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随着多媒体技术在医学领域中的日益普及和发展,各种医学图像处理系统在临床、教学、科研以及医学图像存储、检索和通信系统都发挥着重要的作用。另外,为有效管理医院每天从CT.MR.X光片中产生的海量数据,PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems)系统被越来越多的医院所采用。当前PACS系统的功能主要集中在医学影像数据的存档、传输及压缩方面,而对影像数据的进一步处理和分析方面还很少涉及。在PACS的基础上扩展如图像检索,辅助诊断等功能是PACS系统发展的必然。传统的医学图像检索方法是基于文本的检索,即根据图像的序列号、病人住院号、病人姓名、诊断报告等文本字段查询图像。它面临着需要对医学图像人工标注的困难,而人工标注由于其不可重复性、易受主观影响、工作量大等缺点,己经渐渐无法满足大规模医学图像数据库的检索需要,为此基于内容的图像检索(Content-Based Image Retrieval,CBIR)技术作为基于文本检索的扩展和补充,成为近年来该领域中的研究热点。
     然而,相比其它图像,医学图像分辨率低噪声高,通常只包含灰度信号,难以实现自动化处理,故CBIR在医学应用领域面临巨大挑战。在医学影像诊断中,临床诊断决策一般是根据图像局部特征(感兴趣区域,Region Of Interest,ROI)来完成的。而且,现有的医学图像处理技术还不够成熟,诊断效果往往不够理想。如何将图像处理中的关键技术与医学图像进行有机的结合,为医师提供科学、便捷、准确的医疗手段,并为其诊断提供辅助性的建议,成为人们的主要研究目标。
     3.在图像的感兴趣区域方面,针对肝脏CT肿瘤图像,如肝癌、肝血管瘤、肝囊肿图像增强后各扫描期的表现,即肝癌图像特征性边缘结节样强化及肝血管瘤强化区域逐步向病灶中心填充、肝囊肿病灶区域无任何变化,本章提出了2种局部特征提取算法,一是引入了梯度图像的作用,提取了梯度图像4个方向等间距的梯度值用于表征病灶区域的特征;二是根据上述3种肝部肿瘤强化后的特点,将分割后的病灶区域进行距离变换,然后利用分形维数自相似性的特点,提取每层数据,即一维曲线的盒维数作为局部特征。实验表明采用了这些具有针对性的特征提取算法后,肝脏肿瘤图像的检索结果有了很大的提高。为进一步提高检索系统的性能,本文对相似距离测度学习进行了研究。重点对Boostmetric算法进行详细介绍,并将LFDA、 LMNN、 BOOSTMETRIC三种学习算法应用于检索系统,实验结果表明Boostmetric效果是三者中最优的。
With the use of multimedia technology widely in the medical field, various medical images processing systems are playing an important role in the clinical, teaching, research, medical image storage, retrieval and communication systems. The function of extensions such as image retrieval, auxiliary diagnosis in PACS is the necessity of development of PACS. Traditional medical image retrieval is text-based query to retrieve medical images by matching exactly database fields or image annotations. Text-based queries face the difficulties of manual annotation for medical imags. Due to several disadvantages such as unrepeatability, being sensitive tosubjective influence, generating heavy workload of manual annotation, text-based methods have been unable to meet the nees of large-scale medical image database retrieval. Thus the techniques of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) for medical image database queries have been major topics instead of text-based searching techniques in recent years.
     Because the CBIR technology that only makes users to choose the interested visual images research all the same and similar images in a large medical image database, so it have a much-needed to access image database through visual content in teaching and studying. As we see, the visual features in the medical examination are another interesting focus in the field of medical research. CBIR with visual features not only query the same or similar medical diagnosis, and also query the cases that are similar visually and different in diagnoses result. In teaching, CBIR technology can help teachers and students to browse the image database, and identify query results visually.
     However, medical images hasve some disadvantages of the low resolution, high-noise, only gray signal, automation processing hard, which makes CBIR for medical images still face with great challenges. In the process of diagnosis for radiology images, clinic decisions are usually based on region of interest (ROI). Moreover, the existing medical image processing technologies are not mature enough to make satisfing diagnostic results. How to combine the key technologies in image processing with medical images become the main research objective for physicians to provide scientific, convenient and accurate medical instruments.
     All the works in the thesis are carried out under Major State Basic Research Development Program (No:2010CB732500) and the key projects supported by national natural science foundation of China (No:30730036). They focus on the study of feature extraction technology of medical images, which include mainly the globle and local (ROI) feature extraction algorithms and image retrieval based on these algorithms.
     The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:
     1. A global feature extraction algorithm of hepatic CT images is proposed based on the non-tensor product wavelet, which can be used to the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in medical CT images with lesion. With the lackness of direction after separable wavelet transform, four-channal non-separable two dimension wavelet filter banks are constructed, and used to decomposition in hepatic images. The histogram of wavelet coefficients in each high-frequency subband are approximated using generalized Gaussian model (GGM). Experimental results show that this method can improve the retrieval results of lesions.
     2. A global feature extraction algorithm of hepatic CT image is proposed, which aims to improve the detection rate of liver lesions. The proposed method uses the low frequency subband coefficient of wavelet decomposition based on the non-tensor product coefficient. These coefficients are modeled by Gaussian distribution piecewise. which utilizes the approximate characteristic of low frequency subband and could better express the global feature of hepatic image. The experiment on1688CT images confirms that retrieval perform based on this algorithm have robust result.
     3. With respect to lesion of liver (ROI), two kinds of local feature extraction algorithm are proposes considering the behavior of liver cancer, liver hemangioma, liver cyst images after enhancement, that is, enhancement of liver cancer can described as "fast in and fast out", and enhancement region of hemangioma gradually filled to the lesion center, and cysts have no change in lesion. First we introduced the role of gradient image to extract feature points in four directions of the image gradient values. Second, distance transform is carried out on ROI, and the lesion is the fractal dimension features are then compute from the image data of every layer due to the characteristics of self-similarity of fractal dimension. Experiments show that retrieval result based on these two algorithmshave greatly improved. To further improve the retrieval performance, measure of similarity distance learning were studied in this paper. We mainly study Mahanalobis distance measure learning algorithms about k-nearest neighbor classification.The algorithms about Boostmetric is introdcuced detailed, and three learning algorithms LFDA, LMNN, BOOSTMETRIC are used in the liver tumor image.
     4. Two facts were summarized taking account of the characteristics of triple-phase contrast-enhanced CT images. First, the lesions of HCC and hepatic hemangiomas mostly had specific characteristic changes, whereas no change occurred in that of cysts. Second, the surrounding liver parenchyma information of lesion was considered because of the discrepancy in density between the lesion and the adjacent normal parenchyma in triple phase scans. Thus, according to these analyses and the studies in the previous chapter, a feature extraction algorithm of lesions came to being considering the specific behavior of focal liver lesions and their surrounding liver parenchyma after enhancement. The proposed feature algorithm originated from distinct imaging characteristics of lesion images and the surrounding liver parenchyma in triple-phase CT images, which was also the diagnosis perspective of clinicians or radiologists for three types of tumor patients. The algorithm mainly included two processes. The first was distance transformation, which was used to partition the lesion into distinct regions and this represented the spatial structure distribution. The second was bag of visual words (BoW) representation based on regions. The latter was the key step. Generally, the lesion was divided into three regions in our experiments, which will fit best with imaging analysis of radiologists in triple phases for the diseases described above. The effect of the number selection on the performance of CBIR will be discussed in this article. The study's aims are to develop a feature extraction algorithm of hepatic lesions considering the radiologists' diagnosis views in triple-phase enhanced CT, and to contribute to a CBIR system to facilitate the retrieval of radiologic patients whose lesion images had similar-appearing with the query patient, and to implement a basis evaluation of this system.
     Research around feature extraction of liver CT images is discussed in this dissertation, mainly in study of the globle and local (ROI) feature extraction algorithms and image retrieval based on these algorithms. Finally, a content-based medical imge retrieval system for liver CT images is designed, and the results indicate that these methodes can improve retrieval accuracy.
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