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[目的]了解及探讨极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight infant, VLBWI)支气管肺发育不良(bronchopulmonary dysplasia, BPD)的发生情况、病因、临床特点、诊断、病情分度、治疗和转归,以及各因素与其病情分度之间的关系,为BPD的疾病预防、早期诊断、合理治疗提供临床依据。
Objective:Understand and explore the incidence, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, disease indexing, treatment and outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in the very low birth weight infant (VLBWI), and the relationship between all factors and the severity of BPD, provide the clinical basis to intervention in risk factors, early diagnosis, treatment, and reduction of moderate, severe BPD.
     Methods:42 cases of VLBWI with bronchopulrnonary dysplasia were analyzed retrospectively. Characteristics of gestation age, birth weight, primary disease, lung imaging, treatment process and prognosis were summarize and analyzed.
     Results:A total of 983 VLBWI were born in the Women's Hospital during Oct 2005 and Mar 2010. The prevalence of BPD was 4.26%(42/983). The average gestational age of 42 cases is 28.0±1.7 weeks; average birth weight is 1050±189.0g; 19 mild BPD cases (45.2%),18 moderate cases (42.9%),5 severe cases (11.9%); 21 classic BPD cases,21 new BPD cases. All cases had early chest X-ray changes in 2-3 weeks.The average time for oxygen supplementation is 66.5±27.9 days; average time of hospital stay 81.8±23.9d; average weight at discharge 2934.75±729.36g; average gestational age at discharge 39.4±3.3 weeks.32 cases were clinically cured,7 cases required intermittent oxygen (0.02-0.05L/min); 2 cases dead; 1 case transfered. The infants with moderate to severe degree BPD need more blood transfusions(P<0.05) than the mild. Birth weight, gestational age, duration of mechanical ventilation, use of postnatal corticosteroids, bronchodilators, diuretics were not significantly associated with the severity of BPD.
     Conclusion:Premature lung development, long time oxygen dependency and mechanical ventilation, pulmonary infection are the common causes of BPD. We should strengthen the early diagnosis of BPD and reasonable comprehensive treatments. And maybe we can adopt the more reasonable blood transfusion trigger in the VLBWI.
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