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     图像配准中的一个关键的问题是如何利用一种行之有效的方法来评价图像间的相似程度。自1991年,一种基于Hausdorff距离的计算图像间的相似度的方法提出后,Hausdorff距离作为一种评价两个图形位置关系的量化标准已被大量应用到图像配准的研究领域中,其良好的配准精度也被大量的实验和研究所证明。然而在图像配准中,单纯的Hausdorff距离在计算上存在着一个比较大的缺点,就是对于噪声和孤立点的敏感性,但是由Hausdorrff距离改进的LTS(Least Trimmed Square)Hausdorff距离却可以很好的克服这些问题,作为一种改进方法,LTS Hausdorff距离在数字图像配准中具有比较理想的精确度和健壮性。
     该文提出了一种基于改进的Hausdorff距离(LTS Hausdorff距离)与遗传算法的图像配准方法。算法首先是对参考图像和待配准图像进行预处理,然后在此基础上结合遗传算法对待配准图像进行配准操作,遗传算法的执行过程中利用LTS Hausdorff距离作为适应度函数,最终的目的是通过遗传算法搜索到最优变换参数,本文的主要内容如下:
     (1)在分析和阐述了传统的Hausdorff距离的概念、原理以及在图像配准中的缺点的基础上,引入了LTS Hausdorff距离。并且将LTS Hausdorff距离作为衡量图像相似程度的主要度量应用到图像配准中,很好的解决了传统的Hausdorff距离在图像配准中所出现的对于噪声和孤立点过于敏感的问题,而且可以保证整个配准的精度。
     (2)完整的阐述了遗传算法结合LTS Hausdorff距离进行图像配准的算法的流程。在图像预处理的环节中对图像进行了锐化、平滑、二值化以及边缘检测等操作。首先,在比较关键的边缘检测的处理中使用了Butterworth滤波方法进行图像点特征的提取,使图像经过预处理的环节后,能够呈现更清晰和准确的轮廓点图像。然后,将遗传算法应用到图像配准中,并且根据图像配准的特点对遗传算法进行了一些改进,例如:放弃传统的二进制的编码形式,采用实数编码;根据具体的配准实验情况确定种群大小和遗传代数;最重要的是,将LTS Hausdorff距离作为适应度函数应用到遗传算法当中,这样使得整个算法在抵抗噪声和孤立点方面有了很大的优势。
Image registration is one of the basic digital image processing methods, which mainly registers two or more digital images, mostly geometrically, obtained at different time, by different sensors, on different angle of view or on different filming conditions. In recent years, image registration is studied in many different applying domains, so that it plays a very important role in computer vision, pattern recognition, medical image analysis and remote sensing. Image registration has become an essential part during many studies and researches.
     A key problem in image registration is to find an effective way in which we can evaluate the similarities of the digital images. In 1991, a method based on Hausdorff distance was proposed, which is about the computing of the image similarities. From then on the Hausdorff distance has been utilizing in many experiments and researches, and as a standard of measuring the positions of images, it has been proved to be a good method in registration accuracy. However the naive Hausdorff distance has a defect during image registration, which is the sensitivity of noise and outliers. While as the improved Hausdorff distance, the LTS (Least Trimmed Square) Hausdorff distance can overcome these problems easily. So the accuracy and stability of image registration which is based on LTS Hausdorff distance is more preferable.
     In this paper, an image registration algorithm based on LTS Hausdorff distance and genetic algorithm is proposed. Before the algorithm begins, the reference image and the unregistered image are processed using image sharpening, image smoothing, image binarization and edge detection. Then on the result of the pre-processing, the processed images are registered using genetic operations, during which the LTS Hausdorff distance is used as the fitness function; finally the goal is to find the best transformation parameters by genetic algorithm. The main contents are as follows:
     (1)It introduces the LTS Hausdroff distance after explaining the definition, theorem, as well as the problems which may come out during the image registration. Moreover, as the main standard measuring the similarities during the image registration, it can perfectly solve the problems caused by the sensitivity of noise and outliers, which mainly appear in na?ve Hausdorff distance. More importantly it can guarantee the accuracy of image registration.
     (2)It narrates the whole procedure of the image registration based on genetic algorithms and LTS Hausdorff distance. During the process of pre-solving of the images, the images are processed by the operation of sharpening, smoothing, binarization and edge detection. First, it is because of the methods of Butterworth filter which used in edge detection to get the point features of images that the sketches of the images can show more clearly and accurately. Then the GA is applied to the image registration, and the GA used in the algorithm is improved on the ground of the features of image registration. The improvement including: using real number encoding instead of the orthodox binary encoding; determining the group and the generations by the practical experimental statistics; and using self-adapted crossover rate and mutation rate. Finally the LTS Hausdorff distance is applied as the fitness function in the improved genetic algorithms, so that it dramatically improves the resistance to the impacts of noise and outliers in the algorithm.
     The author has made enough experiments using medical MRI and PET 128×128 pixel image to prove that the algorithm proposed by this paper can guarantee a good accuracy during the registration. The author also compared the algorithm proposed in this paper and the algorithms based on orthodox Hausdorff distance, and made a contrast of the differences which caused by the algorithms, after solving the same images interfered by noise and outliers. The results of the experiments proved that the algorithm is really more robust.
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