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带进位的反馈移位寄存器(FCSR,Feedback with Carry Shift Registers)与线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR,Linear Feedback Shift Registers)具有相似的结构,但是其使用带进位加法使得生成序列天生具有极高的线性复杂度。由于当前使用非线性序列源设计流密码已经成为主流,FCSR作为一类非常重要的非线性序列源,利用其设计流密码自然成为了热点。
     本文主要研究如何利用FCSR设计性质优秀的密钥流生成器,在研究FCSR的性质与基于FCSR的密钥流生成器F-FCSR-Hv2的基础之上,先对F-FCSR-Hv2等基于滤波的密钥流生成器进行改进,提出了改进方案一“联合的F-FCSR密钥流生成器”与“全动态滤波密钥流生成器DF-FCSR-8";然后用FCSR替代LFSR进行钟控设计,得到具有良好性质的钟控密钥流生成器;再综合利用前面设计的密钥流生成器得到了钟控全动态滤波密钥流生成器;最后研究了用于RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)射频识别技术的轻量级认证算法SQUASH,在此基础上设计出基于FCSR的用于RFID的轻量级认证算法SQUASH+和与加密结合的算法SQUASH+DF-FCSR。
The Feedback with Carry Shift Registers (FCSR for short) has the similar structure with Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR for short), but its generated sequence has high linear complexity by using addition with carry. Now it is very popular to design the stream cipher by means of nonlinear components. So, as an important nonlinear component, the FCSR is playing a key role in stream cipher design.
     This thesis focuses on the usage of FCSR as keystream generator in stream cipher. Firstly based on the properties of FCSR, we study a keystream generator-F-FCSR-Hv2and improve it in two ways, and then propose two generators—Combined F-FCSR keystream generator and Dynamic filter keystream generator DF-FCSR-8. Next, we use FCSR in clock control instead of LFSR, which show better property than those based on LFSR. Combining the dynamic filter generator and clock controlled generator, we build a new type of keystream generator. Finally, aiming the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID for short) technology and the light weight certification scheme-SQUASH, we present a new certification scheme based on FCSR called SQUASH+, and a scheme called SQUASH+DF-FCSR for both certification and encryption, which is combination of the SQUASH+and the light weighted DF-FCSR.
     The main result of this thesis is as follows:
     1. Based on the properties of F-FCSR-Hv2generator and analysis of the Hell-Johansson attack which is an effective attack for F-FCSR-Hv2, an improved generator for filtered FCSR generator called Combined F-FCSR generator is presented. This generator maintains high output rate and good property at the cost of increasing more registers, and is resistant to Hell-Johansson attack and other attacks as well.
     2. A new generator named dynamic filtered generator DF-FCSR-8is proposed. This generator uses dynamic filter as the filter of an FCSR's main register instead of the original static one. Because the filter is changed each time, the attacker cannot acquire enough linear functions so that this generator can resist Hell-Johansson attack. Other analyses indicate that DF-FCSR-8can withstand the correlation attack, algebraic attack and other attacks. While the test shows that DF-FCSR-8has good statistic characteristics.
     3. Using FCSR to construct clock controlled generator instead of LFSR, two genera-tors:Stop and Go generator based on FCSR and Alternating Step generator based on FCSR, are proposed. This thesis gives the parameters of those generators, the period of generated sequence, lower bound of linear complexity, the ability against Hell-Johansson attack and other attacks, and statistic properties. Those results show that Stop and Go generator has a large period and high lower bound of linear complexity, but less good statistic property, while Alternating Step Generator has large period, high lower bound of linear complexity, good statistic properties, and ability to against Hell-Johansson attack and other attacks.
     4. With the combination of dynamic filtered generator and clock controlled generator, two generators:SGDF-FCSR-8and ASDF-FCSR-8, are developed. The former is a combi-nation of Stop and Go generator and dynamic filtered generator; the later is a combination of Alternating Step generator and dynamic filtered generator. This thesis gives the parameters, the period of generated sequence, lower bound of linear complexity, and the ability against Hell-Johansson attack and other attacks, and also tests statistic properties of both generators. Although SGDF-FCSR-8has better statistic property than Stop and Go generator, it does not pass all the tests. WhereasASDF-FCSR-8improves the output rate based on a large period of Alternating Step Generator, and also has high lower bound on linear complexity and good statistic properties.
     5. Through the investigation of a lightweight certification scheme, SQUASH, which is used in RFID environment, an improved version SQUASH+is given based on FCSR and standard SQUASH in this thesis. This scheme can complete the computation much more effi-ciently while ensuring the security. After that, considering the SQUASH+and the properties of stream-cipher based on FCSR, this thesis give a lightweight scheme named SQUASH+DF-FCSR which uses the FCSR as the data generator. The calculation process for certification is also initializing the keystream generator, and then encrypts the data. The FCSR is employed for both the certification and encryption, which makes the scheme more effective and use less memory. This scheme is a good practical lightweight scheme combined with certification and encryption in RFID environment.
     The proposed keystream generator in this thesis can be used in some environment with limited resources, such as sensor network, Ad-Hoc wireless communication net work and RFID environment..
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