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     目的:1、了解临床诊断的吉兰-巴雷综合征(Guillain-Barre syndrome,GBS)患者便标本空肠弯曲菌(Campylobacter jejuni, C.jejuni)携带情况;2、了解非腹泻住院患者便标本空肠弯曲菌携带情况。
     目的:1、认识周围神经沃勒变性(Wallerian degeneration)病理变化过程;2、鉴别死亡后周围神经病理变化,以区别动物模型疾病本身导致的病变和死亡后随时间延长自然病理变化。
Part1The study of carrying rate toward GBS and non-diarrhea ofhospitalized patients with Campylobacter bacteria
     Objective:1To study the carrying of Campylobacter jejuni (Cj) in thestools of the clinical Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS).2To study the carryingof Cj in the stools of hospitalized patients which have no diarrhea.
     Methods:1The collection of the specimen: with sterile cotton swab,collect the specimens of the hospitalized patients in the Department of Cardio-logy, Neurology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, Hematology, End-ocrinology, Dermatology and the surgery of gland, Gastrointestinal, Cadreward of the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, including thepatients of GBS. The volume of the collection is about a bean. The specimenswere placed into penicillin bottles which contain8milliliters of Brucella brothand brought back to laboratory immediately.2The culture and isolate of thespecimens: the penicillin bottles were cultured in a micro-aerophilic atmosph-ere (5%O2、10%CO2、85%N2) at a temperature of42℃With a cycle of24h,to isolate the suspected Cj with a selective medium.3The methods ofidentification: by the methods of morphology, biochemical reactions andmolecular, the suspected Cj isolated were identified and then saved.4Statistical methods: counted the number of the cases and positive strains.Calculated the positive rate of GBS and hospitalized patients which have nodiarrhea.
     Results:1Obtained one suspended Cj from the stools of8clinical GBSand the identification results is positive.2there is no Cj isolated from thestoos of274hospitalized patients which have no diarrhea.
     Conclusions:1In this study, we admitted8clinal GBS and isolated1 strain of Cj from one of them. But the association between the strain and GBSneeds to be further studied.2There is no Cj isolated from the stools of otherhospitalized patients which have no diarrhea. The false negative results maybe due to the state of the bacteria, technical methods, so the methods of isolat-ion is inappropriate for this populations.
     Part2The pathological result of Wallerian degeneration and afterdeath in Peripheral nerve
     Objective:1Recognize the pathological result of Wallerian degenerate-on as for Peripheral nerve;2Recognize the pathological changes of the perip-heral nerve after deaths. Identify the differences between pathological changesby animal model and the natural pathological changes with time after the dea-ths.
     Methods:1To establish the animal model of wallerian degeneration andtake the sciatic nerve at the times of1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,24h,2d,4d,6h,8d,15d after nerve transection. Then evaluate the pathology through osmicacid.
     Results:1After1hour of nerve transection, The myelin of distal nervebecame not smooth. Along with the time, the myelin gradually retracted. when2days after nerve transection, oval body appears;2The pathological changesof peripheral nerve after deaths: when4hours after deaths, pathology throughosmic acid is almost normal. when6hours, artificial destruction appears, suchas traction. Along with the time, irregular destruction appears gradually, suchas worm-eaten-like.
     Conclusions: Recognize pathology of Wallerian degeneration and pat-hological changes of the peripheral nerve after deaths. Dynamic changes canbe observed through osmic acid.
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