2]Cherie Booth QC & Dan Squires,The Negligence Liability of Public Authorities,Oxford University Press,2006,p.100.
    [3]Bourhill v.Young[1943]A.C.92.
    [4]Farwell v.Keaton,396 Mich.281,240 N.W.2d 217,1976.参阅《英美法律文献选读(侵权法)》2000年版,第44-47页。
    [1]Bolton v.Stone[1951]A.C.850.Weir,Casebook on Tort(9~(th) ed.),p.147,cf..Miller v.Jackson[1977]Q.B.966.
    [2]The Wagon Mound(No.2)[1967]1 A.C.617 642,per Lord Reid.
    [3]Hilder v.Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd[1961]1 W.L.R.1434.
    [1]See:Markesinis & Deakin,Tort Law(5~(th)ed.,2003),p.77;M.Jones,Textbook on Torts(8~(th)ed.,2002),p.41;J.A.Weir,Suicide in Custody(1998) 57C.L.F.,p.241,242-243;S.Hedley,Tort(3~(th) ed.,2002),p.28;Clerk and Lindsell On Torts(18~(th)ed,2000),§7-05.
    [2]J.Goldberg & B.Zipursky,The Moral of MacPherson,146 U Penn LR 1733(1998);B.Zipursky,Legal Malpractice and Structure of Negligence Law (1998) 67 Fordham LR 649,656(emphasis added);J.Goldberg,Duty and the Structure of Ngeligence,Kansas F of Law and Pub Policy 149(2000);J.Goldberg & B.Zipursky,The Restament(Third) and the Place of Duty in Negligence Law,54 Vanderbit LR 657(2001).
    [3]F.H.Lawson,Negligence in the Civil Law(1950),34;R.G.McKerron,The Duty of Care in South African Law(1952) 69 South African LF 189;P.B.H.Birks,Obligations:One Tier or Two? P.G.Stein & A.D.E.Lewis(eds),Studies in Fustinian's Institutes(1983);A.J.E.Jaffey,The Duty of Care(1992),3-4;N.J.McBride & R.Bagshaw,Tort Law(2001),3-4.
    [4]O.W.Holmes,The Common Law(1968),p.236.
    [5]For criticism of Holmes's views,see De Wolfe Howe,The Pollock-Holmes Letters(1942),Volume 1 p.79-80,Volume 2,p.233;W.Buckland,The Nature of Contractual Obligation(1942-44) CLF 247;D.Friedmann,The Efficient Breach Fallacy(1989) 18 F of Leg Stud 1,18-19.
    [1]Nicholas J.Mcbride,Duties of Care—Do They Really Exist? Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,Vol.24,No.3(2004),p.417.
    [2]D.Selbourne,The Principle of Duty(1997),p.166.
    [1]See:Shimp v.New Jersey Bell Telephone Co.A 2d 408(1976);Smith v.Western Electric Co.643 S W 2d 10(1982).
    [1]Norwich City Council v.Harvey[1989]1 All E.R.1180
    [1]Winfield & Jolowicz,On Tort(16~(th) ed),2002,Sweet & Maxwell,London,2002,p.134
    [2]Home Office v.Dorset Yacht Club[1970]A.C.1004 at 1027(per Lord Reid).
    [1]See:Stovin v.Wise[1996]A.C.923.Weir,Casebook on Tort(9~(th) ed.),p.87.
    [2]257 N.E.2d 152(Ill.App.1970)(SATL 459)
    [3]Kent v.Griffiths[2001]Q.B.36.
    [1]Jordan House Ltd v.Menow[1973]38 D.L.R.(3d) 105(Canadian Supreme Court).
    [2]Kirkham v.Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police[1989]3 All E.R.822,[1990]3 All E.R.246(C.A.).
    [1]Ministry of Housing and Local Government v.Sharp[1970]1 All E.R.1009C.A..
    [2]Johnson v.Minnesota 553 N.W.2d 40(Minn.1996)(SATL 458)
    [3]Home Office v.Dorset Yacht Club[1970]A.C.1004.
    [1]Kline v.1500 Massachusetts Ave.Apartment Corp.,439 F.2d 477(D.C.Cir.1970)(SATL 464).
    [2]Parvi v.City of Kingstone,362 N.E.2d 553(N.Y.1977).
    [1]Stansbie v.Troman[1948]2 K.B.48,C.A..
    [2]Hedley,Byrne & Co.Ltd v.Heller & Partners Ltd[1964]A.C.465,482,503.
    [1]Fleming,The Law of Torts,LBC Information Service,1998,p.150.
    [2]Prosser and Keeton,The Law of Torts(5~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,1984,p.358.
    [3]Prosser and Keeton,The Law of Torts(5~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,1984,p.358
    [1]Prosser,Palsgraf,52 Mich,L.Rev.13(1953).
    [2]Mclaren,Negligence,1 Sask.L.Rev.48-50(1967).
    [1]Dorset Yacht co.Ltd.v.Home Office[1969]2 All E.R.564,567.
    [2]Gregory-Kalven-Epstein,Cases and Materials on Law of Tort(4~(th) ed.),Little Brown,London,1984,p.325.
    [3]Gregory-Kalven-Epstein,Cases and Materials on Law of Tort(4~(th) ed.),Little Brown,London,1984,p.343.
    [1]Alastair Mullis & Ken Oliphant,Torts(2~(th) ed.),Law Press China,p.18.
    [2]Leigh & Sillivan Ltd v.Aliakmon Shipping Co Ltd[1986]A.C.785,816.
    [1]Smith v.Littlewoods Organisation Ltd[1987]1 A.C.241,280 per Lord Goff.
    [2]Caparo Industries v.Dickman[1990]2.A.C.628.per Lord Roskill.
    [3]Perrett v.Collins[1998]2 Lloy's Rep.255 at 263,Hobhouse L.J.
    [4]Keith Stanton,Duty of Care Methodology in The Twenty First Century,Professional Negligence,Vol.22,No.3,2006,p.134-150.
    [1]Henderson v.Merrett Syndicates Ltd[1995]2.A.C.145,181.
    [2]Marc Rich & Co.A.G.v.Bishop Rock Marine Co.Ltd[1996]A.C.211.Weir,Casebook on Tort(9~(th) ed.),p.43.
    [1]Sutherland Shire Council v.Heyman[1985]60 A.L.R.1.
    [2]Christian Witting,Duty of Care:An Analytical Approach,Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,Vol.25,No.1,2005,p.36.
    [1]The Wagon Mound(No 2)[1967]A.C.617,641-642,P.C..
    [2]William P.Statsky,Torts:Personal Injury Litigation,West Publishing Company 1990,p.253.
    [3]Palsgraf v.Long Island R.Co.248 N.Y.399,162 N.E.99(1928),per Cardozo,C,J.
    [1]Graham Barclay Oysters Pty Ltd v.Ryan(2002) 211 C.L.R.540,578,H.C.A.(McHugh J).
    [2]Tarasoff v.Regents of University of Californian[1976]17 Cal.3d 425,551P.2d 334.
    [1]Palmer v.Tees H.A.[2000]P.I.Q.R.PI.
    [2]Doe v.Commissioners of Police for Metropolitan Toronto[1998]160 D.L.R.697.
    [1]John G Fleming:《民事侵权法概论》,何美欢译,香港中文大学出版社1992年版,第40页。
    [2]Roe v.Minister of Health[1954]2 Q.B.66.Weir,Casebook on Tort(9~(th) ed.),p.174.
    [3]John C P Goldberg & Benjamin C Zipursky,Duty in its Obligation Sense,54Vand L Rew 657,1999.
    [1]Dulieu v.White[1901]2 K.B.669,679,per Kennedy J;Bourhill v.Young [1943]A.C.92,109;Cook v.Swinfen[1967]1 W.L.R.457.
    [2]Page v.Smith[1996]A.C.155,para.5.46;Commonwealth v.Mclean[1997]41N.S.W.L.R.386;Meah v.McCreamer[1985]1 A11 E.R.367.
    [3]Fuller v.Preis[1974]35 N.Y.2d 425,322 N.E.2d 263,363 N.Y.S.2d 568.
    [1]Wagner v.International Ry.Co.,232 N.Y.176,133 N.E.437,19 A.L.R.I.(1921)
    [2]Chapman v.Hearse[1961]106 C.L.R.112.
    [1]Le Lievre v.Gould[1893]1 Q.B.491,497 per Lord Esher M.R.
    [2]Sutherland Shire Council v.Heyman[1985]157 C.L.R.424,498.
    [3]Donoghue v.Stevenson[1932]A.C.562,581 per Lord Atkin.
    [1]Sutherland Shire Council v.Heyman[1985]157 C.L.R.424,497,498.
    [2]Michael ·A· Jones,Torts,Blackstone Press Limited 1996,p.25.
    [3]Stone,Precedent and Law(1985),p.265-268.
    [4]Jonathan Morgan,The Rise and Fall of the General Duty of Care,Professional Negligence,Vol.22,No.4,2006,p.210.
    [1]McLoughlin v.O'Brian[1982]2 A11 E.R.298,303,H.L..
    [2]Jaensch v.Coffey[1984]155 C.L.R.549,851.
    [3]Yuen Kun-Yeu v.A-G of Hong Kong[1987]2 A11 E.R.705,710-711,P.C.
    [1]Ultramares Corporation v.Touche 255 NY 170,174 NE 441(NY Ct of Appls)444;Caparo v.Dickman[1990]A.C.605,621-622,H.L.;Hill v.Van Erp[1997]188 C.L.R.159,175 H.C.A..
    [2]J Stapleton,Duty of Care:Peripheral Parties and Alternative Opportunities for Deterrence[1995]111 L.Q.R.301,302.
    [3]Hill v.Chief Constable of West Yorkshire[1989]A.C.53,H.L..
    [1]Osman v.Ferguson[1993]4 All E.R.344,C.A..
    [2]S Perry,On the Relationship Between Corrective Justice and Distributive Justice ia J Horder(ed),Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence(4~(th) Series),Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000,p.244;L Alexander,Causation and Corrective Justice:Does Tort Law Make Sense?'(1987) 6 Law & Phil 1,6-7.
    [1]Kent v.Griffiths[2001]Q.B.36,C.A.具体案情参见本文第一章第三节第18页。
    [2]Capital & Counties Plc v.Hampshire County Council[1997]Q.B.1038,C.A..
    [3]Caparo Industries v.Dickman[1990]2 A.C.605,H.L.(具体案情参见第文第一章第一节第7页)
    [4]Caparo Industries v.Dickman[1990]2 A.C.625.
    [1]Caparo Industries v.Dickman[t990]2 AC 621.
    [2]Esanda Finance v.Peat Marwick Hungerford[1997]142 A.L.R.750,783;Bily v.Arthur Young & Co.834 P.2d 745(Cal.1992)
    [3]McFarlane v.Tayside Health Board[2000]2 A.C.59,H.L.,76(Lord Slynn),95(Lord Hope),100-101(Lord Clyde) and 108(Lord Millett).
    [4]Sullivan v.Moody[2001]207 C.L.R.562,579,H.C.A.(The Court);Spring v.Guardian Assurance plc[1995]2 A.C.196,326,HL(Lord Lowry);Sidaway v.Royal Bethlem Hospital[1985]1 A.C.871,887,H.L.(Lord Scarman).
    [1]Rowing v.Takaro Properties Ltd[1988]A.C.473,502(Lord Keith).
    [2]Christian Witting,Liability for Negligent Misstatements,Oxford University Press,Oxford New York,2004,p.32.
    [3]Marc Rich & Co AG v.Bishop Rock Marine Co Ltd[1996]2 A.C.211,236,H.L.(Lord Steyn);Smith v.Eric S Bush[1990]1 A.C.831,858,H.L.(Lord Griffiths).See:B Hepple,Negligence:The Search for Coherence(1997) 50Current Legal Problems 69,81 ff;H Luntz,Torts Turnaround Downunder(2001)1 Oxford U Commonwealth LJ 95,102.
    [4]Banque Financiere de la Cite SAv.Westgate Insurance Co Ltd[1989]2 All E.R.952,1012.
    [1]J Stapleton,Tort,Insurance and Ideology(1995) 58 M.L.R.820,825.
    [2]Calabresi,The Costs of Accidents(1970);Posner,Economic Analysis of Law (2~(nd) ed,1977),Chap 6;Ogus and Veljanovski(eds),Readings in the Economics of Law and Regulation(1984),Chaps land 3;Cane,Tort Law and Economic Interests(1991),p.489-499.
    [3]See:Bishop,On Liability for Economic Loss(1982) 2 OJLS 1;Rizzo(1982) 2OJLS 197 and Bishop's Reply at 207;Feldthusen,Economic Negligence(2~(nd) ed.1989),p10-11;Smiilie(1982)32 UTLJ 231-240.
    [4]Goldberg v.Housing Auth.of Newark[1962]38 N.J.578,583,186 A,2d 291.
    [5]Kell v.Gwinnell[1984]98 NJ 538,476 A.2d.1219,Supreme Court of New Jersey.
    [1]Caparo Industries plc v.Dickman[1990]2 A.C.605,633(Lord Oliver).
    [2]Christian Witting,Liability For Negligent Misstatements,Oxford University Press,Oxford New York,2004,p.29-30.
    [1]See:Rees v.Darlington Memorial Hospital NHS Trust[2003]1 A.C.309,326,H.L.(Lord Steyn);Kealey v.Berezowski[1996]136 D.L.R.(4th) 708,731.
    [2]Burrough J in Richardson v.Mellish[1824]2 Bing 229,252.
    [3]Christian Witting,Duty of Care:An Analytical Approach,Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,Vol.25,No.1(2005),p.38-42.
    [1]Vanghan v.Menlove,3 Bing,N.C.467,132 Eng.Rep.490[1837](SATL 249).
    [3]Osborne v.Montgomery 203 Wis.223 234,N.W.372(1931).
    [4][英]戴维·M ·沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,北京社会与科技发展研究所组织编译,光明日报出版社1988年版,第751页。
    [5]Black's Law Dictionary(7~(th) ed.),1999,p.1273.
    [4]William L.Prosser,Handbook of the Law of Torts(4~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,1971,p.150-151.
    [2][美]约翰·G·福莱明(Joh n G.Fleming):《民事侵权法概论》,何美欢译,香港中文大学出版社,1992年版,第23页。
    [3]See:McFarlane v.Tayside Health Board[2000]2 A.C.59;
    Frost v.Chief Constable of South Yorkshire[1999]2 A.C.455;
    Greer L.J.in Hall v.Brooklands Auto Racing Club[1933]1 K.B.205,224.
    [2]A.C.Billings & Sons Ltd v.Ridden[1958]A.C.240,255,per Lord Reid.
    [3]Hawkins v.Coulsdon & Purley U.D.C.[1954]1 Q.B.319,341,per Romer L.J.
    [4]W.L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,150.
    [1]O'Connor v.State of South Australia[1976]14 S.A.A.R.187.
    [2]R.v.Denyer[1926]2 K.B.258;Hardie& Lane Ltd v.Chilton[1928]2 K.B.306.
    [1]107 N.H.407,224 A.2d 63[1966].转引自张民安《过错侵权责任制度研究》,中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第271页。
    [2]McHale v.Watson[1996]115 C.L.R.199.
    [3]William L.Prosser,Handbook of the Law of Torts(4~(th) ),1971,p.156.
    [4]259 Minn.452,107 N.W.2d 859(1961).
    [5]483 P.2d 522(1971).
    [6]14 Ill.App.3d 514,302 N.E.2d 637(1973).
    [7]98 Idaho.202,560 P.2d 873(1977).
    [8]92 Wash.2d 410,598 P.2d 392(1979)
    [1]Oliver Wendell Holmes,The Common Law,108(1881).
    [1]Breunig v.American Family Ins.Co.,Supreme Court of Wisconsin,1970,45Wis.2d 536,17 N.W.2d 619.
    [1]W.L.Prosser,The Law of Torts(4~(th) ed.),Section 32,1971,p.151-152,
    [2]Roberts v.State of Louisiana,Court of Appeal of Louisiana,1981,396 So.2d 566,aff'd on other grounds,404 So.2d 1221(La.1981).
    [1]Robinson v.Pioche,Bayerque& Co.,5 Cal.460(1855).
    [1]Gold v.Haringey Health Authority[1988]Q.B.481.
    [2]Boyce v.Brown,77,P.2d 455(Ariz.1938)(SATL 276).
    [1]Ross v.Caunters[1979]3 All E.R.580.
    [2]Nettleship v.Weston[1971]2 Q.B.691.
    [1]Cook v.Cook[1986]68 A.L.R.353;Kidner,The Variable Standard of Care,Contributory Negligence and Volenti(1991) 11,L.S.1.
    [2]Michael A.Jones,Torts,Blackstone Press Limited,1996,P.147.
    [3]Young v.Clark,814 P.2d 364(Colo.1991)(SATL 250).见法官给陪审团的指示部分。
    [1]Poe v.Pittman[1965]150 W.Va.179,144 S.E.2d 671.
    [3]Cohon v.Petty,Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia,1933,62 App.D.C.187,65 F.2d 820.
    [1]Wooldridge v.Summer[1963]2 Q.B.43.
    [1]Jones v.Three River Management Corp.,Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,1978,483 Pa.75,394 A.2d 546.
    [1]Terry,Negligence,29 Harv.L.Rev.40,42-44(1915).
    [2]William L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed),West Publishing Co.,p.149.
    [4]Blyth v.Birmingham Water Works Co.[1856]11 E.X.781,784.
    [1]Adams v.Bullock[1919]N.Y.208,125 N.E.93.
    [2]United States v.Carroll Towing Co.,159 F.2d 169(Cir.1947).
    [1]Paris v.Stepney Borough Council[1951]A.C.367.
    [2]Mercer v.Commissioner for Road Transport and Tramways[1936]N.S.W.56C.L.R.580,601.
    [3]Helling v.Carey,519 P.2d 981(Wash.1974)(SATL 289).
    [1]Latimer v.AEC Ltd[1952]2 Q.B.701,711.
    [2]K.P.Balkin JLR Davis,Law of Torts,Butterworths,1991,p.266.
    [3]曲 参阅(美)理查德·A·波斯纳《法律的经济分析》,蒋兆康译,中国大百科全书出版社1997年版,第215页。
    [1]Daborn v.Bath Tramways Motor Co.Ltd[1946]2 A11 E.R.333(C.A.).
    [2]R.F.V.Heuston & R.A.Buckley,Salmond & Heuston on the Law of Torts,Sweet & Maxwell,p.229.
    [4]See:Richard A Epstein Charles O.Gregory Harry Kalven,Cases and Materials on Torts(4~(th) ed),p.147.
    [1]IZ Hak Englard,The Philosophy of Tort Law,Dartmouth,1993,p.36-37.
    [1]McCarty v.Pheasant Run Inc.826 F.2d 1554 at 1557(1987).
    [3]Western Suburbs Hospital v.Currie[1987]9 N.S.W.L.R.511,523,per McHugh J.A.
    [4]Us Fideliyt& Guaranty Co.v.Jadranska Slobodna Plovidba,638,F.2d 1022,1026(1982).
    [1]Byrne v.Boadle 2 H.& C.722,159 Eng.Rep.299(Ex.1863)(SATL 335).
    [2]Scott v.London and St.Katherine Dock Co.[1865]3 H.& C.596.
    [1]Central R.Co.v.Peluso,No.104,United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,286 F.661(1923).
    [2]Terrell v.Lincole Motel,Inc.,Superior Court of New Jersey,Appellate Division,183 N.J.Super.55;443 A.2d 236(1982).
    [3]Ladd v.Hudson Valley Ambulance Service,Supreme Court of New York,Appellate Division,142 A.D.2d 17;534 N.Y.S.2d 816(1988).
    [4]Merchants Fast Motor Lines v.State,Court of Appeals of Texas,917 S.W.2d 518(1996).
    [5]Lopez v.Sears,Roebuck & Co.,Supreme Court of New York,Nassau County,187 Misc.2d 165;721 N.Y.S.2d 481(2001).
    [1]Colmenares Vivas v.Sun Alliance Insurance Co.,United States Court of Appeals,First Circuit,1986.807 F.2d 1102.
    [2]Diehl v.Koffer,Court of Appeals of North Carolina,140 N.C.App.375;536S.E.2d 359(2000).
    [1]Larson v.St.Francis Hotel,District Court of Appeal of California,1948.83Cal.App.2d 210,188 P.2d 513.
    [1]William L.Prosser,Handbook of The Law of Torts,p.230-231.
    [1]Henderson v.Henry E.Jenkins & Sons[1970]A.C.282.
    [2]William L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,p.190.
    [1]Couch v.Steel[1854]3 E.& B.402.
    [2]Gorris v.Scott[1874]L.R.9 Ex.125.
    [1]Ney v.Yellow Cab Co.[1954]2111.2d 74,117 N.E.2d 74.
    [2]William L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,p.192.
    [3]Clegg,Parkingson & Co.v.Earby Gas.Co[1896]1 Q.B.592.
    [1]Stachniewicz v.Mar-Cam Corp.488 P.2d 436(Or.1971)(SATL 296).
    [2]Brown v.Shyne,Court of Appeals of New York,1926.242 N.Y.176,151 N.E.197.
    [1]William L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed.),West Publishing Co.,p.200-201.
    [1]Ross v.Hartman 139 F.2d 14(D.C.Civ.1943).
    [1]Lowndes,Civil Liability Created by Criminal Legislation,16 Minn.L.R.161,p.369.
    [2]Smith v.Baker[1891]A.C.325,360.
    [3][美]文森特·R·约翰逊(Vincent R.Johnson):《美国侵权法》(American Tort Law),中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第39页。
    [1]Arthur v.Ankcr[1997]Q.B.564;Vine v.Waltham Forest L.B.C.[2000]1 W.L.R.2383.
    [3]O'Brien v.Cunard S.S.Co.[1891]154 Mass.272,28 N.E.266.
    [1]Davies v.Butler,602 P.2d 605(Nev.1979)(SATL 129).
    [2]Bowater v.Rowley Regis Corp[1944]K.B.476.
    [3]ICI Ltd v.Shatwell[1965]A.C.656.
    [4]Nabozny v.Barnhill,31 Ill.App.3d 212,334 N.E.2d 258(1975).
    [1]Korman v.Mallin,Supreme Court of Alaska,1993,858 P.2d,1145.
    [2]Kinikin v.Heupel,305 N.W.2d 589.595.
    [1]Winterstein v.Wilcom,Court of Special Appeals of Maryland,1972.16 Md.APP.130,293 A.2d 821.
    [1]Goodhart,Rescue and Voluntary Assumption of Risk,(1934) 5 C.L.J.192,196.
    [2]Haynes v.Harwood[1935]1 K.B.146,158-159,per Greet L.J.,164,per Maugham.J.
    [3]Baker v.T.E.Hopkins & Son Ltd[1959]1 W.L.R.966,976,per Morris L.J
    [1]Reeves v.Metropolitan Police Commissioner[2000]1 A.C.360.
    [2]Frost v.CC.South Yorkshire[1999]2 A.C.455,509.
    [3]Butterfield v.Forrester,11 East 60,103 Eng.Rep.926(1809).
    [1]Mclntyre v.Balentine,Supreme Court of Tennessee,1992,833 S.W.2d 52.
    [2]Davies v.Mann,152 Eng.Rep.588(1842)(SATL 728).
    [1]Jones v.Livox Quarries Ltd[1952]2 Q.B.608,per Lord Denning.
    [1]Jones v.Bovce[1816]171 E.B.540
    [2]Gough v.Thorne[1966]1 W.L.R.1387,per Lord Denning;Mullin v.Richards [1998]1 All E.R.920.
    [3]Yachuk v.Oliver Blais[1949]A.C.386.
    [4]The Law Reform(Contributory Negligence) Act 1945,§4.
    [5]Torts(Interference With Goods) Act 1977,§11.
    [6]Alliance & Leicester Building Society v.Edgestop Ltd[1993]1 W.L.R.1462;Nationwide Building Society v.Thimbleby & Co.[1999]Lloyd's Rep.P.N.359;Corporacion National de Cobre de Chile v.Sogemin Metals Ltd[1997]1 W.L.R.1396.
    [7]Standard Chartered Bank v.Pakistan National Shipping Corp.(No.4)[2001]Q.B.167.
    [1]在Laszczyk v.N.C.B.[1954]1 W.L.R.1426判例中,法院将原告过失的比例确定为5%,这一比例在Stringman v.McArdle[1994]1 W.L.R.1653案中得到确认.
    [2]Jayes v.IMI(Kynoch) Ltd[1985]I.C.R 155.
    [3]Pitts v.Hunt[1990]3 All E.R.344.
    [1]The Miraflores v.Abadesa[1967]1 A.C.826;Fitzgerald v.Lane[1989]A.C.328.
    [1]Silas v.Bowen,United States District Court,District of South Carolina,1967.277 F.Supp.314.
    [1]Katko v.Briney,Supreme Court of Lowa,1971.183 N.W.2d 657.
    [1]Winfield and Jolowicz,On Tort(16~(th) ed.),Sweet & Maxwell 2002,p.872-873.
    [2]Monsanto ple v.Tilly[2000]Env.L.R.313.
    [1]Michael A.Jones,Torts,Blackstone Press Limited 1996,p.60.
    [2]Stanton v.Callaghan[2000]Q.B.75,100,per Chadwick LJ.
    [3]Sail Ali v.Sydney Mitchell & Co.[1978]3 All E.R.1037.
    [4]Michael A.Jones,Torts,Blackstone Press Limited 1996,p.62.
    [5]Rondel v.Worsley[1967]3 All E.R.993.
    [1]Somasundaram v.MJulius Melchior & Co.[1989]1 All E.R.129.
    [2]Arthur J S Hall & Co.v.Simons[2002]1 A.C.615;Williams,May There Be No Moaning at the Bar(2000) 16 PN 225;English,Forensic Immunity Post-Osman(2001) 64 MLR 300.
    [3]Rees v.Sinclair[1974]I N.Z.L.R.180.
    [4]Lai v.Chamberlains[2005]3 N.Z.L.R.291.
    [5]D'Orta-Ekenaike v.Victona Legal Aid[2005]H.C.A.12;[2005]79 A.L.J.R.755;Cane,The New Face of Advocates' Immunity(2005) 13 T.L.J.93.
    [6]Giannarelli v.Wraith[1988]165 CLR 543.
    [1][美]约翰·G·福莱明(John G.Fleming):《民事侵权法概论》,何美欢译,香港中文大学出版杜1992年版,第57-58页。
    [2]Michael A.Jones,Torts,Blackstone Press Limited 1996,p.67.
    [3]Chapa v.U.S.,339 F.3d 388,389(Cir.2003).
    [1]Welsh v.Chief Constable of the Merseyside Police[1993]1 All E.R.692.
    [2]Tinkham v.Kole,Supreme Court of Iowa,1961.252 Iowa.1303,110 N.W.2d 258.
    [1]Victorian Railway Commissioners v.Coultas[1888]13 App.Cas.222
    [2]Dulieu v.White & Sons[1901]2 K.B.669.
    [3]Hinz v.Berry[1970]2 Q.B.40,42;Jaensch v.Coffey[1984]155 C.L.R.549,559,587.
    [4]Lewis v.Westinghouse Electric Corp.487 N.E.2d 1071(Ill App.Ct.1985)(SATL 549).
    [5]Calveley v.Chief Constable of Merseyside[1989]A.C.1228.
    [1]Dunner DL,Current Psychiatric Therapy,W.B.Saunders Company,Philadelphia,1993,p.288-294.
    [2]Campbell RJ,Psychiatric Dictionary,Oxford University Press,New York Oxford,1989,p.554,
    [3]参阅《美国侵权法重述》(第二版) §46注释d项。
    [1]Magruder,Mental and Emotional Disturbance in the Law of Torts,Harvard Law Review 1033,1053(1936).
    [2]Daley v.LaCroix,179 N.W.2d 390(Mich.1970)(SATL 552)
    [3]Hambrook v.Stokes Bros[1925]1 K.B.141.
    [1]Alcock v.Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police[1991]4 All E.R.907.
    [1]McFarlane v.E.E.Caledonia Ltd[1994]2 All E.R.10.
    [2]Hegarty v.E.E.Caledonia Ltd[1997]2 Lloyd's Rep.259.
    [3]Page v.Smith[1995]2 All E.R.736.
    [1]Chadwick v.British Transport Commission[1967]1 W.L.R.912.
    [2]Dooley v.Cammell Laird & Co.Ltd[1951]1 Lloyd's Rep.271.
    [2]See:Frost and others v.Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police and others;Duncan v.British Coal Corp.[1998]Q.B.254;[1997]1 All E.R.540;[1997]3 W.L.R.1230;[1997]IRLR 173,33 B.M.L.R.108.
    [3]White v.Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police[1999]1 All E.R.1.
    [1]Attia v.British Gas plc.[1987]3 All E.R.455,464.
    [2]Nicholas J Mullany & Peter R Handford,Tort Liability for Psychiatric Damage,The Law Book Company Limited,Sydney,1993,p.209.
    [4]Hatton v.Sutherland[2002]E.W.C.A.Civ.76;Walker v.Northumberland C.C.[1995]I.C.R.702;Cross v.Highlands and Islands Enterprise[2001]I.R.L.R.336.
    [5]Hatton v.Sutherland[2002]E.W.C.A.Civ.29;Fraser v.State Hospitals Board for Scotland 2001 S.L.T.1051.
    [1]Group B Plaintiffs v.Medical Research Council[2000]Lloyd's Rep.Med.161(decided in 1997).
    [2]Johnson v.New York,334 N.E.2d 590(N.Y.1975).
    [3]Allin v.City & Hackney H.A.[1996]7 Med.L.R.91.
    [4]Barnes v.Commonwealth[1937]37 S.R.N.S.W.511.
    [1]Mount Isa Mines Lid v.Pusey[1970]125 C.L.R.383,407.
    [2]Furness v.Fitchett[1958]N.Z.L.R.396.
    [3]Dillon v.Legg,68 Cal.2d 728(1968).
    [1]Mazzagatti v.Eveningham,512 Pa.266,516 A.2d 672(1986).
    [2]Whetham v.Bismarck Hospital,197 N.W.2d 678(N.D.1972)(SATL 564).
    [3]McLoughlin v.O'Brian[1982]2 All E.R.298.
    [1]Havican v.Ruane[1991]3 All E.R.65.
    [2]Ravenscroft v.Rederiaktie & Laget Transatlantic[1991]3 All E.R.73.
    [1]Alcock v.Chief Constable of South Yorkshire[1992]1 A.C.397.
    [2]Michael Jay Gorback,Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress:Has the Legislative Response to Diane Whipple's Death Rendered the Hard-Line Stance of Elden and Thing Obsolete? Hastings Law Journal Vol.54,2002,p.289.
    [1]Alcock v.Chief Constable of South Yorkshire[1992]1 A.C.403,416.
    [2]McFarlane v.E.E.Caledonia Ltd.[1994]2 All E.R.I.
    [3]Vanek v.Great Atlantic etc Co.of Canada[1999]180 D.L.R.(4th) 748.
    [4]McLoughlin v.O'Brian[1982]2 All E.R.298.
    [5]Jaensch v.Coffey[1984]54 A.L.R.417
    [6]John Cooke,Law of Tort,Foundation Studies of Law,Law Press 5~(th) ed.,p.56.
    [2]Alcock v.Chief Constable of South Yorkshire[1992]1 A.C.416,per Lord Oliver.
    [1]Mauro Bussami and Vernon Valentine Palmer:《欧洲法中的纯经济损失》,张小义、钟洪鸣译,法律出版社2003年版,第4页。
    [2]Alastair Mullis and Ken Oliphant,Tort Law,Macmillan Press Ltd.1993.,p.47.
    [3]D.F.Bias and B.S.Markesinis,Tort Law,Clarendon Press(4~(th) ed.) 1999,p.88.
    [2]Spartan Steel & Alloys Ltd.v.Martin & Co.(contractors) Ltd.[1973]Q.B.27.
    [1]E.K.Banakas,Tender is the Night:Economic Loss—the Issues,Civil Liability For Pure Economic Loss.Kluwer Law International,1996,p.7.转引自张民安《过错侵权责任制度研究》,中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第614页。
    [2]Lumley v.Gye[1853]2E& B 216;Peek v.Gurney[1873]LR 6HL 377;Bowen v.Hall[1881]6& BD 333.
    [3]Cattle v.Stockton[1875]L.R.10 Q.B.453.
    [4]Robins Dry Dock & Repair Co.v.Flint[1927]275 U.S.303.
    [1]Morrison Steamship Co.Ltd.v.Greystoke Castle(Cargo Owners)[1947]A.C.265,[1946]All E.R.696.
    [2]Seaway Hotels Ltd.v.Gragg(Canada) Ltd.and Consumers' Gas Co.[1959]17D.L.R.(2d) 292,aff'd 21 D.L.R.(2d) 264(Ont.C.A.).
    [3]Hedley Byrne & Co.Ltd.v.Heller & Partners Ltd.[1964]A.C.465.
    [1]Dutton v.Regis United Building Co.[1972]1 All E.R.462(C.A).
    [2]Rivtow Marine Ltd.v.Washington Iron Works[1973]40 D.L.R.(3d) 530(S.C.C.).
    [1]Smith v.Littlewoods Organization Ltd.[1987]2 W.L.R.480.
    [2]D & F Estates v.Church Commissioners[1989]A.C.177.该案的事实是原告承租的房屋在建造时,建筑商将楼房抹灰泥工作分包给他人施工,结果分包人施工不合格,致灰泥大面积脱落,原告起诉建筑商,要求其承担楼房维修期间的利润损失,上议院以原告诉求系纯经济损失,不予赔偿.Murphy v.Brentwood B.C.[1991]1 A.C.398.该案的事实是原告购买的房屋是被告批准建造的,其后房屋墙体出现开裂,原因是房屋设计存在缺陷,原告因承担不起维修费用将房屋低价处理,从而遭受经济损失,上议院认为原因低价转卖房屋所受损失为纯经济损失,这是由房屋自身的设计缺陷造成的,并非其他财产受到损害而引起,故不能获得赔偿。
    [3]Jacques v.First National Bank[1986]307 Md.527,515 A.2d 756.参阅邱琦《过失不当陈述之研究》,台湾大学法律学研究所1992年硕士论文,第65页。
    [4]Easter River Streamship Corp.v.Transamerica Delvaval Inc.[1986]476 U.S.858.
    [2]Christensen v.Superior Court[1991]54 Cal.3d 868,820.
    [3]Perlman,Interference With Contract and Other Economic Expectancies:A Clash of Tort and Contract Doctrine,(1982) 49 U.C.L.R.61,p.71-72.
    [2]East River Steamship Corp v.Transamerica Delava Inc.[1986]476 U.S.858,106,S.Ct.2295,2304.
    [3]Jane Stapletion,Duty of Care and Economic Loss:A Wider Agenda,[1991]L.Q.R.256.
    [4]Peter v.Cane[1989]52 M.L.R.208-209.
    [1]J.Spier,The Limits of Expanding Liability,Kluwer Law International Ltd.,1999,218-221;Louisiana ex tel v.Guste v.M/V Testbank 50 F.2d 558(9~(th) Cir.1974);Barbe Lines A/S v.M/V Dorian Maru 752 F.2d 1019,88 A.L.R.Fed.239(5~(th) Cir.1985).
    [2]B.S.Markesinis & S.F.Deakin,Tort Law,Clarendon Press,Oxford 1994,p.85-86.
    [3]E.K.Banakas,Tender is the Night:Economic Loss-the Issues,Civil Liability For Pure Economic Loss,Kluwer Law International,1996,p.7.
    [4]Henderson v.Merrett Syndicates Ltd.[1994]3 All E.R.506.
    [1]R.P.Balkin & JLR Davis,Law of Torts,Butterworths,1991,p.423.
    [2]Tony Weir,A Casebook on Tort(9~(th) ed.),Sweet & Maxwell,London,2000,p.6.
    [3]T Alikmon[1985]2 All E.R.44,73.per Lord Goff.
    [1]Robert Rabin,Tort Recovery for Negligently Inflicted Economic Loss:A Reassessment,[1985]37 Stan.L.Rev.1513.
    [2]Leigh & Sillavan Ltd.v.Aliakmon Shipping Co.Ltd.[1986]A.C.785,817.
    [3]Francis Trindade Peter Cane,The Law of Torts in Australia,Melbourne Oxford University Press,1985,p.299.
    [1]Nocton v.Lord Ashburton[1914]A.C.932.
    [2]Hedley Byrne & Co.Ltd.v.Heller & Partners Ltd.[1964]2 All E.R.575,per Lord Morris.
    [1]Mutual Life & Citizens Assurance Co.Ltd.v.Eyatt[1971]1 All E.R.150,P.C.
    [2]Esso Petroleum Co.Ltd.v.Mardon[1976]2 All E.R.5,C.A.
    [3]Esso Petroleum Co.Ltd.v.Mardon[1976]2 All E.R.5,16.
    [4]Chaudhry v.Prabhaker[1988]3 All E.R.718.
    [1]Hedley Byrne & Co.Ltd.v.Heller & Partners Ltd.[1964]2 All E.R.486,per Lord Reid.
    [2]根据1977年英国《不公平契约条款法》(the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977)第2节(2)之规定,任何人不能以契约条款或通知限制他就其在商业活动中因为过失引起的人身损害以外的损失或损害而承担的法律责任,但是,他能证明其条款或通知是合理的除外。可见,契约法中的注意义务也不能随意免除。
    [3]Smith v.Eric S Bush[1990]A.C.241(H.L.).
    [1]Gordon,Hedley Byrne v.Heller in the House of Lords[1964]2 U.B.L.Rev.113,149.
    [2]Smith v.Eric S Bush[1989]2 All E.R.514.
    [1]Hedley Byrne & Co.Ltd.v.Heller & Partners Ltd.[1964]A.C.465,539.
    [2]A.J.E.Jaffey,The Duty of Care,Dartmouth Publishing Co.,U.K.1992,p.156.
    [3]JEB Fasteners v.Marks Bloom & Co.[1983]1 All E.R.583.
    [1]Caparo Industries plc.v.Dickman[1990]1 All E.R.568.
    [2]Al-Nakib Investments(Jersey) Ltd.v.Longcroft[1990]3 All E.R.321.
    [3]Anderson(W.B.)& Sons Ltd.v.Rhodes(Liverpool) Ltd.[1967]2 All E.R.850.
    [1]Yianni v.Edwin Evans & Sons[1982]Q.B.438.
    [1]Hankie-Williams v.Heavey[1986]279 E.G.316 C.A.;Bourne v.McEvoy Timbers Preservation Ltd[1975]237 E.G.496.
    [2]Feldthusen,Economic Negligence(2~(nd) ed.),1989),p.96-100.
    [3]Haig v.Bamford[1976]72 D.L.R.3d 68.
    [4]Bruce Feldthusen,Issues in Tort Law,p.192.
    [5]William L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed),West Publishing Co.,p.714-715.
    [1]Cf Woolf J in JEB Fasteners Ltd.v.Marks,Bloom & Co.[1981]3 All E.R.297.
    [2]Lawton v.BOC Transhield Ltd.[1987]2 All E.R.608.
    [1]White v.Jones[1995]2 A.C.145.
    [2]J and JC Abrams Ltd.v.Ancliffe[1978]2 N.Z.L.R 420.
    [1]Smith v.Leurs[1945]70 C.L.R.156,161-162.
    [3]Carmarthenshire County Council v.Lewis[1955]A.C.549.
    [1]Home Office v.Dorset Yacht Club[1970]A.C.1004,1062,H.L.
    [2]Hill v.Chief Constable of West Yorkshire[1988]2 All E.R.238,H.L.See also:Alexander v.Oxford,the Times,19 Feb.1990;Smith v.Scott[1972]3 All E.R.645.
    [3]William L.Prosser,Law of Torts(4~(th) ed),West Publishing Co.,p.458.
    [4]Reedie v.London and North Western Ry[1849]4 Exch.244.
    [1]See:Keating,The Idea of Fairness in the Law of Enterprise Liability,(1997)95 Mich.L.R.1266.
    [2]Bartonshill Coal Co.v.McGuire[1858]3 Macq 300,306.
    [3]Limpus v.L.G.O.Co.[1862]1 H.C.526,539,per Willes J.
    [1]Short v.J.& W.Henderson Ltd[1946]62 T.L.R.427,429.
    [2]Wilson & Clyde Coal Co.v.English[1938]A.C.57,83,84(H.L.),per Lord Wright.
    [1]Bugge v.Brown[1919]26 C.L.R.110,118.
    [2]Chaplin v.Dunstan Ltd.[1938]S.A.S.R.245.
    [3]Storey v.Ashton[1869]L.R.4 Q.B.476.
    [4]Plumb v.Cobden Flour Mills Co.Ltd.[1914]A.C.62,67,per Lord Dunedin (H.L.).
    [1]Limpus v.London General Omnibus Co.[1862]1 H.C.526.
    [2]Conway v.George Wimpey & Co.Ltd[1951]2 K.B.266.
    [3]Rose v.Plenty[1976]1 W.L.R.141.
    [4]Morris v.C.W.Martin & Sons Ltd[1966]1 Q.B.716.See also:Mendelssohn v.Normand Ltd[1970]1 Q.B.177;Port Swettenham Authority v.T.W.Wu &Co.[1978]3 W.L.R.530.
    [1]Lloyd v.Grace,Smith & Co.[1912]A.C.716.
    [2]类似的案例还有:Uxbridge Permanent,etc.Society v.Pickard[1939]2 K.B.248;British Ry,etc.Co.Ltd.v.Roper[1940]162 L.T.217;United Africa Co.v.Saka Owoade[1955]A.C.130;Morris v.C.W.Martin & Sons Ltd[1966]1 Q.B.716;Century Insurance Co.Ltd v.Northern Ireland Road Transport Board[1942]A.C.509.
    [1]Dartmouth College v.Woodward[1819]17 V.S.518,per Lord Marsh.
    [2]Lennard's Carrying Co.v.Asiatic Petroleum Co.Ltd[1915]A.C.705,H.L.,per Viscount Haldane L.C.
    [3]Bate v.Scandard Land Co.[1910]2 C.H.408.
    [4]L.H.Leigh V.H.Joffe & D.Gobiberg,Company Law,Butterworths,1981,p.80.
    [1]Robert W.Hamilton:The Law of Corporations,West,1990,p.9-11.
    [2]Clerk and Lindsell,On Torts(15~(th) ed.),Sweet and Maxwell,London,1982,p.135.
    [3]普通法上,场所的进入者可分为四种情况:一种情况是订立合同者(Contractor),一种是受邀请者(Invitee),一种是准许进入者(Licensee)。最后一种是非法侵入者(Trespasser)。二十世纪中期以后,受邀请者与准许进入者统称为来访者(Visitor),他们都是经主人明示或暗示同意的进入该处场所的人。参阅Winfield & Jolowicz,On Tort(16~(th) ed),Sweet & Maxwell,London,2002,p.304-305.
    [1]Hosie v.Arbroath Football Club[1978]S.L.T.122.
    [2]Sedleigh-Denfield v.O'Callaghan[1940]A.C.880.
    [3]King v.Liverpool City Council[1986]3 All E.R.544,C.A.
    [1]Smith v.Littlewoods Organisation Ltd.[1987]1 All E.R.710,Discussed by Markesinis(1989) 105 L.Q.R.104.
    [2]Home Office v.Dorset Yacht Co.[1970]A.C.1004,1030.
    [3]Lamb v.London Borough of Camden[1981]2 All E.R.408,418,C.A.
    [1]P Perl(Exporters) Ltd v.Camden London Borough Council[1983]3 All E.R.161.
    [2]Haynes v.Harwood[1935]1 K.B.146,C.A.
    [3]Paterson Zochonis & Co.Ltd v.Merfarken Packaging Ltd.[1986]3 All E.R.522,C.A.per.Lord Fox.
    [1]See Canadian Cases:Hempler v.Todd[1970]14 D.L.K.3d 637,Ontario Hospital Services Commission v.Borsoski[1973]54 D.L,K.3d 339.
    [2]CBS Songs Ltd v.Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc.[1988]2 All E.R.484.
    [4]C.Ferrini,Esposizione,Storica e Dottrinale Del Diritto Penale Romano,in Enc Pessina,I.1902,p.258.
    [1]Andre Tunc,Torts:Introduction,International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Vol.4,1974,p.71.
    [1]A.T.Von Mehren & J.R.Gordley,the Civil Law System,p.33.
    [2]Saint Thomas Aquians,Summa Theologica 2,2,Quaestion 62,4.
    [3]Grotius,Ee Iure Billi ac Pa cis,Book Ⅱ,ch ⅩⅦ,sect.I.
    [4]Andre Tune,Torts:Introduction,International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Vol.4,1974,p.70.
    [5]Robert L.Rabin,Perspectives on Tort Law,Little Brown and Company,Boston New York Toronto London,1995,p.196.
    [2]Andre Tune,Torts:Chapter 1—Introduction,International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law,Vol.4,1975,p.72.
    [3]J.Domat,Les Loix Civiles dans Leur Ordre Naturel 1689,At1.2.4.1.
    [5]Jean Limpens,Torts:Chaper 2—Liability for Ones's Own Act,International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law,Vol.4,1975,p.45.
    [1]F.Carnelutti,Sulla Distinzione tra Colpa Contrattuale e Colpa Extracontrattuole,p.744.
    [2]R.J.Pothier,Traite des Obligations,lsted,1761,
    [3]H.Mazuaud et Tunc,Treate theorique et pratique de la responabilite civile.5ed.,1957,n·449.
    [5]该案中,被告Turpain教授曾在其发表的文章中对Branly教授的科学成果提出挑战,但在其之后发表的文章中,对教Branly授的科学贡献未提及,教Branly 授的继承人认为教Turpain授应向读者提供准确的信息,而他违反了这一义务,应对其不作为承担侵权责任。转引自杨垠红《一般注意义务研究》,厦门大学 法律评论第9期,厦门大学出版社2005年版,第52-53页。
    [1]F.H.Lawson,B.S.Markesinis,Tortious Liability for Unintentional Harm in the Common Law and the Civil Law,Cambridge University Press,1982,p.76.
    [2]2e Ch.Civ.14 oct.1992.RTD.Civ.1993,148.
    [3]Efstatheios K.Banakas,Civil Liability for Pure Economic Loss,Kluwer Law International Ltd,1996,p.17.
    [1]Larenz/Canaris SBT §76 Ⅲ 2 c.转引自廖焕国《侵权法上注意义务比较研究》,法律出版杜2008年版,第37页。
    [1]Pollock,The Law of Torts(11~(th) ed.),1920,p.438.转引自林美惠《侵权法上交易安全义务之研究》,台湾大学法律学研究所1999博士学位论文,第47页。
    [2]Franz Werro.Tort Liability for Pure Economic Loss,A Critique of Current Trends in Swiss Law,CivilLiability for Economic Loss,p.1182.转引自张民安《过错侵权责任制度研究》,中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第299页。
    [3]See:G.Edward White,Tort Law in America:An Intellectual History,Oxford University Press,1980.
    [4]向明、余亦勇:《崇州钓友见死不救”案尘埃落定》,载《四川日报》2005 年12月27日.
    [1]Stephen D.Sugarman,Re-thinking Tort Doctrine:Visions of a Restatement (Fourth) of Torts.,2002,50 U.C.L.A.L.Rev.p.617.
    [1]Winsfield & Jolowicz,Tort(14~(th) ed),Sweet & Maxwell,2002,p.3.
    1. A v. Essex Council [2004] 1 W.L.R. 1881, C.A.
    2. A. C. Billings & Sons Ltd v. Ridden [1958] A. C. 240, 255.
    3. Adams v. Bullock [1919] N. Y. 208, 125 N. E. 93.
    4. Alcock v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1991] 4 All E.R. 907; [1992] 1 A.C. 397,403,416.
    5. Alexander v. Oxford, the Times, 19 Feb. 1990.
    6. Allen v. Hixson, 111 Ga. 460, 36 S.E.810.
    7. Alliance & Leicester Building Society v. Edgestop Ltd [1993] 1 W.L.R.1462.
    8. Allin v. City & Hackney H. A. [1996] 7 Med. L. R. 91.
    9. Al-Nakib Investments (Jersey) Ltd. v. Longcroft [1990] 3 All E.R. 321.
    10. Anderson (W. B.)& Sons Ltd. v. Rhodes (Liverpool) Ltd. [1967] 2 All E.R. 850.
    11. Anns v. Merton London Borough Council[1978] A.C. 728, 751-752.
    12. Arthur J S Hall & Co. v. Simons [2002] 1 A.C. 615.
    13. Arthur v. Anker [1997] Q. B. 564.
    14. Attia v. British Gas plc. [1987] 3 All E.R. 455, 464.
    15. Bakbtiari v. Axes Investments Inc [2001] 24 Municipal and Planning R 248, Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
    16. Baker v. T. E. Hopkins & Son Ltd [1959] 1 W. L. R. 966, 976.
    17. Banque Financière de la Cité SA v. Westgate Insurance Co Ltd [1989] 2 All E.R. 952, 1012.
    18. Barbe Lines A/S v. M/V Donan Maru 752 F. 2d 1019, 88 A. L. R. Fed. 239 (5th Cir. 1985).
    19. Barnes v. Commonwealth [1937] 37 S. R. N. S. W. 511.
    20. Barrett v. Enfield London Borough Council [2001] 2 A.C. 550,H.L.
    21. Bartonshill Coal Co. v. McGuire[1858] 3 Macq 300, 306.
    22. Bate v. Scandard Land Co. [1910] 2 C.H. 408.
    23. Bily v. Arthur Young & Co.834 P. 2d 745 (Cal.1992)
    24. Bluett v. Suffolk County Council [2005] 1 F.C.R. 89 C.A.
    25. Blyth v. Birmingham Water Works Co. [1856] 11 E.X. 781, 784.
    26. Bolitho v. City & Hackney Health Authority [2000] 8 Med L Rel 85,86.
    27. Bolton v. Stone [1951] A.C.850.
    28. Bourhill v. Young [1943] A. C. 92, 108, 109.
    29. Bourne v. McEvoy Timbers Preservation Ltd [1975] 237 E. G. 496.
    30. Bowater v. Rowley Regis Corp [1944] K. B. 476.
    31. Bowen v. Hall [1881] 6& BD 333.
    32. Boyce v. Brown, 77, P.2d 455 (Ariz. 1938) (SATL 276).
    33. Bradford-Smart v. West Sussex County Council [2002] E.L.R. 139 C.A.
    34. Breunig v. American Family Ins. Co., Supreme Court of Wisconsin, 1970, 45 Wis. 2d 536, 17 N. W. 2d 619.
    35. Brindle v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (Q.B.D.,15 October 2001)
    36. British Ry, etc. Co. Ltd. v. Roper [1940] 162 L.T. 217.
    37. Brooks v. Metroplitan police Commissioner [2005] 1 W.L.R. 1495 H.L.
    38. Brown v. Shyne, Court of Appeals of New York, 1926. 242 N. Y. 176, 151 N. E. 197.
    39. Bugge v. Brown [1919] 26 C.L.R.110, 118.
    40. Burrough J in Richardson v. Mellish [1824] 2 Bing 229, 252.
    41. Butterfield v. Forrester, 11 East 60, 103 Eng. Rep.926 (1809).
    42. Byrne v. Boadle 2 H. & C.722,159 Eng.Rep.299 (Ex. 1863)(SATL 335).
    43. Calveley v. Chief Constable of Merseyside [1989] A.C. 1228.
    44. Canadian National Railway Co v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co Ltd [1992] 1 S.C.R. 1021.
    45. Caparo Industries plc v. Dickman [1990] 1 All E.R. 568; [1990] 2 A.C.605.
    46. Capital & Counties Plc v. Hampshire County Council [1997] Q.B. 1038 C.A..
    47. Carmarthenshire County Council v. Lewis [1955] A.C.549.
    48. Carty v. Croydon London Borough Council [2005] E.L.R. 104 C.A.
    49. Cattle v. Stockton [1875] L. R. 10 Q. B. 453.
    50. CBS Songs Ltd v. Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc. [1988] 2 All E.R. 484.
    51. Central R. Co. v. Peluso, No. 104, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, 286 F. 661 (1923).
    52. Century Insurance Co. Ltd v. Northern Ireland Road Transport Board [1942] A. C. 509.
    53. Chadwick v. British Transport Commission [1967] 1 W. L. R. 912.
    54. Chapa v. U. S., 339 F. 3d 388, 389 (Cir. 2003).
    55. Chaplin v. Dunstan Ltd. [1938] S.A.S.R. 245.
    56. Chapman v. Hearse [1961] 106 C. L. R. 112.
    57. Chastain v.Fuqua Industries, Inc. 1980,156 Ga.App. 719, 275 S.E.2d 679.
    58. Chaudhry v. Prabhaker [1988] 3 All E.R.718.
    59. Christensen v. Superior Court [1991] 54 Cal. 3d 868, 820.
    60. Clegg, Parkingson & Co. v. Earby Gas. Co [1896] 1 Q. B. 592.
    61. Cohen v. Petty, Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, 1933, 62 App. D. C. 187, 65 F. 2d 820.
    62. Colmenares Vivas v. Sun Alliance Insurance Co., United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit, 1986. 807 F. 2d 1102.
    63. Commonwealth v. Mclean [1997] 41 N.S.W.L.R. 386.
    64. Conway v. George Wimpey & Co. Ltd [1951] 2 K.B. 266.
    65. Cook v. Cook [1986] 68 A. L. R. 353.
    66. Cook v. Swinfen [1967] 1 W.L.R.457.
    67. Cooper v. Hobart [2002] 204,206 D.L.R.(4~(th) ed.) 193, S.C.C.
    68. Corporacion Nacional de Cobre de Chile v. Sogemin Metals Ltd [1997] 1 W.L.R. 1396.
    69. Couch v. Steel [1854] 3 E.& B. 402.
    70. Cowan v. Chief Constable for Avon & Somerset [2002] H.L.R. 44, C.A.
    71. Cran v. State of New South Wales [2004] N.S.W.C.A. 92.
    72. Cross v. Highlands and Islands Enterprise [2001] I.R.L.R.336.
    73. Customs & Excise v. Bardays Band [2006] U.K.H.L. 28 .
    74. D v. East Berkshire Community N.H.S. Trust [2004] Q.B. 558 C.A.; [2005] 2 A.C. 373 H.L.
    75. D&F Estates v. Church Commissioners [1989] A. C. 177.
    76. D'Orta-Ekenaike v. Victona Legal Aid [2005] H.C.A. 12; [2005] 79 A.L.J.R. 755.
    77. Daborn v. Bath Tramways Motor Co. Ltd [1946] 2 All E.R. 333 C.A..
    78. Daley v. LaCroix, 179 N. W. 2d 390 (Mich. 1970) (SATL 552)
    79. Darker v. Chief Constable of West Midlands Police [2001] 1 A.C. 435.
    80. Dartmouth College v. Woodward [1819] 17 V. S. 518.
    81. Davies v. Butler, 602 P. 2d 605 (Nev. 1979) (SATL 129).
    82. Davies v. Mann, 152 Eng. Rep. 588 (1842) (SATL 728).
    83. Diehl v. Koffer, Court of Appeals of North Carolina, 140 N. C. App. 375; 536 S. E. 2d 359 (2000).
    84. Dillon v. Legg, 68 Cal. 2d 728 (1968).
    85. Doe v. Commissioners of Police for Metropolitan Toronto [1998] 160 D.L.R. 697.
    86. Donoghue v. Stevenson [1932] A. C. 562 House of Lords.
    87. Dooley v. Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd [1951] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 271.
    88. Dorset Yacbt Co. v. Home Office [1969] 2 All E. R. 564,567;[1970] A.C. 1004, 1027.
    89. Dulieu v. White & Sons [1901] 2 K.B. 669.
    90. Duncan v. British Coal Corp. [1998] Q.B. 254; [1997] 1 All E.R. 540; [1997] 3 W.L.R. 1230; [1997] IRLR 173, 33 B.M.L.R. 108.
    91. Dutton v. Regis United Building Co. [1972] 1 All E. R. 462 C. A.
    92. East River Steamship Corp v. Transamerica Delava Inc. [1986] 476 U.S. 858, 106, S. Ct. 2295, 2304.
    93. Easter River Streamship Corp. v. Transamerica Delvaval Inc. [1986] 476 U. S. 858.
    94. Esanda Finance v. Peat Marwick Hungerford [1997] 142 A.L.R. 750, 783.
    95. Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd. v. Mardon [1976] 2 All E.R.5, C.A.
    96. Farmers Insurance Exchange v. State, 221 Cal. Rptr. 225, 1985.
    97. Farwell v. Keaton, 396 Mich. 281, 240 N.W.2d 217,1976.
    98. Fitzgerald v. Lane [1989] A.C. 328.
    99. Fogarty v. United Kingdom [2001] 34 E.H.R.R. 12, E.C.H.R.
    100. Fraser v. State Hospitals Board for Scotland [2001] S.L.T. 1051.
    101. Fraser v. Westminer Canada Ltd [2003] 228 D.L.R.(4th) 513,515-516, N.S.C.A.(The Court).
    102. Frost v. CC. South Yorkshire [1999] 2 A. C. 455, 509.
    103. Frost v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1999] 2 A.C. 455.
    104. Fuller v. Preis [1974] 35 N.Y. 2d 425, 322 N.E. 2d 263, 363 N. Y. S. 2d 568.
    105. Furness v. Fitchett [1958] N.Z.L.R. 396.
    106. Gautret v. Egerton, 1887, L.R.2C.P.381.
    107. Giannarelli v. Wraith [1988] 165 C.L.R. 543.
    108. Gloster v. Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police [2000] P.I.Q.R. 114,275.
    109. Godden v. Kent & Medway Strategic Health Authority [2004] E.W.H.C. 1629
    110. Gold v. Haringey Health Authority [1988] Q. B. 481.
    111. Goldberg v. Housing Auth. of Newark [1962] 38 N.J.578, 583, 186 A. 2d 291.
    112. Gordon, Hedley Byrne v. Heller in the House of Lords [1964] 2 U. B. L. Rev. 113, 149.
    113. Gorringe v. Calderdale [2004] U.K.H.L. 15; [2004] 1 W.L.R. 1057
    114. Gorringe v. Calderdale Metropolitan Borough council [2004] 1W.L.R.1057, H.L.
    115. Gorris v. Scott [1874]L.R. 9 Ex. 125.
    116. Gough v. Thorne [1966] 1 W.L.R. 1387
    117. Graham Barclay Oysters Pty Ltd v. Ryan [2002] 211 C.L.R. 540,578, H.C.A..
    118. Greatorex v. Greatorex [2000] 4 All E.R. 769.
    119. Group B Plaintiffs v. Medical Research Council [2000] Lloyd's Rep. Med. 161 (decided in 1997).
    120. Gwilliam v. West Hertfooordshire Hospitals N.H.S. Trust [2002] E.W.C.A. Civ 1041; [2003] Q.B. 443.
    121. Haig v. Bamford [1976] 72 D.L.R. 3d 68.
    122. Hall v. Brooklands Auto Racing Club [1933] 1 K.B. 205, 224.
    123. Hall v. Gwent Healthcare N.H.S. Trust [2004] E.W.H.C 1629.
    124. Hall v. Simons [2000] 3 All E.R. 673; [2002] 1 A.C. 615.
    125. Hambrook v. Stokes Bros [1925] 1 K.B.141.
    126. Hamilton v Al Fayed [2000] 2 All E.R. 224,307
    127. Handiboe v.McCarthy(1966), 114 Ga. App. 541,151 S.E.2d 905.
    128. Hankie-Williams v. Heavey [1986] 279 E. G. 316 C.A.
    129. Hatton v. Sutherland [2002] E.W.C.A. Civ. 29.
    130. Havican v. Ruane [1991] 3 All E.R. 65.
    131. Hawkins v. Coulsdon & Purley U. D. C. [1954] 1 Q. B. 319, 341.
    132. Haynes v. Harwood [1935] 1 K.B. 146, 158-159, 164.
    133. Hedley Boyrne & Co. Ltd v. Heller & Partners Ltd [1964] A.C.465, 524-525,486.
    134. Hegarty v. E. E. Caledonia Ltd [1997] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 259.
    135. Heil v. Rankin [2000] 2 W.L.R. 1173.
    136. Helling v. Carey, 519 P. 2d 981 (Wash. 1974) (SATL 289).
    137. Hempler v. Todd [1970] 14 D.L.R. 3d 637.
    138. Henderson v. Henry E. Jenkins & Sons [1970] A. C. 282.
    139. Henderson v. Merrett Syndicates Ltd. [1994] 3 All E.R.506.
    140. Hilder v. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd [1961] 1 W.L.R. 1434.
    141. Hill v. Chief Constable of West Yorkshire [1988] 2 All E.R. 238 H.L.; [1989] A.C. 53 H.L..
    142. Hill v. Van Erp [1997] 188 C.L.R. 159, 175 H.C.A..
    143. Hinz v. Berry [1970] 2 Q.B. 40, 42.
    144. HM Commissioner of Customs & Excise v. Barclays Bank [2006] U.K.H.L. 28; [2006] 3 W.R.L. 1
    145. Holtby v. Brigham & Cowan (Hull) Ltd [2000] 3 All E.R.
    146. Home Office v. Dorset Yacht Club [1970] A.C. 1004, 1062, H.L.
    147. Hosie v. Arbroath Football Club [1978] S.L.T. 122.
    148. Hussein v. William Hill Group [2004] E.W.H.C. 208 Q.B..
    149. ICI Ltd v. Shatwell [1965] A. C. 656.
    150. ID v. Home Office [2005] E.W.C.A. Civ 38
    151. J and JC Abrams Ltd. v. Ancliffe [1978] 2 N.Z.L.R 420.
    152. Jacques v. First National Bank [1986] 307 Md. 527, 515 A. 2d 756.
    153. Jaensch v. Coffey [1984] 155 C.L.R. 549, 559, 587.
    154. Jaensch v. Coffey [1984] 155 C.L.R. 549, 851.
    155. Jayes v. IMI (Kynoch) Ltd [1985] I.C. R. 155.
    156. JEB Fasteners v. Marks Bloom & Co. [1983] 1 All E.R. 583.
    157. Jebson v. Ministry of Defence [2000] 1 W.L.R. 2055.
    158. John Doe v. Bennett [2004] S.C.C. 17; [2004] 1 S.C.R. 983.
    159. Johnson v. Minnesota 553 N. W. 2d 40 (Minn. 1996) (SATL 458).
    160. Johnson v. New York, 334 N. E. 2d 590 (N. Y. 1975).
    161. Jolley v. Sutton Borough Council [2000] 3 All E.R. 409,126,167.
    162. Jones v. Bovce [1816] 171 E.B. 540.
    163. Jones v. Livox Quarries Ltd [1952] 2 Q. B. 608.
    164. Jones v. Three River Management Corp., Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1978, 483 Pa. 75, 394 A. 2d 546.
    165. Jordan House Ltd v. Menow [1973] 38 D.L.R. (3d) 105 (Canadian Supreme Court).
    166. K v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] E.W.C.A. Civ 775.
    167. Kane v. New Forest District Council [2002] 1 W.L.R. 312, C.A.
    168. Karling v. Purdue [2004] S.L.T. 1067; [2005] P.N.L.R. 13.
    169. Katko v. Briney, Supreme Court of Lowa, 1971. 183 N. W. 2d 657.
    170. Kealey v. Berezowski [1996] 136 D.L.R. (4th) 708,731.
    171. Kell v. Gwinnell [1984] 98 NJ 538, 476 A.2d. 1219, Supreme Court of New Jersey.
    172. Kent v. Griffiths [2000] 2 W.L.R. 1158; [2001] Q.B. 36,C.A.
    173. King v. Liverpool City Council [1986] 3 All E.R. 544, C.A.
    174. Kinikin v. Heupel, 305 N.W. 2d 589. 595.
    175. Kirkham v. Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police [1989] 3 All E.R. 822, [1990] 3 All E.R. 246 C.A..
    176. Kline v.1500 Massachusetts Ave. Apartment Corp., 439 F.2d 477 (D. C. Cir. 1970) (SATL 464).
    177. Korman v. Mallin, Supreme Court of Alaska, 1993, 858 P. 2d, 1145.
    178. L v. Reading Borough Council [2001] 1 W.L.R. 1575 C.A.
    179. L. H. Leigh v. H. Joffe & D. Goblberg, Company Law, Butterworths, 1981, p.80.
    180. Ladd v. Hudson Valley Ambulance Service, Supreme Court of New York, Appellate Division, 142 A. D. 2d 17; 534 N.Y. S. 2d 816 (1988).
    181. Lai v. Chamberlains [2005] 3 N.Z.L.R. 291.
    182. Lamb v. London Borough of Camden [1981] 2 All E.R. 408, 418, C.A.
    183. Larson v. St. Francis Hotel, District Court of Appeal of California, 1948. 83 Cal. App. 2d 210, 188 P. 2d 513.
    184. Latimer v. AEC Ltd [1952] 2 Q.B. 701, 711.
    185. Law Society v. KPMG Peat Marwick [2000] 4 All E.R. 541.
    186. Lawton v. BOC Transhield Ltd. [1987] 2 All E.R. 608.
    187. Le Lievre v. Gould [1893] 1 Q.B. 491, 497.
    188. Leigh & Sillavan Ltd. v. Aliakmon Shipping Co. Ltd. [1986] A.C. 785, 817.
    189. Leigh & Sillivan Ltd v. Aliakmon Shipping Co Ltd [1986] A.C. 785,816.
    190. Leigh and Sillavan Ltd v. Aliakmon Shipping Co. Ltd. [1986]A.C.786
    191. Lennard's Carrying Co. v. Asiatic Petroleum Co. Ltd [1915] A. C. 705 H. L..
    192. Lewis v. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 487 N.E. 2d 1071 (111 App. Ct. 1985) (SATL 549).
    193. Limpus v. L. G. O. Co. [1862] 1 H. C. 526, 539.
    194. Limpus v. London General Omnibus Co. [1862] 1 H.C. 526.
    195. Lloyd v. Grace, Smith & Co. [1912] A .C. 716.
    196. Lopez v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Supreme Court of New York, Nassau County, 187 Misc. 2d 165; 721 N. Y. S. 2d 481 (2001).
    197. Louisiana ex rel v. Guste v. M/V Testbank 50 F. 2d 558 (9th Cir. 1974)
    198. Lumley v. Gye [1853] 2E& B 216.
    199. Mahon v. Rahn (No 2) [2000] 4 All E.R. 41,308.
    200. Marc Rich & Co AG v. Bishop Rock Marine Co Ltd [1996] 2 A.C. 211, 236, H.L.
    201. Marc Rich & Co.A.G. v. Bishop Rock Marine Co. Ltd [1996] A.C.211.
    202. Mazzagatti v. Eveningham, 512 Pa. 266, 516 A. 2d 672 (1986).
    203. McCarty v. Pheasant Run Inc. 826 F. 2d 1554 at 1557(1987).
    204. McFarlane v Tayside Health Board [2000] 2 A.C. 59.
    205. McFarlane v. E. E. Caledonia Ltd [1994] 2 All E.R.' 10.
    206. McFarlane v. Tayside Health Board [2000] 2 A.C. 59.
    207. McHale v. Watson [1996] 115 C.L.R. 199.
    208. Mclntyre v. Balentine, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1992, 833 S. W. 2d 52.
    209. McLoughlin v. O'Brian [1982] 2 All E.R. 298, 303, H.L..
    210. McManus v. Surrey County Council [2001] E.W.C.A. Civ 691
    211. Meadow v. General Medical Council [2006] E.W.H.C. 146 ; [2006] 2 All E.R. 329
    212. Meah v. McCreamer [1985] 1 All E.R. 367.
    213. Mendelssohn v. Normand Ltd [1970] 1 Q. B. 177.
    214. Mercer v. Commissioner for Road Transport and Tramways [1936] N.S.W. 56 C.L.R. 580, 601.
    215. Merchants Fast Motor Lines v. State, Court of Appeals of Texas, 917 S.W. 2d 518 (1996).
    216. Metthews v. Ministry of Defence [2003] 1 A.C. 1163, H.L.
    217. Miller v. Jackson [1977] Q.B.966.
    218. Ministry of Housing and Local Government v. Sharp [1970] 1 All E.R. 1009 C.A..
    219. Modbury Triangle Shopping Centre v. Anzil [2000] 176 A.L.R. 411, 436
    220. Monsanto plc v. Tilly [2000] Env. L.R. 313.
    221. Morris v. C. W. Martin & Sons Ltd [1966] 1 Q. B. 716.
    222. Morrison Steamship Co. Ltd. v. Greystoke Castle (Cargo Owners) [1946] All E. R. 696; [1947] A. C. 265.
    223. Mount Isa Mines Ltd v. Pusey [1970] 125 C.L.R. 383, 407.
    224. Mullaney v. Chief Constable of West Midlands [2001] E.W.C.A. Civ 700.
    225. Mullin v. Richards [1998] 1 All E.R. 920.
    226. Murphy v. Brentwood B. C. [1991] 1 A. C. 398, 486-487 H.L..
    227. Mutual Life & Citizens Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Eyatt [ 1 97 1 ] 1 All E.R.150 P.C.
    228. Nabozny v. Barnhill, 31 111. App. 3d 212, 334 N.E.2d 258 (1975).
    229. Nationwide Building Society v. Thimbleby & Co. [1999] Lloyd's Rep. P.N. 359.
    230. Nettleship v. Weston [1971] 2 Q.B. 691.
    231. Newell v. Ministry of Defence [2002] E.W.H.C. 1006
    232. Ney v. Yellow Cab Co.[1954] 2111. 2d 74, 117 N.E. 2d 74.
    233. Nocton v. Lord Ashburton [1914] A. C. 932.
    234. Norwich City Council v. Harvey [1989] 1 All E.R.1180
    235. Nussbaum v. Lacopo, 265 N.E.2d 762(N.Y. 1 970).
    236. O'Brien v. Cunard S. S. Co. [1891] 154 Mass. 272, 28 N.E.266.
    237. O'Connor v. State of South Australia [1976] 14 S.A.A.R. 187.
    238. O'Keefe v. William J. Barry Co. 1942,311 Mass. 517, 42 N.E.2d 267.
    239. Ontario Hospital Services Commission v. Borsoski [1973] 54 D.L.R. 3d 339.
    240. Ontario Ltd v. Sagaz Industries Canada Inc [2001] 2 S.C.R. 983.
    241. Orange v. Chief Constable of West Yorkshire [2002] Q.B. 347, C.A.
    242. Osborne v. Montgomery 203 Wis.223 234, N. W. 372 (1931).
    243. Osman v. Ferguson[1993] 4 All E.R. 344 C.A..
    244. Osman v. United Kingdom [2000] 29 E.H.R.R. 245, E.C.H.R.
    245. P Perl (Exporters) Ltd v. Camden London Borough Council [1983] 3 All E.R. 161.
    246. Page v. Smith [1995] 2 All E.R.736; [1996] A.C.155.
    247. Palmer v. Tees Health Authority [2000] P.I.Q.R. PI, C.A.
    248. Palsgraf v. Long Island R.Co. 248 N.Y. 399, 162 N. E. 99 (1928).
    249. Paris v. Stepney Borough Council [1951] A.C.367.
    250. Parkinson v. St James and Seacroft University Hospital N.H.S. Trust [2001] E.W.C.A. Civ 530; [2002] Q.B. 266.
    251. Parvi v. City of Kingstone, 362 N. E. 2d 553 (N. Y. 1977).
    252. Paterson Zochonis & Co. Ltd v. Merfarken Packaging Ltd. [1986] 3 All E.R. 522 C.A.
    253. Pearce v. Ove Arup Partership Ltd (unreported, 2 November 2001, Jacob J)
    254. Perrett v. Collins[ 1 998] 2 Lloy's Rep.255 , 263.
    255. Peter v. Cane [1989]52 M.L.R. 208-209.
    256. phelps v. Hillingdon Longdon Borough Council [2001] 2 A.C. 619, 653, H.L.
    257. Phelps v. London Borough of Hillingdon [2000] 4 All E.R. 504,97,203-204
    258. Phillips v. Symes [2004] E.W.H.C. 2330; [2005] 2 All E.R. 329.
    259. Pitts v. Hunt [1990] 3 All E.R. 344.
    260. Ploof v. Putnam, Supreme Court of Vermont, 1908. 81 Vt. 471, 71 A. 188.
    261. Plumb v. Cobden Flour Mills Co. Ltd.[1914] A.C. 62, 67H.L..
    262. Poe v. Pittman [1965] 150 W. Va. 179, 144 S. E. 2d 671.
    263. Port Swettenham Authority v. T. W. Wu & Co. [1978] 3 W. L. R. 530.
    264. R. v. Denyer [1926] 2 K. B. 258.
    265. Raiss v. Palmano [2001] P.N.L.R. 21; [2005] P.N.L.R. 13.
    266. Ravenscroft v. Rederiaktie & Laget Transatlantic [1991] 3 All E.R. 73.
    267. Reedie v. London and North Western Ry [1849] 4 Exch. 244.
    268. Rees v. Darlington Memorial Hospital N.H.S. Trust [2003] U.K.H.L. 52; [2004] 1 A.C. 309,326 H.L.
    269. Rees v. Sinclair [1974] 1 N.Z.L.R. 180.
    270. Reeves v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis Area [2000] 1 A.C. 360 H.L.
    271. Reeves v. Metropolitan Police Commissioner [2000] 1 A. C. 360.
    272. Rivtow Marine Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works [1973] 40 D.L.R. (3d) 530 (S.C.C.).
    273. Roberts v. State of Louisiana, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, 1981, 396 So. 2d 566, 404 So. 2d 1221 (La.1981).
    274. Robins Dry Dock & Repair Co. v. Flint [1927] 275 U. S. 303.
    275. Robinson v. Pioche, Bayerque& Co., 5 Cal. 460 [1855].
    276. Roe v. Minister of Health [1954] 2 Q. B. 66.
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    320. Ultramares Corporation v. Touche 255 NY 170, 174 NE 441(NY Ct of Appls) 444.
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