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  • 英文题名:Research on Legal Issues of Financial Derivatives
  • 作者:张世洁
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:经济法学
  • 学位年度:2008
  • 导师:徐杰
  • 学科代码:030107
  • 学位授予单位:中国政法大学
  • 论文提交日期:2008-04-01
     本研究以金融衍生工具之定义起始,探讨金融衍生工具的变化与发展,并藉由法律功能分析,归纳出金融衍生工具之风险性。再以法律经济分析观点说明对其监理的必要性及特殊性,并建构合理有效之监理原则。另本文也将从国外监理架构模式及金融衍生工具市场之规范,分析金融监理一元化是否适于我国实行,并尝试建构我国应有之法规范,以利与国际市场接轨;并将参考国际会计准则及其它国家相关规定,说明信息提供者应有的法律责任。再者,本文亦将从金融衍生工具交易之法律上定性、交易契约之性质及特色等面向逐步阐述,并深入研究ISDA主协议(Master Agreement)条款,并就国际上有关金融衍生工具争议的诉讼案例,整理、评析当事人所提出的主张及抗辩,以勾勒出金融衍生工具之法律风险所在。此外,本文将探讨金融衍生工具课税范围及有关法律形式与经济实质冲突之税法适用顺序,盼从复杂之交易结构中,套用多如牛毛之课税规定,以求得公平合理之税负。最后并将前揭研究结果综合整理,并提出具体建议作法。
The volume and size of the global financial derivatives markets has increased dramatically over the past decade,and financial derivative products have already become glaring investment targets.Though financial derivatives have the function of hedging and price discovery,if users lack of sophistication and regulatory bodies fail to govern properly, derivatives' high leverage effect,correlation and covariance with global markets can harm the stabilization of financial system.
     Financial derivatives are still new investment instruments to financial markets and new products are being launched continuously.The more variational financial derivatives are,the more complicated formula of pricing and loss calculating they have.Certainly,financial derivatives are quite new for legal fields;therefore,legal risks are comparatively high. Especially,there are new derivatives created such as credit derivatives and weather derivatives which have blurred the boundary between insurance and financial derivatives.According to the statistical research,most trading losses are due to legal imperfection or incompleteness in derivatives transactions.However,this area is almost a virgin land for legal practitioners and academics.The main reasons are:they neither have sufficient financial knowledge,nor have practical market experience.Then they fail to realize contents and process of financial derivatives well,so they cannot have in-depth analysis and extraordinary finding.
     Firstly,this study will start from the definition of financial derivatives and illustrate their risks.The study will structure reasonable governing guidelines by identifying derivatives' highly leveraged functions.The dissertation will analyze international regulatory mechanism and discuss whether China should build up a single financial supervision entity.We will try to draft China's appropriate regulations and harmonize them with international practices.Meanwhile,the study will compare domestic accounting rules and regulation with international ones to define legal responsibilities of financial information providers.Furthermore,the dissertation explains the legal nature of derivative trading and analyzes specific items of ISDA Master Agreement.Then the study will propose and induce legal claims and defenses in litigation,such as unclear jurisdiction,ultra vires,unsuitability or negligent misrepresentation. Additionally,we will discuss the taxable scope of derivatives,fair tax treatment and doctrine of substance over the form.Finally,the study will provide workable suggestions and detailed conclusions.
    5See,Frank Partnoy,Playing Roulette with the Global Economy,N.Y.Times,September 30,1998,at A17(quoting Soros).
    8See,Warren Buffett,Letter to Shareholders,Berkshire Hathaway's 2002 Annual Report.
    9See,A Survey of Finance Professors' Views on Derivatives,ISDA,March 2.004,p.4.
    10See,Davies.,H.;Financial Regulation:Why Bother?,Society of Business Economists Lecture,January 1999,London,Financial Services Authority
    13See,Michael S.Bennett & Michael J.Marin,The Casablanca Paradigm:Regulatory Risk in the Asian Financial Derivatives Markets,5 Stan.JL Bus.& Fin.1.(1999),pp.9-10.
    14See,Norman Menachem Feder,Deconstructing Over-the:Counter Derivatives,Columbia Business Law Review(2002),pp.727-728.
    15See,John Board,Charles Goodhart,Michael Power & Dirk Schoenmaker,Derivative Regulation,compiled in Derivatives,Regulation and Banking,Elsevier Science(1997),pp.258-259.
    16See Andrea S.Kramer,Risk Control and Trading Employee:Preventing Fraud and Deception,compiled in Derivatives Accounting and Risk Management,published by Risk Books(2004),pp.94-105.
    19See,Jonathan R.Macy,The Business of Banking:Before and After Gramm-Leach-Bliley,25 J.Corp.L.p.691,713(2000).
    20See,Steven L.Schwarcz,Rethinking the Disclosure Paradigm in a World of Complexity,U.Ill.L.Rev.1(2004),p.37.
    22See,Alastair Hudson,The Law on Financial Derivatives,Sweet & Maxwell,2~(nd) edition(1998),p.65
    23See D.M.Sullivan,Risk Securitization and the Regulation of Derivatives,Securities Regulation Law Journal,Vol.27,p.213 and pp.240-241(1999).
    25See G.A.Penn,A.M.Shea,A.Arora,The Law & Practice of International Banking,Sweet & Maxwell 1987,p.254.
    28See,David M.Schizer,Balance in the Taxation of Derivative Securities:,4n,4gendafor Reform(2004),the article can be download at http://www.law.columbia.edu/center_program/law_economics
    29See,Frank Partnoy,Financial Derivatives and the Costs of Regulatory Arbitrage,22 Journal of Corporation Law (1997),pp.228-230.
    30See,Edward D.Kleinbard,Equity Derivatives Products:Financial Innovation's Newest Challenge to the Tax System,69 Texas Law Review(1991),pp.1319,1321-22.
    31See,Mark J.P.Anson,Accounting and Tax Rules for Derivatives,published by Frank J.Fabozzi Associates (1999),p.157
    39Robert M.McLaughlin,Over-the-Counter Derivative Products:A Guide to Legal Risk Management and Documentation,Mcgraw-Hill,September 1998,pp.34,43,51,99.
    401995 Wharton/CIBC Wood Gundy Survey in April 1996.
    41See,Cooter,Robert and Ulen,Thomas;Law and Economics(2~(nd) edition,1997),Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc.,pp 49-50
    42See,Davies.,H.;Financial Regulation:Why Bother?,Society of Business Economists Lecture,January 1999,London,Financial Services Authority
    43See,Cranston,Ross;Principles of Banking Law(1997),Oxford University Press Inc.,pp 96-100
    52See,Arthur E.Wilmarth,Jr,,The Transformation of the U.S.Financial Services Industry,1975-2000:Competition,Consolidation,and Increased Risks,University of Illinois Law Review(2002),p.361.
    53See,Norman Menachem Feder,Deconstructing Over-the-Counter Derivatives,Columbia Business Law Review(2002),pp.727-728.
    54该部电影系由华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)公司于1942年出品,剧本出自MurrayBurnett及Joan Allison.
    55See,Michael S.Bennett & Michael J.Marin,The Casablanca Paradigm:Regulatory Risk in the Asian Financial Derivatives Markets,5 Stan.JL Bus.& Fin.1(1999),pp.9-10.
    58See,Jerry W.Markham,Super Regulator:A Comparative Analysis of Securi ties and Derivatives Regulation in the United States,the United Kingdom and Japan,28 Brooklyn Journal of International Law(2003),pp.341-356.
    58See,Arthur E.Wilmarth,Jr.,The Transformation of the U.S.Financial Services Industry,1975-2000:Competition,Consolidation,and Increased Risks,University of Illinois Law Review (2002),pp.356-366.
    62See,Edward S.Adams and David E.Runkle,The Easy Case for Derivatives Use:AdvocatingA Corporate Fiduciary Duty to Use Derivatives,William and Mary Law Review(2000),pp.634-635.
    63See,Michael S.Bennett & Michael J.Matin,The Casablanca Paradigm:Regulatory Risk in the Asian Financial Derivatives Markets,5 Stan.JL Bus.& Fin.1(1999),pp.31-34.
    64See,Frank Partnoy,The Shifting Contour of Global Derivatives Regulation,22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law(2001),p.474.
    65See,Michael S.Bennett & Michael J.Matin,The Casablanca Paradigm:Regulatory Risk in the Asian Financial Derivatives Markets,5 Start.JL Bus.& Fin.1(1999),p.36.
    66See,UBS International Trustee Ltd.V.Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.,No.99 Cir.8957(S.D.N.Y.compliant file Dec.7,1999).
    67See,Frank Partnoy,The Shifting Contour of Global Derivatiw,s Regulation,22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law(2001),p.462-463.
    68See,Frank Partnoy,The Siskel and Ebert of Financial Markets?:Two Thumbs Down for the Credit Rating Agencies,77 Washington University Law Quarterly(1999),p.619.
    70See,Kimmell v.Schaefer,89 N.Y.2d 257,263(1996)
    71See,Murphy v.Kuhn,90 N.Y.2d 266(1997)
    72See,Frank Partnoy,The Shifting Contour of Global Derivatives Regulation,22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law(2001),p.451.
    73See Proctor & Gamble v.Bankers Trust Co.,925 E Supp 1270(S.D.Ohio 1996);See,Frank Partnoy,The Shifting Contour of Global Derivatives Regulation,22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law(2001),pp.453-454;参阴王文宇著,註13文,页202-205,有详细介绍本案。
    74See,Frank Partnoy,The Shifting Contour of Global Derivatives Regulation,22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law(2001),pp.454-460.
    75See,Akiko Karaki,Regulation and Compliance in Japan Financial Institutions,Columbia Journal of Asian Law 2001),p.375-377.
    77See,Michael S.Bennett & Michael J.Matin,The Casablanca Paradigm:Regulatory Risk in the Asian Financial Derivatives Markets,5 Start.JL Bus.& Fin.1(1999),pp.27-29.
    86Robert M.McLaughlin,Over-the-Counter Derivative Products:A Guide to Legal Risk Management and Documentation,Mcgraw-Hill,September 1998,pp.149-150.
    87See Mandanis Schooner & Michael Taylor,United Kingdom and United States Responses to the Regulatory Challenges of Modern Financial Markets,Texas International Law Journal,Vol.38,No.2,Spring(2003),pp.321-322.
    88See Jerry W.Markham,Banking Regulation:Its History and Future,4 N.C.Banking Institute 221,p.251.
    89See Id at 274-276.
    90See Schooner & Taylor,supra note 1,at 344;Eilis Ferran,Examining the United Kingdom's Experience in Adopting the Single Financial Regulator Model,28 Brook.J.Int'L L.pp.257,261-262.
    91THE CHANCELLOR'S STATEMENT TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS ON THE BANK OF ENGLAND:"it is clear that the distinctions between different types of financial institution - banks,securities firms and insurance companies - are becoming increasingly blurred So there is a strong case in principle for bringing the regulation of banking,securities and insurance together under one roof....This would bring the regulatory structure closer into line with today's increasingly integrated financial markets.",see http://archive.treasury.gov.uk/press/1997/p49_97.html
    92See Clive Briault,Revisiting the Rationale for a Single National Financial Services Regulator,FSA Paper,February 2002,pp.8-9.
    93See Clive Briault,The Rationale for a Single National Financial Services Regulator,FSA Paper,May 1999,pp.11-12.
    94See Ferran.supra note 1,at 261.
    95证券投资管理委员会(SIB)系依据1986年金融服务法(Fillancial services Act 1986)第114条所设立。
    96See Eilis Ferran,Examining the United Kingdom's Experience in Adopting the Single Financial Regulator Model,28 Brook.J.Int'L L.pp.266-67.
    98See Alistair Alcock,THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS ACT 2000(Oct.2000),p.41.
    100FSMA,Schedule 1,para 2.
    102金融服务暨市场法(Finaylcial Serrices and Markets Act 2000,FSMA)共分为30编(Parts)、433个条文(Sections)和22个附录(schedules)。
    103FSMA,Part 1 & Schedule 1.
    105FSMA,Parts 15 & 16.
    107FSMA,Part 11.
    108FSMA,Parts 14 & 26.
    112See S.REP.NO.106-44(1999),p.16.
    113See D.North,Institution,Institutional Change and Economic Performance,Cambridge University(1990),pp.3-5.
    115See Clive Briault,Revisiting the Rationale for a Single National Financial Services Regulator,FSA Paper,February 2002,pp.18-20.
    116See Charles Goodhart et al,Financial Regulation:Why,How and Where Now?,New York:Routledge (1998),pp.150-151.
    117See Ellis Ferran,Examining the United Kingdom' s Experience in Adopting the Single Financial Rngulator Model,28 Brook.J.Int' L L.pp.283-284.
    118See Id.p.290.;Charles Goodhart et al,Financial Regulation:Why,How and Where Now?,New York:Routlcdgc (1998),p.152.
    119See Eilis Ferran,Examining the United Kingdom's Experience in Adopting the Single Financial Regulator Model,28 Brook.J.Int'L L.p.277.
    120See Id.p.290.
    121See Howell E.Jackson,Regulation in a Multisectored Financial Services Industry:An.Exploratory Essay,77 W.ASH.U.L.Q.(1999),pp.290-291.
    129See Alistair Alcock,THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS ACT 2000(Oct.2000),p.377.
    130See Jerry W.Markham,Banking Regulation:Its History and Future,4 N.C.Banking Institute 221,pp.397-408.
    131参阅美国国会审计局于2004年10月发表”Industry Changes Prompt Need to Reconsider U.S.Regulatory Structure”;可参阅黄淑君中文摘译,美国金融监理制度在金融产业变化中重新检讨之必要性,收录于「金融监理与风险管理选辑」,中央银行出版,2006年3月出版,页143-144。
    146See Benston,G.J.,Regulating Financial Markets:A Critique anti Some Proposals,Hobart paper No.135,Institute of economic Affairs,London(1988).
    148See Framework for Supervisory Information about Derivatives and Trading Activities,Joint Report by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions("IOSCO"),(September 1998)
    149See Bodie,Zvi and Merton,Robert C.,Finance,Prentice-Hall,Inc.,preliminary edition,(1998),p.69
    150See White,Gerald I.,Ashwinpanl C.Sondhi and Dov Fried,The Analysis and Use of Financial Statement,John Wiley & Sons,Inc.,2ed edition,1998.pp.556-557.
    153See Fay Hansen,Get Ready for New Global Accounting Standards,Business Finance(2004),pp.1-4,http://www.businessfinancemag.com/magazine/archives/article.html?articleID=14127
    154See Robert Herz,Questions of Value:ls Fair-Value Accounting the Best Way to Measure a Company? The Debate Heats Up,CFO Magazine(2003).
    155See Jackson M.Day,Fair Value Accounting-Let's Work Together and Get It Done!,Speech by SEC Staff(2000),http://www.sec.gov/news/speech/spch436.htm
    156See Guillaume Plantin,Haresh Sapra and Hyun Song Shin,Fair Value Reporting Standards andMarket Volatility,compiled in Derivatives Accounting and Risk Management,published by Risk Books(2004),pp.147.
    157See Take it or Leave it:New Rules Offer Harmony for Europe's Accounting Standards,But Who Will Play by Them? Financial Times(2004).
    158See Mark J.P.Anson,Accounting and Tax Rules for Derivative.t,Frank J.Fabozzi Associates(1999),p.47.
    159See Guillaume Plantin,Haresh Sapra and Hyun Song Shin,Fair Value Reporting Standards and Market Volatility,compiled in Derivatives Accounting and Risk Management,published by Risk Books(2004),pp.148-149.
    160See Avinash D.Persaud,Liquidity Black Holes,State Street bank Working paper,http://www.statestreet.com/knowledge/research/liquid ity_black_holes.pdf
    161See Alan Greenspan,Letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board(1997).
    162See Haresh Sapra and Hyun Song Shin,How Will Derivatives Reporting Standards Affect Risk Management,compiled in Derivatives Accounting and Risk Management,published by Risk Books(2004),pp.135-143.
    207See D.Sullivan,Risk Securitization and the Regulation of Derivatives,Securities Regulation Law Journal,Vol.27,p.213 and pp.240-241(1999).
    208See Graham Roberts,Law Relating to International Banking,Woodhead Publishing,1997,P.151.
    230Gerald D.Gay & Joanne T.Medero,The Economic of Derivatives Documentation:Private Contrating As A Subsititutefor Government Regulation,The Journal of Derivatives,Summer 1996,p.83.
    232Ebo Coleman,Cross-default Confusion,International Financial Law Review,April,1997,p.49.
    233Ebo Coleman,Cross-default Confusion,International Financial Law Review,April,1997,p.50.
    235ISDA Master Agreement 5.(a).(ⅶ).
    237ISDAMasterAgreement 5.(b).
    238ISDAMasterAgreement 5.(c).
    239Gerald D.Gay & Joarme T.Medero,The Economic of Derivatives Documentation:Private Contrating As A Subsititutefor Government Regulation,The Journal of Derivatives,Summer 1996,p.84-85.
    258See Alastair Hudson,The Law on Financial Derivatives,Sweet & Maxwell,2~(nd) edition(1998),pp.120-122.
    259Ebo Coleman,Cross-default Confusion,International Financial Law Review,April,1997,pp.51-52.
    260See Alastair Hudson,The Law on Financial Derivatives,Sweet & Maxwell,2~(nd) edition(1998),p.73.
    262Annette L.Nazareth,Testimony Concerning Netting of Financial Contracts,Hedge Fund Disclosure,and Over-the-Counter Derivatives Transactions,April Ⅱ,2000,http://www.sec.gowhews/testimony/ts072000.htm
    263"Netting refers to an agreed offsetting of positions or obligations by market participants.",see Settlement Risk in Foreign Exchange Transaction,published by Bank for International Settlement,p.63.
    2641993年美国联邦准备局副总顾问Oliver lreland向美国众议院司法委员会下所做的证词,曾提及:在必要及合适的情况下,实行立法措施以保障破产时正当合理的净额结算协议之可执行性,从而减低国际交易中之系统风险。参阅04-499一bk(L),IN THE United States Court of Appeals FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT,pp.12-13.(http://www.newyorkfed.org/fxc/news/2004/fxc041214.pdf)
    266Philip R.Wood,Title Finance,Derivatives,Securitisations,Set-Off and Netting,Sweet & Maxwell(1995),p.152.
    267Philip R.Wood,Comparative Financial Law,Sweet & Maxwell(1995),p.17
    268 陈荣宗着,破产法,三民书局,1988年10月第3版,页287-289;
    269 邹海林着,破产程序和破产法实体制度比较研究,法律出版社,1995年版,页332。
    270 ISDA News Release,April 18,2007,http://www.isda.org/press/press041807ms2007.html
    271 简坚训着,衍生性商品与ISDA合同法务控管实务手冊,秀威信息科技股份有限公司,2006年7月初版,页66-67。
    272 日本法下信用支持附件,主要于涉及日圆交易时使用。
    273 1995Credit Support Annex(English Law) Premble and Para 1.
    274 本图取自前揭简坚训着,衍生性商品与ISDA合同法务控管实务手册。
    275 信用支持额(Credit Support Amount),即不断变化调整的实际曝险额(Risk Exposure Amount)。
    276 信用支持余额(Credit Support Balance),即实质上相当持有「合格信用支持物」的价值。
    277 ISDA2007 Margin Survey,pp.9-10.
    281 陈荣宗着,破产法,三民书局,1994年2月第增订再版,页270。
    282 李永军着,破产法律制度,中国出版社,2000年版,页281。
    283 柴发邦着,破产法教程,法律出版社,1990年版,页225-226;
    284 韩长印等着,浅析破产法上的否认权,法学研究1993年第3期,页94。
    285 王卫国着,破产法,人民法院出版社,1999年版,页69。
    287 寧敏著,國際金融衍生交易法律問题研究,中國政法大學出版社,2002年12月第1版,頁297。
    291 王敏慧着,参加2005年OECD韩国税务中心「金融市场之课税」租税研讨会报告,2006年3月,页10-16。
    292 Lee Sheppard,Slow and Steady Progress on Corporate Tax Shelters,19 Tax Notes International 231,July 9,1999.
    293 有关于此方面租税规划之应用,可参考David M.Schizer,Executives and Hedging:The fragile Legal Foundation of Incentive Compatibility,100 Columbia Law Review 440,2000.
    294 David J.Shakow,Taxing Without Realization:A Proposal for Accrual Taxation,134 U.Pa.L.Rev.111,1986;
    David A.Weisbach,A Partial Mark-to-Market Tax System,53 Tax L.rev.95,1999.
    295 Cynthia Blum,New Role for the Treasury:Charging Interest on Tax Deferral Loans,25 Harv.J.on Legis.1,1988;
    Alvin c.Warren,Jr,.Financial Contract Innovation and Income Tax Policy,107 Harv.L.460,1993.
    296 此之净损失是指,可以获得的利益而没有获得的利益。
    297 详细内容可参考 David M.Schizer,Frictions as a Constraint on Tax Planning,Working Paper No.187,Columbia Law School,The Center for Law and Economic Studies,February 2001.
    298 Myron S.Scholes & Mark A.Wolfson,Taxes and Business Strategy,1992,p.5.
    299 David M.Schizer,Sticks and Snakes:Derivatives and Curtailing Aggressive Tax Planning,Working Paper No.173,Columbia Law School,The Center for Law and Economic Studies,July 2000,pp.13-14.
    300 David M.Schizer,Sticks and Snakes:Derivatives and Curtailing Aggressive Tax Planning,Working Paper No.173,Columbia Law School,The Center for Law and Economic Studies,July 2000,p.8.
    301 David M.Schizer,Balance in the Taxation of Derivative Securities:An Agenda for Reform,Working Paper No.173,Columbia Law School,The Center for Law and Economic Studies,March 2004,p.40.
    302 David M.Schizer,Balance in the Taxation of Derivative Securities:An Agenda for Reform,Working Paper No.173,Columbia Law School,The Center for Law and Economic Studies,March 2004,pp.40-41.
    303 David M.Schizer,Balance in the Taxation of Derivative Securities:An Agenda for Reform,Working Paper No.173,Columbia Law School,The Center for Law and Economic Studies,March 2004,pp.42-44.
    304 郭田勇,赵昌川著,我国金融衍生产品税收制度探討,稅务研究,2007年10月19日刊載於下列網址:http://www.cei.gov.cn/loadpage.aspx?Page=ShowDoc&CategoryAlias=zonghe/ggmflm_zh&ProductAlias=zhuanjs hj&BlockAlias=zjzjsd&filename=/doc/zjzjsd/200710192455.xml
    305 劉鳳元著,衍生品的税收問題:國際比較與借鑑,2007年7月9日刊載於下列網址:http://www.forumcn.com/inews/html/bzcjlw_1/czss_5/sssj_28/2007_07/1183941442.php
    306 对期货未涉及实物交割部分不课征交易税的18个国家為:巴西、德国、荷兰、瑞士、美国、英国、丹麦、智利、瑞典、日本(1999年废除)、西班牙、加拿大、比利时、新西兰、爱尔兰、新加坡、澳大利亚、马来西亚。
    311 张泳云着,「参加韩国经济合作暨发展组织税务中心2007年国际租税研讨会-金融商品课税问题」出国报告,2007年5月,页13-16。
    314 黄金泽着,衍生性金融商品财税处理,资诚企业管理顾问股份有限公司,1999年3版,页360-362。
    319向凱著,我国金融衍生产品市场税收政策研究,《稅務研究》第七期,2007年7月11日刊載於http://www.chinaacc.com/tougao/article/2007/7/6184112021111770026384.html 網址
    322 参阅殷介炎、雷祖华、陶湘主编,中国外汇业务全书,中国金融出版社,1992年版,上卷页149。
    327 See,J.G.Starke,Introduction to International Law(10th edition,1989),Butterworth & Co(Publishers) Ltd.,pp 51-53.
    328 See,Ross Cranston;Principles of Banking Law(1997),Oxford University Press Inc.,pp.68-69
    329 See,"Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation ",IOSCO,February 2002.
    330 参阅张世洁着,国际衍生性金融商品监理之规范架构及法律经济分析,法令月刊第56卷第5期,2005年5月,页61-63。
    331 参阅IOSCO于1995年之"A Resolution Concerning Cross-Border Transaction",可于IOSCO官方网站http://www.iosco.org/下载。
    332 See," Multilateral Memorandum of understanding- Concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information",IOSCO,May 2002,at 7.(b)(ⅱ)
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