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云斑天牛Batocera horsfieldi(Hope)是一种大型多食性蛀干害虫,由于生活隐蔽,抗逆性强而防治困难,成为许多天然林、经济林、城市园林树木的毁灭性害虫。目前,主要采用低效率的人工和化学方法防治云斑天牛,对寄主植物与云斑天牛成虫间的信息联系机制以及引诱机理的研究较少涉及。因此,加强成虫对寄主植物取食选择机理方面的研究,将为合理配置诱饵树,以及开发与化学指纹图谱相近的高活性引诱剂,诱集成虫,集中治理,初步建立云斑天牛的持续控制技术体系奠定基础。本文从化学生态学角度,对云斑天牛成虫与补充营养寄主间的信息联系机制进行了初步探索,主要结论如下:
     (3)气相色谱-质谱联用仪GC-MS(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer)分析不同有机溶剂提取的法国冬青不同部位挥发性物质的化学组成及相对含量,对比之间的差异。分析结果表明,挥发物主要化学组分为:烷烃类、醇类、酸类、酮类、酚类、酯类等物质,不同有机溶剂提取的法国冬青枝、叶挥发物的化学组分和含量存在较大差异。二氯甲烷提取物的化学组分最多,主要以醇类、酸类、烷烃类、醛类为主,没有检测到酮类和酚类化合物;正己烷作提取物的化学组分最少,以烷烃类和酮类为主,其他化合物含量很少;乙醚提取物的化学组分最复杂,但以醇类、烷烃类为主。另外,相同提取溶剂得到的法国冬青枝和叶挥发物,化学组成和相对含量也不完全相同,叶片提取物中的化合物明显多于枝条提取物。
Batocera horsfieldi (Hope) is a kind of polyphagous woodworm pest with large-scale. It is difficult to control for the characteristics of hidden life and strong resistence. Therefore, they become the main destructive pest to many kinds of natural forests, economy trees and urban garden trees, moreover, cost great losses of the economy and ecology in China.Nowadays, the main method of preventing B. horsfieldi is always by mankind with low- efficient or chemical means. By contrast, less researches, refered to the information communication mechanisms and trap effect between host plants and B. horsfieldi adults, has been studied.The study of preference for host plants in adult insect could help for laying foundation of rational distribution of bait-trees, development of high-activity attractants which is similar with Chemical fingerprint, mass-trapping, centralize-processing of adult insects, and establishment of the sustainable control system of B. horsfieldi initially.In order to improve trap effects, it is important,to study the chemical information communication mechanism between B. horsfieldi and host plants based on chemical ecology. The results are.summarized as follows:
     The preference of B. horsfieldi adults for various host plants in the phase of supplermentary feeding was observed both in field and in laboratory. The highest rate of selectivity on Viburnum awabuki and Betula luminifera by B. horsfieldi in field was 100%and 92.4%respectively. Lab observation were consistent with results in field. The results showed that V. awabuk and B. luminifera are the main host plants in the phase of supplermentary feeding for B. horsfieldi adults.
     Y-tube olfactometer was used to test the behavioral selectivity of B.horsfieldi adults to volatile, which extracted by different ways and organic solvent. The data showed that the attractability of four volatiles to the adults are different: B.luminifera>V. awabuki>Jugians regia. L.>Populus tomentosa. The volatile of B. luminifer and V. awabuki to adults is of much more attractability than volatile of J. regia L. and P. tomentosa. In addition, the effect of different organic solvent extraction are varied, aether and dichloromethne crud extract are better than hexane's, the volatile from the branch had stronger feedant than that from the leaf; But the volatiles extracted by different ways have insignificant difference.
     GC-MS(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer) is used to analyse the compounds and relative contents of volatiles extracted from different parts of V. awabuki and different organic solvent. Then the diversity was compared between each two of them. The results showed that the compounds of volatiles fowllow as: alkanes、Alcohols、acids、ketones、hydroxybenzenes、esters,ect. There is a big difference between the compounds and relative contents of volatiles extracted by different organic solvent from the branches and leaves of V. awabuki. The compounds of volatile is of most when extracted by methylene chloride, and it mainly consist of alcohols、acid、alkanes、aldehydes, instead of ketonic and phenolic compound. There is of least compounds in the volatile extracted by hexane, it mainly consist of alcohols and ketonic compounds instead of others. There is of most complex compounds in the volatile extracted by aether, however, with mainly, compounds of alcohols and alkanes. Moreover, the volatiles coming from the branch and leaf by same organic solvent are of different compounds and relative contents. It's obviously that, the volatile is of more compound when extracted from leaf than from branch.
     The diversity of compounds and relative contents of volatiles extracted from 4 different host plant by methylene chloride was analysed by GC-MC. The results showed that there is significant difference among the 4 Chemical fingerprint of host plants. The volatile of V. awabuki mainly consist of acids and alcohols; The volatile of B. luminifera is mainly of esters compound Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, methyl ester, then the other compounds are less, while alkanes and esters compound is more than others. The compounds of J. regia L.and P. tomentosa is different of that of B. luminifera and V. awabuki. The volatile of J. regia L mainly consist of kautchin and alkanes, the proportion of kautchin is 48.8%; The volatile of P. tomentosa mainly consist of alkanes and ketones, the proportion of them is 38.63%and 42.98%respectively. There are no kautchin and ketones in the volatile of other two host plants. The result may explained that the alcohols compound coming from B. luminifera and V. awabuki would influence the trend behavior of B. horsfieldi adults, while the
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