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本篇论文是对汉语单语素动词(mono-morphemic verbs)词汇体(lexical aspect)的研究。人们普遍认为,语言中词汇体有四种:状态体(state),行为体(activity),完成体(achievement),和完结体(accomplishment)。在英语中,上述四种体都是在词库中表达的。但在汉语中,情况有所不同:由于汉语中的单语素动词没有结点(telicity),因此只有状态体和行为体是在词库中表达的。那么,汉语中的完成体和完结体是如何表达的呢?这是本篇论文所关注的,也是本研究的意义所在。
     我们的研究从探讨汉语如何表达状态体和行为体开始。状态体和行为体分别具有[-stages,-telic]和[+stages,-telic]的特征。由于汉语中单语素动词也具有[-telic]的特征,因此这两种体是在汉语词库中直接表达的。同时,我们探讨了状态体和行为体的事件结构(event structure),或称词汇关系结构(Lexical Relational Structures)(Hale andKeyser 1991,1993)。
     然后,我们开始探讨汉语如何表达完成体。研究发现:汉语中的完成体是通过句法手段表达的,即:在状态动词和行为动词的基础上加上一个体标记词(了,着,到,等。),如:红了,见到,表示事件的终点(endpoint)。体标记词的功能相当于事件谓词BECOME,表示状态变化(inchoative change of state)。我们还讨论了体标记词的共存现象。每个体标记词相当于一个标界词(delimiter),表示事件的终结。因此,每个事件只能允许出现一个体标记词作为标界,我们称其为“一个事件一个标界词原则”(One Delimiter Per-Event Principle)。这个原则解释了为什么多个体标记词不能在同一个事件中共存。
     最后,本篇论文探讨了汉语如何表达完结体。我们发现,汉语表达完结体有两种方式:第一种方式是在行为动词上加一个表达结果的体标记词(了,着,到,等。),如:抓到,吃了,表示事件的结果。这类行为动词必须是可持续性动词,具有[+stages]特征。表达完结体的另一种途径是动结结构(Resultative Verbal Constructions)。动结结构是复杂事件结构,其中一个事件表示动作(activity),另一个事件表示结果(result)。根据语段理论(phase theory)(Chomsky 2000),我们认为动结结构是一个νP-壳(νP-shell)结构,也就是说:动结结构是由两个νP嵌套在一起,它们是两个独立的语段,在概念结构上蕴涵着致使关系(causal relation)。完结体的事件结构可以表达为[CAUSE(DO)[BECOME(BE)]],其中CAUSE和BECOME是两个功能语类,DO和BE是两个实体(entity)。这两个实体间本身是没有致使关系的。它们之间的致使关系是通过功能语类CAUSE和BECOME表达的。根据完结体的事件结构,我们详尽分析了汉语中不同动结结构的句法结构,并指出:动结结构的释义和歧义现象是由句法结构的差异造成的。完结体的事件结构可以给汉语中的得字结构以及英语的动结结构一个统一的解释。论文在结语部分总结了本研究的意义和存在的问题,把论元结构和事件结构之间的关系作为今后的一个研究课题。
This dissertation is dedicated to a research on the eventuality of Mandarin Chinese (MC). It is acknowledged that state, activity, achievement and accomplishment are the four basic aspectual types of verbs. In some languages like English, the four lexical aspects are denoted in the Lexicon, but in other languages, such as MC, this is not the case. As we know, the mono-morphemic verbs in MC are void of telicity. And due to this property, we claim that they can only denote the eventuality of state and activity in the Lexicon. Then, how MC denotes the eventuality of achievement and accomplishment kindles our interest.
     Our study begins from how state and activity are denoted in the Lexicon in the verbal system of MC. Meanwhile, we have explored the event structure of them. Then, we proceed to explore how achievement and accomplishment are denoted in MC. Through our study, we have found that MC has to take advantage of grammatical means to denote the two eventualities: to denote achievement, MC has to add aspect markers to shift the eventuality of state or activity into achievement. Aspect markers function as the eventuality predicate BECOME, which denotes the inchoative change of state; to denote accomplishment, MC has mainly two ways—one is to add aspect markers to activity verbs to denote a result, and the other is to make use of resultative verbal constructions (RVCs). RVCs are complex events which denote accomplishment, with one subevent denoting a cause event and the other subevent denoting a result event. The formation of RVCs can be accommodated in our accomplishment event structure. In addition to RVCs, we have found that DE constructions and English resultative constructions can also be accommodated in the accomplishment event structure. Our dissertation comes to a conclusion that in MC state and activity are denoted in the Lexicon and achievement and accomplishment are denoted in syntax.
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