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The world is undergoing a profound financial crisis,China's macroeconomic also finally arrived must rely on stimulating domestic demand to keep growing point, anyone cannot ignore with 7 million farmers to the economic growth of rural consumption pulling force. When we talk about rural consumption situation of long-term behind, this is to say the rural consumption has plenty of space to dig.When the central government attempts to implement a series of new rural such as "new countryside" to overcome the adverse effect of financial crisis in 2008 to the Chinese economy, in-depth study of the rural consumption market appears particularly urgent and necessary.
     Of course, it is far from enough to realize the importance, we need to acquire more meticulous material from the comparison of real number,Use of scientific means and methods to analycise and detectio the characteristics of the famer's consumption and present measures deficiency, in order to find future policy, make the rural residents consumption become China's economic engine pulled. So under the background of the economic crisis, in the perspective of the fiscal expenditure, rural residents' consumption as the research object, issue that the fiscal expenditure pulls rural residents' consumption has become the writing purpose.
     Firstly, according to the research content and purpose, paper concludes consumption theory and financial control theory. With the two theories to the introduction,provides a solid theoretical foundation and basis.
     In order to fully and system react current situation of rural residents' consumption, summarized rural residents' consumption characteristics, pull find the breakthrough,the fourth part of the paper, from the two aspects of structure and consumption level, based on the summary data,adopting statistics and measurement method, using the multiple perspectives, detailed describe and comprehensive evaluate from multi-level and category of contrast of rural residents' consumption level and structure.
     In the fifth part of the paper,firstly defines the fiscal expenditure involving rural consumption which including financial expenditure for agricultural、agricultural subsidies and rural social security.
     In this chapter, emphasis on carrying out empirical analysis relationship between fiscal agricultural expenditure and rural residents' consumption, Analysis of fiscal expenditure from expenditure level and structure,using the cointegration and error correction model to have empirical test.As a results, from total amount of financial support, in the long-term, financial support of government expenditure of rural residents' consumption has caused effect,But in the short-term, government financial support for rural residents consumption expenditure is not significant. from structure of financial support, Support for agricultural production and agricultural operating expenses has positive role in promoting rural residents' consumption growth, But no significant influence in short-term, But in the short period,financial rural infrastructure spending produces extrusion effect in rural residents' consumption,Long-term impact is not significant. Rural relief for rural consumer spending has positive role in promoting, But the effect is not ideal. On the contrary, three charges of agricultural science and technology for rural residents expenditure is not significant. For financial subsidies, this chapter introduces subsidies involving rural consumer life "product", price subsidies meanings, measures and policies, analyses the influence mechanism of economic subsidies, simply introduce the four kinds of direct agriculture productive subsidies, namely grain farmers direct subsidies、agriculture means and production integrated allowance、good selection seeds subsidies and purchase subsidies.As a result, For rural residents, though our government implemented large amount financial subsidies investment, By limits such as the subsidy way, subsidies standard, subsidy object, not fully exert stimulating consumption of rural residents. According to the rural social security, Firstly introduces the current our country rural social security system, theoretically analycise economic functions of the social security, finally introduces development situation of rural endowment, rural cooperative medical,rural social assistance and farmer workers social security.
     In the sixth part of the paper, according to the empirical analysis of above section, summarized insufficient of the fiscal expenditure in pulling rural residents consumption. Content from five aspects:1.Finance for agriculture investment relative insufficient cause agricultural synthetical production capacity is weak, growth of the farmers' income is slow.
     2.unreasonable structure of financial supporting restrain rural consumer demand.3.way of agriculture subsidy is not reasonable, direct earnings of farmers is less, restrain rural consumer demand.4.The rural social security is not perfect, restrain rural consumer demand.5.Rural consumption environment is not perfect, restrain rural consumer demand.6.policy issues of rural fiscal expenditure effect rural consumer demand.
     According to the conclusion of the foregoing section, put forward a series of fiscal policy choice. Firstly income growth mechanism provide money for rural residents consumption of funding, secondly Risk-sharing mechanism provide ensurement for rural residents' consumption.thirdly the hot leading mechanism establishes consumption goals for rural residents' consumption,finally public service mechanism creates conditions for rural residents' consumption. Four mechanisms respectively from the purchasing power of consumer expectations,risk,target, environment of rural residents' consumption created the conditions, provided protection. formed a balance closed loop Between four mechanisms and rural consumer,If one of the mechanism failed,So the closed loop of balance will be broken, rural residents' consumption will be affected, All is also the source of motionless of our country rural residents' consumption.
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