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The species diversity, soil chemical factors and biological factors of different vegetation restoration patterns in Tangshan iron tailings were studied in the paper. By investigated 12 plots, 45 shrubs and 60 herbaceous patches the results showed as following:
     1 Flora analysis showed that there are 27 families, 42 genera, 45 species of seed plants. The flora has distinct warm temperate characteristics, and temperate genera account for 52.38% in total genera.
     2 The community structure was simple in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings, and it was divided into shrub layer and herb layer. The artificial Hippophae rhamnoides and Amorpha fruticosa forest glowed lush and cover a larger plant in shrub layer, they were shades plants understory plant. Plot slopes cover less shrub layer, and there was not shrub in the new tailings. It is show that dartificial vegetation restoration played a significant role on the community structure transformation in the tailings.
     3 The total biomass were differences in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings, the Hippophae rhamnoides forest has the most of the total biomass, reaching 14.25 t·hm~(-2), and the Amorpha fruticosa forest was next, reaching 11.64 t·hm~(-2), they were much greater than the slopes and the new tailings. It is significantly affected that artificial Hippophae rhamnoides and Amorpha fruticosa forest added to plant community biomass.
     4 From the species richness, Simpson index and Shannon-Weiner index, the range from large to small are ranked in descending order as follows: slope> Hippophae rhamnoides> Amorpha fruticosa >new tailings. Pielou evenness index showed that the range from large to small are ranked in descending order as follows: new tailings>slopes> Hippophae rhamnoides> Amorpha fruticosa; From the Alatalo evenness index, its order was differences with the Pielou evenness index, range from large to small was as follows: the new tailings> Hippophae rhamnoides >slopes> Amorpha fruticosa. According to the similarity coefficient, it is the lower coefficient, and the species composition was different in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings. The diversity of evaluation showed that: slopes, Hippophae rhamnoides, Amorpha fruticosa species were diversity; new tailings species diversity was general.
     5 For the soil nutrients in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings were ranked in descending order as follows: 0-20cm> 20-40cm> 40-60cm. The result showed that planting Hippophae rhamnoides and Amorpha fruticosa were beneficial to the nutrients formation.
     6 There were significant differences in the quantity of the mostly microorganism in different restoration patterns. Overall, the bacteria was most, and the autonomics was next with the fungi least. For the soil microorganism quantity and the enzyme activity in soil layer , in addition to catalase ,different restoration patterns are ranked in descending order as follows: slopes > Hippophae rhamnoides> Amorpha fruticosa >new tailings. Both the quantity of soil microorganism and the enzyme activity decreased as the depth of soil increased. There was positive relationship between the quantity of soil microorganism and the enzyme activity. It was concluded that artificial vegetation restoration could improve the quantity of soil microorganism and the enzyme activity.
     7 The soil enzyme activity was not exactly the same order in different woodland. It showed that the high content of an enzyme did not represent other enzymes must high also, so only a single enzyme activity can not fully reveal the characteristics of the soil enzyme activity.
     8 According to the result of the species diversity and soil organic matter, available potassium, available phosphorus and nitrogen correlation. The experimental results show that soil organic matter, available potassium, available phosphorus is the soil factors that have a greater impact on the diversity in iron tailings. And it would promote the species diversity if vegetation were planted in tailings.
     9 According to the relationship of diversity index and soil biological factors. In the process of restoration of vegetation succession, soil microbial, soil enzyme activity and plant diversity have a certain degree of relevance, but it was difference in the difference soil enzymes.
     10 According to the relationship of the soil chemical properties and soil biological factors. The results suggest that soil microorganisms, soil enzymes and soil nutrient cycling, metabolism have an important relationship. Therefore, a combination of both of soil microbial and soil enzyme activity could be considered as a means of soil biological fertility evaluation.
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