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肺癌是当今世界人数死亡最多的癌症,在早期对它进行检测、诊断和治疗是提高肺癌患者生存率的重要手段。肺癌的早期征状是以小肺结节的形态出现,故对肺结节的及早检出与及时治疗对挽救肺癌患者生命具有重要意义。随着医学CT(Computed Tomography))技术的进步,医学CT检查获得影像数据的大量增加,其能提供更多器官、组织信息的同时,也给医生带来了极大的读片工作负担。为提高医生的工作效率、减轻工作强度和克服读片中人为因素的影响以及提高对肺疾病的检出率,急需研究对胸腔CT影像中各种肺疾病进行自动检测的方法。而研究这样的方法,其首要的任务就是对胸腔CT影像中肺各组织进行正确的分割。由此,本文以胸腔CT影像为研究对象,以肺疾病自动检测为目的,通过结合人体的肺解剖结构、CT成像机理等知识,对肺的各组织、病变的分割方法展开研究。研究大致内容如下:
     针对有高密度近胸膜肺结节肺野,研究了一种基于先验形状约束的活动轮廓模型的肺野分割的方法。首先它对已分割的肺野形状进行分类,并对这些形状进行分类学习获得其PCA(Principal ComponentAnalysis)形状模式向量;然后通过该先验向量模式与活动轮廓相结合的模型迭代拟合来完成对肺野的分割。研究表明采用该方法对较规范的有边缘高密度病变的肺野分割是完全可行的。
As lung cancer is now the world's deadliest cancers, its early detection, diagnosis andtreatment are important means to improve the survival of patients with lung cancer. Theearly symptoms of the lung cancer are in the form of small pulmonary nodules, so theearly detection of lung nodules and treatment for it in time are significant to save thepatients. With the progress of medical CT (computed tomography) technology and theincrease of image data gotten in the medical CT examination, it provides moreinformation about organs and tissues, and at the same time gives a great burden to thedoctors. In order to improve the doctor's working efficiency, reduce the workingstrength, overcome the influence of artificial factors in the reading, and improve thedetection rate of lung disease, it is an urgent task to study the automatic detection oflung diseases. And for it, its primary task is to segment the organs or tissues in thethoracic CT scans correctly. Therefore, the dissertation takes the goal to automaticallydetect pulmonary diseases based on the thoracic CT scans, and studies the segmentationmethod of every lung tissues through the combination of the anatomical structure of thelungs and the knowledge of the CT imaging mechanism. It generally involves thefollowing contents:
     As segmenting lung correctly from the thoracic CT scans is an important step and thefirst priority for the analysis, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases, it isproposed a segmentation algorithm which integrated with the homomorphismprocessing and the CT threshold segmentation. Under the guidance of lung anatomicknowledge model, it is able to segment the lung fields with lobar fissure, thin junctionbetween the lung fields, and indentation of the blood vessel and bronchi-wall in thehilus pulmonisvery well.
     For the regular lung fields with the juxta-plural lung nodules of high density, it isproposed a method which an active contour model constrainted of the prior shape cansegment out the correct lung fields. It is to classify the lung field shape, decomposethese shapes into the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) shape vectors, and followedby the prior model vectors the improved active contour can fit the boundary and segments out the correct ones. Research results show it is completely feasible that themethod segments the lung fields whose edge affected by high density pathology.
     In order to solve the segmentation problem better, the dissertation has studied anothersegmentation method for the lung fields by using the similar characteristics. To investthe shapes similarity manifold of the lung fields in a lung and the method to construct amanifold with the PCA, based on the manifold relationship among the lung fields, theaffected lung fields can be reconstructed by the manifold interpolating, and it registersto decrease the error and segments out the lung field. Results show that the method is aneffective method, and the sensitivity, the specificity and the accuracy illustrate that itcan segment out the correct ones except the apex and the bottom of lung.
     Due to a lot of noise in the plain CT scans, low-dose CT scans, after a deepinvestigation into the composition filtering, medical image enhancement, imagesegmentation method and the enhancing ability to subtle details of the fractional orderdifferential, it is proposed a pulmonary blood vessels segmentation method. It segmentsevery local region of the thoracic CT scans enhanced by fractional differential operatorwith each optimal threshold. Studies have shown the method can effectively extract theblood vessels. Compared with the traditional pulmonary vascular segmentation ones, ithas more accurate segmentation ability of pulmonary vascular.
     For the influences of the noises of the imaging, the reconstructing of the image andthe partial volume effects, and the pathological parts which lead to the border ofdifference tissures or organs blurry, it is proposed a segmentation method which iscombination of the four neighborhood connection power pulse coupled neural networkand an active contour model with the prior shape to extract the candidate lung nodules.Studies results show that the method is a feasible, and an effective one to segment thecandidate pulmonary nodule.
     In the last part of the dissertation, it is elaborated the trends of detection for lungdisease in thoracic CT scans, as well as the next step to carry out research works. Thenits summarized the main content of the research work, the innovation points, anddiscuses further research problems in the future.
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