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Nowadays, the widespread nursing shortage has become a global issue. With the development of society and the increase of people's demand for medical services, the shortage of nurses is increasingly prominent. The high turnover of nursing staff is one of the factors of the nursing shortage. The shortage and the loss of nurses of contract nurses in our country is very urgent. Some studies show that the turnover intention is a sensitive variable to predict turnover behavior and turnover intention is affected by several factors. The objective of this study is to analysis the related factors on turnover intention of contract nurses, explore the reasons for termination of contract nurses and trying to find the effective interventions through investigating the turnover intention level of the contract nurses of class A tertiary general hospitals in Changchun. It can stabilize the nursing profession, reduce the economic losses of contract nurses’turnover, promote healthy and growth of contract nurses and thus to improve the quality of nursing care to meet the growing health needs of the people. Methods: 424 from1 year to 20 years contract nurses of class A tertiary general hospitals?sampled from four different hospitals in Changchun were investigated by a stratified random sampling method through turnover intention scale, job satisfaction scale and Chinese organizational commitment scale. The entire figure was in put into computer. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, SNK test, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear stepwise regression analysis were performed by SPSS13.0 statistic software.
     1. The demographic characteristics of contract nurses 424 contract nurses surveyed come from 4 different class A tertiary general hospitals in Changchun city. Most of them are under the age of 25, that is 213 cases, accounting for 50.2%. Unmarried persons are higher than married persons, that is260 cases, accounting for 61.3%. Associate degree is prominent in the educational background of nurses, there are 290, accounting for 68.4%.?From the aspect of the length of service, the number of nurses working for from more than 1 to less than 10 years is 377 nurses, accounting for 88.9%. In professional title structure, nurse assistant and primary nurse take up a large proportion, that is 69.3% and 25.9%. Among the contract nurses, there are136 nurses in surgical, accounting for 32.1%; Internal Medicine has 115 nurses, accounting for 27.1%; Obstetrics and Gynecology has 53 nurses, accounting for 12.5%; Pediatrics has 26 nurses, accounting for 6.1%; Clinic has 29 nurses, accounting for 6.8%; Emergency has 27 nurses, accounting for 6.4%; ICU has 14 nurses, accounting for 3.3%; there are 24 nurses in the operating room, which accounted for 5.7%.
     2. Turnover intention scores of contract nurses
     424 contract nurses surveyed overall turnover intention score is 5.07, the value of index is 50.70%. The score of tendency to leave the unit is 2.62, the value of index is 52.40%; The score of tendency to leave the nursing profession unit is 2.46, the value of index is 49.20%.
     3. Job satisfaction scores of contract nurses
     The general score of job satisfaction of 424 contract nurses is 27.48, the value of index is target value of 68.70%. The scores?of every dimension are: management is 3.42, the value of index is 68.40%;workload is 3.57, the value of index is71.40% that is the most satisfied dimension; relationship with colleagues is 3.45, the value of index is 69.00%;the work itself is 3.53, the value of index is 70.60%;wages and benefits is 3.34, the value of index is66.80%; personal growth and development is 3.33, the value of index is 66.60% that is the most dissatisfied dimension; work approved is 3.38, the value of index is 67.60%; family and work balance is 3.46, the value of index is 69.20%.
     4. Organizational commitment scores of contract nurses
     The general score of organizational commitment of 424 contract nurses is 16.47, index value is 65.88%. The highest score among five dimensions is normative commitment, that is 3.74, index value is 74.80%; the lowest score is opportunity commitment, that is2.76, index value is 55.20 %. Other scores are ideal commitment 3.50, index value is70.00%; emotional commitment 3.49, index value is 69.80%; economic commitment 2.97, index value is 59.40%.
     5. Contract nurses’influential factors of turnover intention
     (1)Demographic characteristic variables and turnover intention The single factor analysis of variance and SNK test show that the scores of overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession of under the age of 25 are higher than the other two groups. The scores of overall turnover intention and tendency to leave the nursing profession of single contract nurses are higher than married nurses. The scores of overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit of 1 to 5 years working time group are higher than other groups. The turnover intention of contract nurses from different sections?are significant statistically (P <0.01).Among them, the scores of overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession of the operating room contract nurses are lower than other groups. The Pearson correlation analysis shows that age, working hours, professional title are significantly negative correlated to overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession (P <0.01). Marital status is significantly negative correlated to overall turnover intention and tendency to leave the nursing profession ( P<0.01). The multiple linear stepwise regression analysis shows that marital status is the significant variable affect tendency to leave the nursing profession (P = 0.032).
     (2) Job satisfaction and turnover intention The Pearson correlation analysis shows that the total job satisfaction and each dimension are significantly negative correlated to overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession (P <0.01). The multiple linear stepwise regression analysis shows that overall job satisfaction, work itself and the personal growth and development are affect the overall turnover intention; Work itself is affect tendency to leave the unit (P = 0.043); Overall job satisfaction, and employee relations, work itself, personal growth and development and work approved are affect tendency to leave the nursing profession ,of which the work itself is the significant variable affect overall turnover and the tendency to leave the nursing profession.
     (3) Organizational commitment and turnover intention
     The Pearson correlation analysis shows that the total organizational commitment and each dimension are significantly negative correlated to overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession (P <0.01). The multiple linear stepwise regression analysis shows that except emotional commitment not to enter the equation, the overall organizational commitment, normative commitment, ideal commitment, economic commitment and opportunity commitment are affect overall turnover intention and the tendency to leave nursing profession; the overall organizational commitment, normative commitment, economic commitment and opportunity commitment are affect the tendency to leave the unit ;Economic commitment is the significant variable affect the overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession.
     1. The turnover intention score of the contract nurses are in the medium level.
     2. The demographic characteristic variables of contract nurses are affect turnover intention. Among them, the influence factors of overall turnover intention and tendency to leave the nursing profession are age, marital status, working hours and professional title; the influence factors of tendency to leave the unit are age, working hours and professional title; Marital status is the significant variable affect the tendency to leave the nursing profession.
     3. The job satisfaction of contract nurses are significantly negative correlated to the turnover intention, job satisfaction is one of the significant predictors of turnover intention. Among them, the influence factors of the overall turnover intention are the total job satisfaction, work itself and the personal growth and development; the influence factor of the tendency to leave the unit is the work itself; the influence ?factors of the tendency to leave the nursing profession are the total job satisfaction, employee relations, work itself, personal growth and development and work to be recognized. The work itself is the significant variable affect the overall turnover intention and the tendency to leave the nursing profession.
     4. The organizational commitment of contract nurses are significantly negative correlated to the turnover intention, organizational commitment is one of the significant predictors of turnover intention. Among them, the influence factors of the overall turnover intention and the tendency to leave the nursing profession are the overall organizational commitment, normative commitment, ideal commitment, economic commitment and opportunity commitment; the influence factors of the tendency to leave the unit are the overall organizational commitment, normative commitment, economic commitment and opportunity commitment. Economic commitment is the significant variable affect the overall turnover intention, tendency to leave the unit and tendency to leave the nursing profession.
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