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China's economy has grown increasingly faster since the1978introduction of economic reforms. The official statistics show that real gross domestic product (GDP) from1979to2010was growing at an average annual rate of9.9percent, making China one the world's fastest growing economies, the world's second-largest economy. In fact, the east of China, in large part, contributes the China's great economy growth. The east attracts multinational companies to invest in processing trade, and attend the global value chain by the way of OEM, using the low level of factors. Hence, China's firms produce low value-added goods belonging to labour intensive industry using the cheap factors. Those contribute to the fast growth of FDI and Export, and the miracle of economic growth.
     Labor shortage and rising wage appear with economic growth in China's labor market. In2002, rural labor shortages made the myth of unlimited labor supply disappear in the coastal areas. In2005, seasonal labor shortage reached the provinces supplying the labor. Lewis turning point is coming in china's labor market. Meanwhile, the cost of land in east coastal areas is rising gradually. The comparative advantages in labor-intensive industry are gradually disappearing. This pattern of attending the global value chain using the low level of factor, and export-oriented way are unsustainable. The growth of China's economy needs to be changed; industry structure also needs to be changed.
     At the mean time, we noticed the economy phenomenon of the east attending the low level of global value chain compresses the development space of the Midwest. The east is committed in the low level of global value chain. This leads to cheap labor and natural resource in the middle and west flowing to the east. Hence, the Midwest is reduced to one side of supplying low level of factors and the separated area. These result in the development disparity between the East and the Midwest.
     Based on new-new theory and theory of marginal industry expansion, this paper studies the influence of multinational firms on the industry adjustment of the East and the Midwest, and provides some advice about how to adjust industry structure. As to the industry structure adjustment of the East, the paper studies the multinational firms'mechanism of how to climb the global value chain, and does empirical studies using related data. As to the industry structure adjustment of the Midwest, the paper studies the influence of multinational industry transfer on the industry structure adjustment of the Midwest. At last, this paper makes a suggestion about the path of industry structure adjustment in the East and the Midwest.
     Firstly, we establish a mixed direct investment model and a export-platform model to analysis the pattern of multinational firms in China. The two-country model about heterogeneity always consists of two symmetrical developed countries. This paper sets up an asymmetrical countries'model to study the best choice of multinational firms and the influence of factors on the firms'choices, based on the factor-proportions theory and heterogeneous trade theory. We establish a model consisting of a two symmetrical countries and a developing country to study the export-platform direct investment. In the model the difference between the developed country and the developing country appears in the cost of factors and market demand. Then, as to the East, we study the endogenous segmentation and the factors influencing the determination of segmentation. The change of points of segmentation means that the position of firms in the East attending the global value chain will change. As to the Midwest, we analyze the difference of marginal industry expansion theory between the two countries and the two regions. The main differences belong to fluidness of factors and the influence of fluidness on the cost of factors.
     Based on the theory model, we do empirical studies to analysis the pattern of multinational firms in China, the East and the Midwest. Then, we analysis the influence of multinational firms on industry structure adjustment and the factors of the Midwest accepting the industry transfer from the East. At last, we give some advice about the way of industry structure adjustment.
     The main academic conclusions are firms with highest levels of productivity will choose horizontal foreign direct investment; firms with higher levels of productivity will choose mixed foreign direct investment; firms with lower levels of productivity will choose export trade. Transport cost, comparative wage and market scale tend to vary inversely with the amount of mixed foreign direct investment; the fixed cost of developing factories is directly proportional to mixed foreign direct investment. Under the complete contract, rising demand of host country will make multinational firms produce more segmentation products in the home country. Under the incomplete contract, rising demand of host country, rising trade cost and wage in home country will make multinational firms produce more segmentation products in the home country.
     The foundation of marginal industry expansion theory, comparative advantage, also exists in two regions belonging to one big country, but there are differences between two regions and two countries, degree of factor fluency and the influence of the fluency on factor price.
     The conclusions in empirical parts are that mixed direct investment dominates the East market of China; export-platform direct investment dominates the Midwest market of China. Under the incomplete contact, the more market demand is, the more transport cost and the lower wage are, the more segmentation stages will be produced in the East of China; the higher the degree of market is, the greater the industry transfer of multinational firms from the East to the Midwest is; the better infrastructure is, the lower the wage is, the greater the industry transfer of multinational firms.
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