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Objective:To assess the association between climate factors and the number of cardiovascular diseases out-patient visits in Shanghai residents with medical insurance.
     Significance:Climate change impacts on human health are a global concern. Recent extreme weather events have attracted renewed interseted on weather-related health effects. To our knowledge, the vast majority of researchers selected mortality or hospital admission rate as indicators of health effects in time-series studies. So far, the papers selecting outpatient visits are not found. In Shanghai, the beds in hospitals, especially for three-level hospitals are often saturated, so hospital admission rate could not reflect the real effect of temperature change on the population. The mortality rate always reflects the population's health status with serious condition, therefore, it is not suitable for reflecting the effect of temperature on the general population's health. Basically, hospital out-patient can meet the health need of the common residents, so daily out-patient visits can be used to effectively evaluate the medium-term and short-term effect of temperature change on the common residents' health. Due to increasing morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease, the mortality of cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death for Chinese and higher than cancer and other diseases, which poses a huge threat to the people's health. If we can understand the relation between temperature change and the number of cardiovascular, it will be conducive to control the occurrence and development of cardiovascular disease and have a very important public health significance outpatient visits.
     Methods:We investigated the association between temperature and daily cardivascular out-patient with medical insurance in Shanghai using generalized additive model(GAM), with a Poisson link function from January 1,2005 to December 31,2010. Natural cubic spline smoothing function was used to controlled for medium-term and long term time trend, pressure, huimdity, wind, rain from 8am to 8pm, PM10、SO2 and NO2. Dummy variables was used to adjusted for weekday, national holidays, and the day regarding medical insurance policy. Due to the correlation of time-series data, an auto-regression term(AR(P)) was added in the model to control for auto-regression based on ACF(auto-regression function).
     Main Results and Conclusion:We used 3-day moving average temperature of current and previous two days values as the indicator reflecting the effect of temperature. An auto-regression term AR(P) was added in the model to control for auto-regression because ACF was great than 0.1. A GAM+AR(P) model was performed to assess the relation between temperature and cardiovascular out-patient visits. As temperature decreased, cardiovascular out-patient visits with medical insurance increased.:Low temperature is the risk factor of cardiovascular diseases.
     When temperature is less than 9℃or great than 26℃, as temperature increased,the relative risk curve of cardiovascular diseases decreased rapidly. The result indicated that the relative risk of cardiovascular diseases reduced significantly with the increasing of temperature.
    [3]Wmo2009 年 全 球 气 候 状 况 声 明Www.Wmo.Int/Pages/Publications/Showcase/Documents/1055Zh.Pdf.
    [4]McMichael A J, Woodruff R E Hale S.Climate Change and Human Health:Present and Future Risks (Vol 367, Pg 859,2006)[J]. Lancet,2006,368(9538):842-842.
    [5]Diaz J, Garcia-Herrera R, Trigo R, et al. The Impact of the Summer 2003 Heat Wave in Iberia:How Should We Measure It?[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology,2006, 50(3):159-166.
    [6]Conti S, Meli P, Minelli G, et al. Epidemiologic Study of Mortality During the Summer 2003 Heat Wave in Italy[J]. Environmental Research,2005,98(3):390-399.
    [7]McMichael A J, Wilkinson P, Kovats R S, et al. International Study of Temperature, Heat and Urban Mortality:The 'Isothunn' Project[J]. Int J Epidemiol,2008,37(5):1121-31.
    [8]Baccini M, Biggeri A, Accetta G, et al. Heat Effects on Mortality in 15 European Cities[J]. Epidemiology,2008,19(5):711-9.
    [9]Hajat S, Armstrong B G, Gouveia N, et al. Mortality Displacement of Heat-Related Deaths:A Comparison of Delhi, Sao Paulo, and London[J]. Epidemiology,2005,16(5): 613-20.
    [10]Curriero F, Heiner K, Samet J, et al. Temperature and Mortality in 11 Cities of the Eastern United States[J]. American Journal of Epidemiology,2002,155(1):80.
    [11]Braga A L, Zanobetti A Schwartz J. The Effect of Weather on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Deaths in 12 U.S. Cities[J]. Environ Health Perspect,2002,110(9):859-63.
    [12]Hajat S, Kovats R Lachowycz K. Heat-Related and Cold-Related Deaths in England and Wales:Who Is at Risk?[J]. Occupational and environmental medicine,2007,64(2):93.
    [13]Ren C, Williams G M, Morawska L, et al. Ozone Modifies Associations between Temperature and Cardiovascular Mortality:Analysis of the Nmmaps Data[J]. Occup Environ Med,2008,65(4):255-60.
    [14]Barnett A G. Temperature and Cardiovascular Deaths in the Us Elderly:Changes over Time[J]. Epidemiology,2007,18(3):369-72.
    [15]Basu R andSamet J. Relation between Elevated Ambient Temperature and Mortality: A Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence[J]. Epidemiologic Reviews,2002,24(2):190.
    [21]Gasparrini A andArmstrong B. The Impact of Heat Waves on Mortality[J]. Epidemiology,2011,22(1):68-73.
    [22]Rocklov J andForsberg B. The Effect of High Ambient Temperature on the Elderly Population in Three Regions of Sweden[J]. Int J Environ Res Public Health,2010,7(6): 2607-19.
    [23]Bassil K L, Cole D C, Moineddin R, et al. The Relationship between Temperature and Ambulance Response Calls for Heat-Related Illness in Toronto, Ontario,2005[J]. J Epidemiol Community Health,2010.
    [24]Almeida S P, Casimiro E Calheiros J. Effects of Apparent Temperature on Daily Mortality in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal[J]. Environ Health,2010,9:12.
    [25]Zanobetti A andSchwartz J. Temperature and Mortality in Nine Us Cities[J]. Epidemiology,2008,19(4):563-70.
    [27]Chambers J M andHastie T J, Statistical Models in S.1993:Chapman & Hall London.
    [28]Wood S N, Generalized Additive Models:An Introduction with R.2006:CRC Press.
    [29]Gallagher C. Extending the Linear Model with R:Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models [J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007,102(480):1477-1477.
    [30]Box G E P, Jenkins G M Reinsel G C, Time Series Analysis:Forecasting and Control. Vol.16.1976:Holden-day San Francisco.
    [31]Stieb D M, Szyszkowicz M, Rowe B H, et al. Air Pollution and Emergency Department Visits for Cardiac and Respiratory Conditions:A Multi-City Time-Series Analysis[J]. Environ Health,2009,8:25.
    [32]Naumova E N, Yepes H,Griffiths J K, et al. Emergency Room Visits for Respiratory Conditions in Children Increased after Guagua Pichincha Volcanic Eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador Observational Study:Time Series Analysis[J]. Environ Health,2007,6:21.
    [33]Kim S Y, O'Neill M S, Lee J T, et al. Air Pollution, Socioeconomic Position, and Emergency Hospital Visits for Asthma in Seoul, Korea[J]. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2007,80(8):701-10.
    [34]Wilson A M, Wake C P, Kelly T, et al. Air Pollution, Weather, and Respiratory Emergency Room Visits in Two Northern New England Cities:An Ecological Time-Series Study[J]. Environ Res,2005,97(3):312-21.
    [35]Martins L C, Latorre Mdo R, Saldiva P H, et al. Air Pollution and Emergency Room Visits Due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases in the Elderly:An Ecological Time-Series Study in Sao Paulo, BraziI[J]. J Occup Environ Med,2002,44(7):622-7.
    [36]Moolgavkar S H, Luebeck E G Anderson E L. Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Respiratory Causes in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Birmingham[J]. Epidemiology,1997,8(4):364-70.
    [37]Sunyer J, Saez M, Murillo C, et al. Air Pollution and Emergency Room Admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:A 5-Year Study[J]. Am J Epidemiol,1993,137(7): 701-5.
    [38]Revich B andShaposhnikov D. Temperature-Induced Excess Mortality in Moscow, Russia[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology,2008,52(5):367-374.
    [39]Ziegelstein R C. Depression in Patients Recovering from a Myocardial Infarction[J], JAMA:the journal of the American Medical Association,2001,286(13):1621.
    [40]Peters A, Frohlich M, Doring A, et al. Particulate Air Pollution Is Associated with an Acute Phase Response in Men. Results from the Monica-Augsburg Study[J]. European heart journal,2001,22(14):1198.
    [41]Jarrett R, Murrells T, Shipley M, et al. Screening Blood Glucose Values:Effects of Season and Time of Day[J]. Diabetologia,1984,27(6):574-577.
    [42]Kunes J, Tremblay J, Bellavance F, et al. Influence of Environmental Temperature on the Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Patients in Montreal [J]. Am J Hypertens,1991,4(5 Pt 1):422-6.
    [43]Pell J P andCobbe S M. Seasonal Variations in Coronary Heart Disease[J]. QJM, 1999,92(12):689-96.
    [44]Carder M, McNamee R, Beverland I, et al. The Lagged Effect of Cold Temperature and Wind Chill on Cardiorespiratory Mortality in Scotland[J]. Occup Environ Med,2005, 62(10):702-10.
    [45]Medina-Ramon M andSchwartz J. Temperature, Temperature Extremes, and Mortality:A Study of Acclimatisation and Effect Modification in 50 Us Cities[J]. Occupational and environmental medicine,2007,64(12):827.
    [46]Ballester F, Corella D, Perez-Hoyos S, et al. Mortality as a Function of Temperature. A Study in Valencia, Spain,1991-1993[J]. International journal of epidemiology,1997,26(3): 551.
    [47]Kalkstein L S andValimont K M. An Evaluation of Summer Discomfort in the United States Using a Relative Climatological Index[J]. Bull Am Meteorol Soc,1986,67(7): 842-848.
    [48]Kalkstein L S andDavis R E. Weather and Human Mortality:An Evaluation of Demographic and Interregional Responses in the United States[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1989,79(1):44-64.
    [49]Hajat S, Armstrong B, Baccini M, et al. Impact of High Temperatures on Mortality: Is There an Added Heat Wave Effect?[J]. Epidemiology,2006,17(6):632-8.
    [50]Anderson B G andBell M L. Weather-Related Mortality:How Heat, Cold, and Heat Waves Affect Mortality in the United States[J]. Epidemiology,2009,20(2):205-13.
    [51]Yu W, Hu W, Mengersen K, et al. Time Course of Temperature Effects on Cardiovascular Mortality in Brisbane, Australia[J]. Heart,2011.
    [52]Kan H D, Jia J Chen B H. Temperature and Daily Mortality in Shanghai:A Time-Series Study[J]. Biomed Environ Sci,2003,16(2):133-9.
    [53]Joacim R, Kristie E Bertil F. Mortality Related to Temperature and Persistent Extreme Temperatures:A Study of Cause-Specific and Age-Stratified Mortality[J]. Occup Environ Med,2010.
    [54]Atchison C J, Tarn C C, Hajat S, et al. Temperature-Dependent Transmission of Rotavirus in Great Britain and the Netherlands[J]. Proc Biol Sci,2010,277(1683):933-42.
    [55]Stafoggia M, Forastiere F, Michelozzi P, et al. Summer Temperature-Related Mortality:Effect Modification by Previous Winter Mortality[J]. Epidemiology,2009,20(4): 575-83.
    [56]Chung J Y, Honda Y, Hong Y C, et al. Ambient Temperature and Mortality:An International Study in Four Capital Cities of East Asia[J], Sci Total Environ,2009,408(2): 390-6.
    [57]Chen B andKan H. Air Pollution and Population Health:A Global Challenge[J]. Environ Health Prev Med,2008,13(2):94-101.
    [58]Medina-Ramon M andSchwartz J. Temperature, Temperature Extremes, and Mortality:A Study of Acclimatization and Effect Modification in 50 United States Cities[J]. Occup Environ Med,2007.
    [59]Yi O, Hong Y C Kim H. Seasonal Effect of Pm(10) Concentrations on Mortality and Morbidity in Seoul, Korea:A Temperature-Matched Case-Crossover Analysis[J]. Environ Res, 2010,110(1):89-95.
    [60]Chen R, Pan G, Kan H, et al. Ambient Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in Anshan, China:A Time-Stratified Case-Crossover Analysis[J]. Sci Total Environ,2010,408(24): 6086-91.
    [61]Guo Y M, Wang J J, Li G X, et al. [Association between Ambient Temperature and Hospital Emergency Room Visits for Cardiovascular Diseases:A Case-Crossover Study][J]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi,2009,30(8):810-5.
    [62]Stafoggia M, Forastiere F, Agostini D, et al. Vulnerability to Heat-Related Mortality: A Multicity, Population-Based, Case-Crossover Analysis[J]. Epidemiology,2006,17(3): 315-23.
    [63]Kan H andChen B. A Case-Crossover Analysis of Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in Shanghai[J]. J Occup Health,2003,45(2):119-24.
    [64]Fung K Y, Krewski D, Chen Y, et al. Comparison of Time Series and Case-Crossover Analyses of Air Pollution and Hospital Admission Data[J]. Int J Epidemiol, 2003,32(6):1064-70.
    [65]Bateson T F andSchwartz J. Control for Seasonal Variation and Time Trend in Case-Crossover Studies of Acute Effects of Environmental Exposures[J], Epidemiology,1999, 10(5):539-44.
    [66]Wang H, Matsumura M, Kakehashi M, et al. Effects of Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure on the Occurrence of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Hiroshima City, JapanfJ]. Hiroshima J Med Sci,2006,55(2):45-51.
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    [69]Kunst A E, Looman C W Mackenbach J P. Outdoor Air Temperature and Mortality in the Netherlands:A Time-Series Analysis[J]. Am J Epidemiol,1993,137(3):331-41.
    [70]Michelozzi P, Accetta G, De Sario M, et al. High Temperature and Hospitalizations for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Causes in 12 European Cities[J]. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine,2009,179(5):383.
    [71]Fouillet A, Rey G, Laurent F, et al. Excess Mortality Related to the August 2003 Heat Wave in France[J]. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 2006,80(1):16-24.
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    [1]McMichael A J, Woodruff R E Hale S. Climate Change and Human Health:Present and Future Risks (Vol 367, Pg 859,2006)[J]. Lancet,2006,368(9538):842-842..
    [2]Diaz J, Garcia-Herrera R, Trigo R, et al. The Impact of the Summer 2003 Heat Wave in Iberia:How Should We Measure It?[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology,2006,50(3): 159-166
    [6]Conti S, Meli P, Minelli G, et al. Epidemiologic Study of Mortality During the Summer 2003 Heat Wave in Italy [J]. Environmental Research,2005,98(3):390-399.
    [7]McMichael A J, Wilkinson P, Kovats R S, et al. International Study of Temperature, Heat and Urban Mortality:The 'Isothunn' Project[J]. Int J Epidemiol,2008,37(5):1121-31.
    [8]Baccini M, Biggeri A, Accetta G, et al. Heat Effects on Mortality in 15 European Cities[J]. Epidemiology,2008,19(5):711-9.
    [9]Hajat S, Armstrong B G, Gouveia N, et al. Mortality Displacement of Heat-Related Deaths: A Comparison of Delhi, Sao Paulo, and London[J]. Epidemiology,2005,16(5):613-20.
    [10]Curriero F, Heiner K, Samet J, et al. Temperature and Mortality in 11 Cities of the Eastern United States[J]. American Journal of Epidemiology,2002,155(1):80.
    [11]Braga A L, Zanobetti A Schwartz J. The Effect of Weather on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Deaths in 12 U.S. Cities[J]. Environ Health Perspect,2002,110(9):859-63.
    [12]Hajat S, Kovats R Lachowycz K. Heat-Related and Cold-Related Deaths in England and Wales:Who Is at Risk?[J]. Occupational and environmental medicine,2007,64(2):93.
    [13]Ren C, Williams G M, Morawska L, et al. Ozone Modifies Associations between Temperature and Cardiovascular Mortality:Analysis of the Nmmaps Data[J], Occup Environ Med,2008,65(4):255-60.
    [14]Barnett A G. Temperature and Cardiovascular Deaths in the Us Elderly:Changes over Time[J]. Epidemiology,2007,18(3):369-72.
    [15]Basu R andSamet J. Relation between Elevated Ambient Temperature and Mortality:A Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence[J]. Epidemiologic Reviews,2002,24(2):190.
    [21]Gasparrini A andArmstrong B. The Impact of Heat Waves on Mortality [J]. Epidemiology, 2011,22(1):68-73.
    [22]Rocklov J andForsberg B. The Effect of High Ambient Temperature on the Elderly Population in Three Regions of Sweden[J]. Int J Environ Res Public Health,2010,7(6): 2607-19.
    [23]Bassil K L, Cole D C, Moineddin R, et al. The Relationship between Temperature and Ambulance Response Calls for Heat-Related Illness in Toronto, Ontario,2005[J]. J Epidemiol Community Health,2010.
    [24]Almeida S P, Casimiro E Calheiros J. Effects of Apparent Temperature on Daily Mortality in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal[J]. Environ Health,2010,9:12.
    [25]Zanobetti A andSchwartz J. Temperature and Mortality in Nine Us Cities[J]. Epidemiology,2008,19(4):563-70.
    [27]Chambers J M andHastie T J, Statistical Models in S.1993:Chapman& Hall London.
    [28]Wood S N, Generalized Additive Models:An Introduction with R.2006:CRC Press.
    [29]Gallagher C. Extending the Linear Model with R:Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models[J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association,2007, 102(480):1477-1477.
    [30]Box G E P, Jenkins G M Reinsel G C, Time Series Analysis:Forecasting and Control. Vol. 16.1976:Holden-day San Francisco.
    [31]Stieb D M, Szyszkowicz M, Rowe B H, et al. Air Pollution and Emergency Department Visits for Cardiac and Respiratory Conditions:A Multi-City Time-Series Analysis[J]. Environ Health,2009,8:25.
    [32]Naumova E N, Yepes H, Griffiths J K, et al. Emergency Room Visits for Respiratory Conditions in Children Increased after Guagua Pichincha Volcanic Eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador Observational Study:Time Series Analysis[J]. Environ Health,2007,6:21.
    [33]Kim S Y, O'Neill M S, Lee J T, et al. Air Pollution, Socioeconomic Position, and Emergency Hospital Visits for Asthma in Seoul, Korea[J]. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2007,80(8):701-10.
    [34]Wilson A M, Wake C P, Kelly T, et al. Air Pollution, Weather, and Respiratory Emergency Room Visits in Two Northern New England Cities:An Ecological Time-Series Study[J]. Environ Res,2005,97(3):312-21.
    [35]Martins L C, Latorre Mdo R, Saldiva P H, et al. Air Pollution and Emergency Room Visits Due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases in the Elderly:An Ecological Time-Series Study in Sao Paulo, Brazil[J]. J Occup Environ Med,2002,44(7):622-7.
    [36]Moolgavkar S H, Luebeck E G Anderson E L. Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Respiratory Causes in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Birmingham[J]. Epidemiology,1997,8(4): 364-70.
    [37]Sunyer J, Saez M, Murillo C, et al. Air Pollution and Emergency Room Admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:A 5-Year Study [J]. Am J Epidemiol,1993,137(7): 701-5.
    [38]Revich B andShaposhnikov D. Temperature-Induced Excess Mortality in Moscow, Russia[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology,2008,52(5):367-374.
    [39]Ziegelstein R C. Depression in Patients Recovering from a Myocardial Infarction[J]. JAMA:the journal of the American Medical Association,2001,286(13):1621.
    [40]Peters A, Frohlich M, Doring A, et al. Particulate Air Pollution Is Associated with an Acute Phase Response in Men. Results from the Monica-Augsburg Study[J]. European heart journal,2001,22(14):1198.
    [41]Jarrett R, Murrells T, Shipley M, et al. Screening Blood Glucose Values:Effects of Season and Time of Day [J]. Diabetologia,1984,27(6):574-577.
    [42]Kunes J, Tremblay J, Bellavance F, et al. Influence of Environmental Temperature on the Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Patients in Montreal[J]. Am J Hypertens,1991,4(5 Pt 1): 422-6.
    [43]Pell J P andCobbe S M. Seasonal Variations in Coronary Heart Disease[J]. QJM,1999, 92(12):689-96.
    [44]Carder M, McNamee R, Beverland I, et al. The Lagged Effect of Cold Temperature and Wind Chill on Cardiorespiratory Mortality in Scotland[J]. Occup Environ Med,2005,62(10): 702-10.
    [45]Medina-Ramon M andSchwartz J. Temperature, Temperature Extremes, and Mortality:A Study of Acclimatisation and Effect Modification in 50 Us Cities[J]. Occupational and environmental medicine,2007,64(12):827.
    [46]Ballester F, Corella D, Perez-Hoyos S, et al. Mortality as a Function of Temperature. A Study in Valencia, Spain,1991-1993[J]. International journal of epidemiology,1997,26(3): 551.
    [47]Kalkstein L S andValimont K M. An Evaluation of Summer Discomfort in the United States Using a Relative Climatological Index[J]. Bull Am Meteorol Soc,1986,67(7): 842-848.
    [48]Kalkstein L S andDavis R E. Weather and Human Mortality:An Evaluation of Demographic and Interregional Responses in the United States [J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1989,79(1):44-64.
    [49]Hajat S, Armstrong B, Baccini M, et al. Impact of High Temperatures on Mortality:Is There an Added Heat Wave Effect?[J]. Epidemiology,2006,17(6):632-8.
    [50]Anderson B G andBell M L. Weather-Related Mortality:How Heat, Cold, and Heat Waves Affect Mortality in the United States[J]. Epidemiology,2009,20(2):205-13.
    [51]Yu W, Hu W, Mengersen K, et al. Time Course of Temperature Effects on Cardiovascular Mortality in Brisbane, Australia[J]. Heart,2011.
    [52]Kan H D, Jia J Chen B H. Temperature and Daily Mortality in Shanghai:A Time-Series Study[J]. Biomed Environ Sci,2003,16(2):133-9.
    [53]Joacim R, Kristie E Bertil F. Mortality Related to Temperature and Persistent Extreme Temperatures:A Study of Cause-Specific and Age-Stratified Mortality[J]. Occup Environ Med, 2010.
    [54]Atchison C J, Tarn C C, Hajat S, et al. Temperature-Dependent Transmission of Rotavirus in Great Britain and the Netherlands[J]. Proc Biol Sci,2010,277(1683):933-42.
    [55]Stafoggia M, Forastiere F, Michelozzi P, et al. Summer Temperature-Related Mortality: Effect Modification by Previous Winter Mortality [J]. Epidemiology,2009,20(4):575-83.
    [56]Chung J Y, Honda Y, Hong Y C, et al. Ambient Temperature and Mortality:An International Study in Four Capital Cities of East Asia[J]. Sci Total Environ,2009,408(2): 390-6.
    [57]Chen B andKan H. Air Pollution and Population Health:A Global Challenge[J]. Environ Health Prev Med,2008,13(2):94-101.
    [58]Medina-Ramon M andSchwartz J. Temperature, Temperature Extremes, and Mortality:A Study of Acclimatization and Effect Modification in 50 United States Cities[J]. Occup Environ Med,2007.
    [59]Yi O, Hong Y C Kim H. Seasonal Effect of Pm(10) Concentrations on Mortality and Morbidity in Seoul, Korea:A Temperature-Matched Case-Crossover Analysis[J]. Environ Res, 2010,110(1):89-95.
    [60]Chen R, Pan G, Kan H, et al. Ambient Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in Anshan, China:A Time-Stratified Case-Crossover Analysis[J]. Sci Total Environ,2010,408(24): 6086-91.
    [61]Guo Y M, Wang J J, Li G X, et al. [Association between Ambient Temperature and Hospital Emergency Room Visits for Cardiovascular Diseases:A Case-Crossover Study][J]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi,2009,30(8):810-5.
    [62]Stafoggia M, Forastiere F, Agostini D, et al. Vulnerability to Heat-Related Mortality:A Multicity, Population-Based, Case-Crossover Analysis[J]. Epidemiology,2006,17(3):315-23.
    [63]Kan H andChen B. A Case-Crossover Analysis of Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in Shanghai[J]. J Occup Health,2003,45(2):119-24.
    [64]Fung K Y, Krewski D, Chen Y, et al. Comparison of Time Series and Case-Crossover Analyses of Air Pollution and Hospital Admission Data[J]. Int J Epidemiol,2003,32(6): 1064-70.
    [65]Bateson T F andSchwartz J. Control for Seasonal Variation and Time Trend in Case-Crossover Studies of Acute Effects of Environmental Exposures[J]. Epidemiology,1999, 10(5):539-44.
    [66]Wang H, Matsumura M, Kakehashi M, et al. Effects of Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure on the Occurrence of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Hiroshima City, Japan[J]. Hiroshima J Med Sci,2006,55(2):45-51.
    [67]Roberts S. Interactions between Particulate Air Pollution and Temperature in Air Pollution Mortality Time Series Studies[J]. Environmental Research,2004,96(3):328-337.
    [68]Katsouyanni K, Pantazopoulou A, Touloumi G, et al. Evidence for Interaction between Air Pollution and High Temperature in the Causation of Excess Mortality[J]. Archives of Environmental Health:An International Journal,1993,48(4):235-242.
    [69]Kunst A E, Looman C W Mackenbach J P. Outdoor Air Temperature and Mortality in the Netherlands:A Time-Series Analysis[J]. Am J Epidemiol,1993,137(3):331-41.
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