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     采用活化的肝星状细胞系(HSC-T6)培养传代,然后分别加入中药KXRG(1.25mg/ml、2.5mg/ml、5mg/ml)及其大鼠含药血清(5%、10%、20%)进行培养,并设空白对照组。72小时后,各组取部分细胞用流式细胞仪检测HSC各周期DNA含量,并用电子显微镜观察其超微结构变化,研究KXRG对HSC细胞周期的影响;同时,另部分细胞进行细胞核蛋白提取,利用免疫蛋白印迹法(Western blot)观察用药后HSC核仁非组蛋白(B23、C23)活性水平的变化,探讨KXRG在蛋白质表达水平对活化HSC的调控作用。
     2. KXRG及其含药血清对活化的HSC细胞周期的影响应用流式细胞仪测得各组细胞在不同细胞周期的DNA含量,结果显示不同浓度含药血清组及药物组作用于细胞72h后,随浓度的增加G0/G1期细胞含量逐渐增加,均与对照组比较有差异(P<0.05,P<0.01),而s期和G2/M期细胞含量则逐渐减少。表明KXRG能阻止细胞由G0/G1期进入S期,但对于G2/M期影响不大,从而说明KXRG主要作用于G1/S关卡,即细胞周期限制点,而对M期的限制点无作用。
     3. KXRG及其含药血清对活化的HSC超微结构的影响电镜下正常HSC细胞胞膜完整,胞质细胞器结构清晰,核膜完整,核仁清晰,染色质均匀分布于胞核中;经KXRG预处理后,细胞体积缩小,胞膜表面凹凸不平,细胞质电子密度加深,细胞核收缩,核仁松散,并逐渐分散到细胞核膜周围,并可见细胞内空泡形成。
     4. KXRG及其含药血清对核仁非组蛋白B23、C23活性水平的影响Western blot的结果显示KXRG可降低HSC核仁中B23、C23蛋白活性的表达,且随药物及含药血清浓度的增加而降低。
     From the regulation of protein level studies in the liver of KXRG (anti-fiber soft granule) on hepatic stellate cells (HSC) proliferation control mechanism, to further explore the role of anti-hepatic fibrosis KXRG mechanism so as to further clarify the anti-Chinese medicine pharmacological mechanism of liver fibrosis and the role of the target for the development of new anti-hepatic fibrosis drugs to provide theoretical basis.
     Use of activated hepatic stellate cells (HSC-T6) culture passage, and then were added to traditional Chinese medicine KXRG (1.25mg/ml,2.5mg/ml,5mg/ml) and the rats were drug-containing serum (5%,10%,20%) were cultured, and established a control group. 72 hours later, each group a portion of HSC cells observed by flow cytometry DNA content in each cycle, and used electron microscopy to observe the changes of ultrastructure of the study KXRG of HSC cycle; the same time, another part of the cells for nuclear protein extraction, using Western blot method (Western blot) observed after treatment of non-histone proteins HSC nucleolus (B23, C23) activity level changes, explore KXRG level of protein expression in HSC activation in vitro.
     1. KXRG and its drug-containing serum on activated HSC proliferation in MTT results showed that KXRG containing various concentrations of groups and their serum concentrations can inhibit the proliferation of activated HSC, and the drug-containing serum group was significantly better than the drug group (P< 0.01); the drug group and drug-containing serum group was superior to the control group (P<0.01, P<0.05), and 2.5mg/ml treatment group separately with 1.25mg/ml,5mg/ml drug group is a difference (P <0.01, P<0.05); 10% respectively containing serum and 5%,20% drug-containing serum group significant difference (P<0.01).
     2. KXRG and its drug-containing serum on the activation of HSC cell cycle measured by flow cytometry in each group of cells in different cell cycle DNA content showed that serum containing different concentrations of group and drug group acting on the cells, after 72h with the increase in the concentration of content of G0/G1 phase cells increased gradually with the control group is a difference (P<0.05, P<0.01), while the S phase and G2/M phase cell content was gradually reduced. That KXRG can prevent cells from G0/G1 phase to S phase, but G2/M phase had little impact which can show KXRG a major role in the G1/S checkpoint, that is, the cell cycle restriction point, while the M phase restriction point, no effect
     3. KXRG and its drug-containing serum on the activation of HSC electron microscope, the ultrastructure of the normal HSC cell membrane integrity and organelle structure, clear cytoplasm, nuclear membrane integrity, a clear nucleolus, chromatin evenly distributed in nucleus; The KXRG pretreatment, the cell volume reduced, the membrane surface, uneven, cytoplasmic electron density deepening contraction in the nucleus, nucleolus loose, and gradually dispersed around the nuclear membrane, and can see the formation of intracellular vacuoles.
     4. KXRG and its drug-containing serum on the non-histone proteins nucleolar B23, C23 activity levels Western blot results showed that KXRG can reduce the HSC nucleolar B23, C23 expression of protein activity, and with the KXRG and its drug-containing serum concentration increases.
     1. KXRG can inhibit the proliferation of activated HSC; block the cell cycle of normal to stay in the G0/G1 phase; and had a significant effect on their ultrastructure.
     2. KXRG can reduce the HSC nucleolar non-histone proteins B23, C23 activity level expression.
     3. The study results suggest that:KXRG possible by reducing the non-histone proteins HSC nucleolar B23, C23 activity level of the expression of cell cycle regulation, inhibit the proliferation of activated HSC to achieve the anti-hepatic fibrosis, which may be KXRG anti-liver fibrosis mechanisms.
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