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The paper studies on entrepreneur human capital. With the comprehensive utilization of theories and methods of management, economics, behavior science, and game theory, it lays out the basic theoretical framework of the development of entrepreneur human capital and testifies the positive effects of the development of entrepreneur's efficiency human capital, dynamic human capital, exchange human capital can on enterprise's performance . It also makes some theoretical suggestions on the development of entrepreneur human capital of state-owned enterprises. Its research includes the following five parts:
    (1) Analysis of entrepreneur human capital. This part studies on the concepts of entrepreneur and its human capital, analyzes the traits of entrepreneur human capital, discusses the functions of entrepreneur. It also explicates the theory of development of entrepreneur human capital.
    (2) Formation and choice of entrepreneur human capital. It is a problem of solving entrepreneur's capability. This part studies on that topics in terms of the institutional structure, invest decision, rundown structure, risk, market selection mechanism and signaling mechanism.
    (3) Usage of entrepreneur human capital. Firstly, this part studies on the entrepreneur's needs by taking advantage of management. Secondly, according to the needs, it presents the means of meeting them and the related incentive measures, which include contract, control right, fame, spiritual incentive and competition of three-markets. Meanwhile, it designates the positive effects of supervision and restriction on raising the efficiency of using entrepreneur. It aims at how to solve the problem of raising the level of entrepreneur's producing effort.
    (4) Relationship between entrepreneur human capital and enterprise's performance .This part researches on the relationships and action theories among entrepreneur's efficiency human capital, dynamic human capital, exchange human capital and enterprise's performance, in order to offer a theoretical methods for the development of entrepreneur human capital.
    (5) Analysis of the position of state-owned enterprise's entrepreneur human capital and policy proposals. Firstly, according to the empirical analysis, this part
    applies the research results and viewpoints of this paper to analyze the position of state-owned entrepreneur's human capital and probes into the classic successful and failed cases. Secondly, this part presents some personal viewpoints on the reform of state-owned enterprise, and suggests on distribution of entrepreneur human capital.
    The paper has the following four innovative aspects:
    (1) The enterprise's performance is the function of entrepreneur human capital, the resources held by entrepreneur and enterprise environments. The value of entrepreneur human capital is the result of comprehensive effect of efficiency human, dynamic human capital and exchange human capital.
    (2) The paper studies on the important concepts of enterprise, entrepreneur, human capital, coessential resource and idiosyncratic resource, and analyzes the traits of entrepreneur human capital, discusses the functions of entrepreneur. It presents and formats the basic theory of development of entrepreneur human capital. Particularly, it re-explains the concept of human capital, and presents the new idea on the constitution of human capital.
    (3) The development of entrepreneur human capital is influenced by various factors such as culture, institution and economy. The culture factor affects the preference for the entrepreneur's utility and adjusts the incentive cost and means. The institution factor affects the depth and width of development of entrepreneur human capital and leads the direction and way of development. The economy factor affects the effectiveness and direction of development of entrepreneur human capital.
    (4) The effort level of entrepreneur is the function of incentive intensity, supervision, restriction and entrepreneur's dynamic human capital. The incentive includes material,
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