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The nature of education is the training of humans and the subject of education is humans.Throughout human history of ideology and the educational practice, any research related to the existence and development of human being is always, to some degree, concerned with human worth of aesthetic education and concerned with its philosophical foundation.In order to explore the humanistic issue of music aesthetic education, this dissertation uses the methodology of judging and analyzing values to examine and analyze the current music education. The theoretical base of the study will be the humanistic concept in music aesthetic education. Under the background of the development of modern society, in this dissertation, music aesthetic education is considered as the education of improving life quality. With respect to humanistic aspect of music aesthetic education, the dissertation analyzes the reality and development of music education, clarifies the inner value of music aesthetic education, and explores the following questions regarding music aesthetic education as a cultural phenomenon of the human society: What are its philosophical, historical and cultural sources? Why can it promote the balance of various factors within oneself? Why can it influence and improve the quality of life? What are the implementing mechanism, strategies, and methods of this influence? The rational thinking over these questions will help clear the myth regarding music aesthetic education in terms of theory, content and methodology, help explore music aesthetic education from the perspective of the meaning and quality of human life, and help explore the function and value of music aesthetic education in improving human life quality.This dissertation has the following parts:
    IntroductionIn this part, I raise the question of humanistic in music aesthetic education, and explore its theoretical and practical values, and put forward the original ideas after a complete literature review on the relevant theories and current research.Humanistic Interpretation in Music Aesthetic EducationThis part tries to interpret the humanistic core of music aesthetic education through analyzing the connotation and denotation of three pairs of terms that are interrelated yet independent of each other. The three pairs of terms are music and humanistic nature of music aesthetics, music education and music aesthetic education, humanistic study and the humanistic promises of music aesthetic education.This part also tries to interpret the value of music aesthetic education through reflecting on the history and change of human orientation in traditional Chinese culture, the spirit of freedom in western culture, and the humanistic value in the development of both cultures. Finally, this part interpret why human being becomes the main body of music creation and appreciation through analyzing the "semiology" in philosophy and humanism and the common structure of life form and art form.Reasons for the humanistic promises in music aesthetic educationThrough retrospection on music aesthetic education in ancient China and Greece, this part clearly states the view that the ancient Chinese and Greek cultures provide us with good foundation and reasons for the current
    recognition and practice of humanistic issues in music aesthetic education. Music aesthetic education is one of the basic human activities, and is unique to human being. The beauty of music is the self-assurance and mutual assurance of human beings. It is like a mirror that reflects the inner world and strength of human. Human beings' self-assurance and mutual assurance is the number one reason for the existence of music aesthetic education. It is human's highest level of experience and is the feeling of returning to nature or mixing with nature. At the same time, the activities in music aesthetic education bring to people enlightenment and inspiration. It helps people form a perfect character. As something unique to human being, the highest level of experience in music aesthetic education can show better the nature of
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    28.汪宏.近现代中国美育两次发展高潮比较与启示.西南师范大学学报 2000,9.
    50.谢嘉幸.关于当代中国音乐教育改革的几点思考.音乐周报 2001,10
    63.佩内洛普·史密斯·伍特沃德.亚伯拉罕·哈罗德·马斯洛关于音乐 教育与高峰体验.音乐教育.2002,3.
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    1、Music Activitice in Early Childhood John M. Feierabend 1990 MENC
    2、The Psychology of Music Teaching Edwin Gordon1971 by Prentice—Hall, Inc.
    3、Secondary School Music (Philosophy, Theory and Practice) 1970 by Prentice—Hall, Inc.
    4、A Guide to Research in Music Education Roger P. Phelps 1993 by The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
    5、Experimental Research in Music Clifford K. Madsen 1970 Prentice—Hall, Inc.
    6、Orff—schulwer (Applications for the Classroom) Brigitte Warner 1991 by Prentice—Hall, Inc.
    7 Psychological Foundations of Musical Behavior Radocy and J. David Boyle 1988 by Charlesc Thomas. Publisher
    8 Applications of Research in Music Behavior Clifford K. Madsen and Carol A Prickett 1987 by The Uni. Of Alabama Press
    9 Discipline in the Music Classroom R. Louis Rossman 1990 MENC
    10 A Cross-Cultural Guide to Music Teaching and Learning Patricia Shehan Campell 1991 by Schirme Books
    11 Nurtured by Love Suzuki 1980 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
    12 Introduction to the Music and Brain Don G. Compell 1992 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
    13 The National Standards for Arts Education 1994 by MENC
    14 Technology for Music Educators Charles G. Boody 1990 MENC
    15 Teaching Music Darwin E. Walker 1990 MENC
    16 Is Early Childhood Music Study for Every Child Elaine Harriss 1997 Issue of keyboard Companion magazine
    17 Making the Case for Music Education Article by 1999 Education world
    18 Making the National Standards Work for You Standards and Assessment from 2000 MENC Home Page U.S.
    19 Introdution: The premise of learning Through Music Larry Scripp Jurnal For Learning Through Music Spring 2000 P2
    20 Integrity in Integrative Programs:A Challenge to Learning Through Music Sam Hope Same up P12
    21 Cross-Culture Alternatives for Music in Education
    George Santayana Same up P1622 Music and Multiculturelism: Dimensions,Difficulties, and Delights Warren Sender & Lyle Davidson Same up P1823 Introducing Multiple Representation of Music into the Elementary School Curriculum Lrry Scripp Same up P2824 Music, Math and Science: Toward an Integrated Curriculum Jeanne Bamberger Same up P3225 What Happens When Two Elementary School Meet a Symphony Orchestra Larry Scripp Same up P4226 Building Learning Through Music Communities: How Performing Musicians Can Work With Public Elementary Schools John Tyson Same up P4427 Assessment.Accountability and Learning Through Music Practices Larry Scripp Same up P5028 Learning Through Music Porfolios in Elememntary School Shawn Crouch & Andrea Norton Same up P5629 Mental Stretching in Action: Reaserch ang Program Dvelopment at the Conservatory Lab Charter School Larry Scripp Same up P6830 Music, Learning, and Behavior: A Case for Mental Stretching Martin Gaediner Same up P 72 31 Implications of Learning Through Music for Public Education Larry Scripp Same up P94 32 Music in Society: The Evolving Story of a Powerful Presence Eileen Tate Cline Same up P9834 The Developmental Psychology Of MusicDavidn J.Hargreaves Cambridge University Press, 200135 Test Information Booklet (Volume 6 :Communication and Performing Arts)Massachusetts Department of Education, 200136 Meeting the Highly Qualified Teeport on Teaachers Challenge (The Secreary's Annual Report on Teacher Quality) U.S. Department of Education Office Postsecondary Education 2002
    37 Learning for the 21st Century (A Report and Mile Guide for 21st Century Skills) www.21st Centuryskills.org 2002
    38 MileGuidefor 21s' Century Skills www.21st Centuryskills.org 2002
    39 Envisioning Arts Assessment (Process Guide for Assessing Arts Education in School Districts and States) Nancy Pistone A Publication of the Arts Education Partnership 2002
    40 Learning Though Music New England Conservatory 2002
    41 Learning Though Music (Curriculum Sample) New England Conservatory 2002
    42 A User's Guide to the Brain John J. Ratey, Vintage Books, New York, 1994
    43 In a New Key: Reinventing Music Education Scripp Larry Harvard Graduate School of Education, Nov. 1, 2000
    44 No Child Left Behind www.doe .mass.edu 2002
    44 Arts Curriculum Framework: The Practice Of Creating www.doe .mass.edu 1996
    45 What Type Of Musical Practice Makes A Student Perfect? Gary E. McPhersonMcPherson, G. E. (1999). Proceedings of the XII National Conference for the Australian Society for Music Education held at Sydney University, July 9-13, 1999. ISBN 0 9596304 9 X.
    46 The effects of different practice techniques upon technical accuracy and musicality in student instrumental music performance Barry, N.H. (1990). Research Perspectives in Music Education, 1.
    47 The effects of practice strategies, individual differences in cognitive style, and gender upon technical accuracy and musicality of student instrumental performance Barry, N.H.( 1992) Psychology of Music, 20.
    48 The extent to which parental supervision and other selected factors are related to achievement of musical and technical-physical characteristics by beginning instrumental music students Brokaw,J.P. (1983). (Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, 1983). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 3252A.
    49 The Art of Practising: A Guide to Making Music from the Heart Bruser, M. (1997). New York: Bell Tower
    50 Novice musicians'approaches to practice and performance: Learning new music Hallam, S. (1994). Newsletter of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 6.
    51 How important is time in learning? An investigation of the predictors of achievement and drop out in instrumental tuition Hallam, S. (1996). Paper presented at Music, the Mind and Education, conference of the Society for Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education, Cambridge, 23-24th March, 1996
    52 Learning to learn: A fine idea but does it Work? Howe, M. (1991). British Psychological Society, Education Section Review, 15(2)
    53 Teaching / learning strategies in instrumental practice Paper presented at the Third RAIME (Research Alliance of Institutes for Music Education) Symposium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 6-10th April Jorgensen, H. (1995). Published in J. A. Taylor (Ed.), Transatlantic roads in music education: World Views. Center for Music Research, Florida State University, 1997.
    54 Musical performance: Learning theory and pedagogy Kohut,D. L. (1985). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
    55 Motivational and self-regulated learning components of musical practice (pp. 121 -130). McPherson, G. E., & McCormick, J. (1998). In T. Murao (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th Research Seminar of the International Society for Music Education. Hosted by the School of Music, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 11-17, 1998.
    56 The young performing musician. (pp. 171-190). In I. Deliege, & J. A. Sloboda (Eds.), Sloboda, J. A., & Davidson, J. W. (1996). The origins and development of musical competence. Oxford University Press .
    57 "Practice makes perfect": The effects of piece and ability level on performance preparation (pp. 323-328). Williamon, A., & Valentine, E. (1988). In Suk Won Yi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, August 26-30, 1998, Seoul National University, Korea.
    58 The use of behavioural contracts in music instruction (pp. 43-50). In C. K. Madsen & C. A. Prickett (Eds.) Wolfe, D. E. (1984). Applications of research in music behavior, Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press
    59 The developing child (6th ed.)Bee, H. (1992) New York: Harper Collins.
    60 Teacher expectations in infant school: associations with attainment and progress, curriculum coverage and classroom interaction Blatchford, P., Burke, J., Farquhar, C, Plewis, I., & Tizard, B. (1989). British Journal of Educational Psychology, 59.
    61 American adolescents and music videos: Why do they watch? Brown, E.F., Campbell, K., & Fischer, L. (1986) Gazette, 37, Training the talented. Burland, K., & Davidson, J.W. (submitted)
    62 The role of parents and teachers in the success and failure of instrumental learners J. W., Sloboda, J. A., & Howe, M. J. A. (1995/1996 Winter). Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 127, Special Issue: The 15th ISME International Research Seminar.
    63 The role of parental influences in the development of musical ability Davidson, J. W., Howe, M. J. A, Moore, D. M., & Sloboda, J. A. (1996). British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 14.
    64 Environmental factors in the development of musical performance skill over the life span In D. J. Hargreaves & A. C. North (Eds.), Davidson, J. W., Howe, M. J. A., & Sloboda, J. A. (1997). The social psychology of music (pp. 188-206). Oxford: Oxford University Press
    65 The role of teachers in the development of musical ability Davidson, J. W., Howe, M. J. A., Moore, D. M., & Sloboda, J. A. (1998). Journal of Research in Music Education, 46 (1),
    66 Seeds of a false consciousness Davies, J.B. (1994) The Psychologist, 7(7), DeCasper, A.
    67 Human Development (2nd edition) Gardner, H. (1982), Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
    68 Time specific and cohort specific influences on musical development Gembris, H. (1997).Polish Quarterly of Developmental Psychology, 3(1)
    69 The nature, description, measurement, and evaluation of music aptitudes Gordon, E. E. (1986). Chicago: GIA.
    70 A music learning theory for newborn and young children Gordon, E. E. (1990). Chicago: GIA. 71 Instrumental teaching Hallam, S. (1998). Oxford: Heinemann.
    72 Musical development and learning: The international perspective Hargreaves, D. J., & North, A. J. (2001) (Eds) London: Cassel.
    73 An examination of foetal learning before and after birth Hepper, P.G. (1991).Irish Journal of Psychology, 12,
    74 Are there early childhood signs of musical ability? Howe, M. J. A., Davidson, J. W. Moore, D. M., & Sloboda, J. A. (1995). Psychology of Music, 23,
    75 Mass media and children's development In Damon, W., Sigel, I. E. & Renninger, K. A. (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology (5 th Edition), Vol. 4: Child Psychology in Practice (pp. 999-1058). Huston, A. C.& Wright, J. C. (1998). New York: Wiley.
    76 Prenatal auditory experience In I. Deliege & J. A. Sloboda (Eds.),Lecanuet, J.P. (1996). Musical beginnings: Origins and development of musical competence (pp. 3-34). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    77 Listeners communicative uses of popular music In J. Lull (Ed.), Lull, J. (1987). Popular Music and Communication (pp. 140-174), Newbury Park: Sage.
    78 Mothers and infants communicative musicality Musicae Scientiae Malloch, S. N. (1999/2000). Special Issue: Rhythm, Musical Narrative, and Origins of Human Communication
    79 The development of musical ability Noy, P. (1968). The Psychoanalytic Study of the child, 23.
    80 The social psychology of music education In D. J. Hargreaves & A. C. North (Eds.), The social psychology of music (pp. 290-305).Olsson, B. (1997). Oxford: Oxford University Press
    81 The essentials of keyboard pedagogy: I. Sight-reading and musical literacy. Pace, R. (1999).Chatham, New York: Lee Robert's Music.
    82 Beginning of human musicality In R. Steinberg (Ed.), Music and the mind machine: The psychophysiology and psychopathology of the sense of music (pp. 27-34). Papousek, H., & Papousek, M. (1995). Berlin: Springer.
    83 Intuitive parenting: A hidden source of musical stimulation in infancy In I. Deliege & J. A. Sloboda (Eds.), Musical beginnings. Origins and development of musical competence (pp. 88-112). Papousek, M. (1996). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    84 The genetics of cognitive abilities and disabilities In S. j. Ceci & W. M. Williams (Eds.), The nature-nurture debate (pp. 178-196). Plomin, R. & DeFries, J. C. (1999) Oxford: Blackwells.
    85 Genotype-environment interaction and correlation in the analysis of human behavior Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C, & Loehlin, J. C. (1977). Psychological Bulletin, 84,
    86 Talent, teaching and achievement Radford, J. (ed.) (1991) London: Jessica Kingsley.
    87 An investigation into the acoustical induction of intrauterine learning D Satt,B.J. (1984). Octoral dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles.
    88 Sociocultural context of individual creativity: A transhistorical time-series analysis. Simonton, K.D. (1975). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32(6),
    89 Creative productivity, age, and stress: A biographical time-series analysis of 10 classical composers Simonton, K.D. (1977). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(11),
    90 Home influences on talent development In B. S. Bloom (Ed.), Developing talent in young people (pp. 439-476).
    91 Is everyone musical? Sloboda, J. A., Davidson, J. W., & Howe, M. J. A (1994). The Psychologist, 7(8),
    92 The role of practice in the development of expert musical performance Sloboda, J. A., Davidson, J. W., Howe, M. J. A., & Moore, D. M. (1996). British Journal of Psychology, 87.
    93 The young performing musician In I. Deliege & J. A. Sloboda (Eds.), Musical Beginnings. Origins and Development of Musical Competence (pp. 171-190) Sloboda, J., & Davidson, J. (1996). Oxford: Oxford University Press
    94 Learning to be a concert pianist In B. S. Bloom (Ed.), Developing talent in young people (pp. 19-67) Sosniak, L. A. (1985). New York: Ballantine.
    95 Nurtured by Love Suzuki, S. (1969). New York: Exposition.
    96 Ability development from age zero Suzuki, S. (1981). Athens, Ohio: Ability Development Associates.
    97 Musicality and the intrinsic motive pulse: Evidence from human psychobiology and infant communication Musicae Scientiae Trevarthen, C. (1999-2000). Special Issue: Rhythm, Musical Narrative, and Origins of Human Communication,
    98 Parental involvement, selected student attributes, and learning outcomes in instrumental music Zdzinski, S. F. (1996) Journal of Research in Music Education, 44,
    99 From Child to Musician: Skill development during the beginning stages of learning an instrument Gary E. Mc Pherson University of New South Wales, Sydney
    100 From aims to actions: 2. Music Teacher September, 26-27. Baker, D. N. (1969). Addison, R. (1986) Jazz Improvisation. Chicago: Maher Publications.
    101 The effects of practice strategies, individual differences in cognitive styles, and sex upon technical accuracy and musicality of student instrumental performance Barry, N. (1990) Ph.D., Florida State University.
    102 Measurement and evaluation of musical experiences Boyle, J. D., & Radocy, R. E. (1987). New York: Schirmer Books.
    103 The effect of special memory instruction and guided analysis on the memorization efficiency of college brass players Bryant, D. E. (1985) Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oklahoma.
    104 Teaching music in the Twentieth century Choksy, L. Abramson, R. M., Gillespie, A. E., & Woods, D. (1986) Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
    105 Improvising jazz Coker, J. (1964). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
    106 Patterns for jazz Coker, J. (1970).Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
    107 An investigation of achievement in music in the public schools of Sloux Falls, South Dakota Colwell, R. J. (1961) Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
    108 Tools and environments for musical creativity Davidson, L. (1990). Music Educators Journal, 76(9)
    109 Music from 5 to 16: Curriculum matters 4 Department of Education and Science. (1990) London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
    110 A comparison of verbal instruction and nonverbal teacher-student modeling in instrumental ensembles Dickey, M. R. (1991) Journal of Research in Music Education, 39(2)
    111 A correlation study of keyboard sightreading facility with previous training, note-reading, psychomotor, and memorization skill Eaton, J. (1978). Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.
    112 The relationships among instrumental sight-reading ability and seven selected predictor variables Elliot, C. A. (1982). Journal of Research in Music Education, 30(1)
    113 Relationships among ensemble participation, private instruction, and aural skill development Elliot, C. A., & May, W. V. (1980) Journal of Research in Music Education, 28(3)
    114 The Crane symposium: Toward an understanding of the teaching and learning of music performance Fowler, C. (Ed.). (1988) Potsda, New York: Potsdam College of the State University of New York.
    115 Harmonization at the piano Frackenpohl, A. (1985). (5th ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown.
    116 The individualized instructor: Sing, drum and play Froseth, J. O. (1984). Chicago: G.I.A. Publications.
    117 A longitudinal study of the relationship of melodic ear-to-hand coordination and selected indices of musical achievement at the University of Michigan School of Music Froseth, J. O. (1985) Research presented to the Dean and Executive Committee of the School of Music: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
    118 Test of melodic ear-to-hand coordination Froseth, J. O. (1987). Chicago: G.I.A. Publications.
    119 Studies in creative musicianship: Ear training for musical improvisation Froseth, J., Blaser, A. (1980)Levels 1 & 2, Chicago: G.I.A. Publications
    120 An investigation of divergent production abilities as constructs of musical creativity Gorder,W.D. (1976). Ed.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
    121 Divergent production abilities as constructs of musical creativity Gorder, W. D. (1980). Journal of Research in Music Education
    122 Learning sequences in music Gordon, E. E. (1989). Chicago: GIA Publications
    123 Jump right in: The instrumental series Grunow, R. F. (1988). Chicago: GI.A. Publications
    124 Rehearsal skill and musical competence: Does practice make perfect? (91-112). In J. A. Sloboda (Ed.). Generative processes in music Gruson, L M. (1988). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    125 The nature of human intelligence Guilford, J. P. (1967). New York: McGraw-Hill.
    126 Handbook for examiners. (1990). Issued by the Music Examiners Advisory Board of New South Wales: Australian Music Examinations Board.
    127 The developmental psychology of music Hargreaves, D. J. (1986).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    128 Making music for the joy of it: Enhancing creativity, skills, and musical confidence Judy, S. (1990). Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
    129 Musical performance: Learning theory and pedagogy Kohut, D. L. (1985). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
    130 Structuring the music curriculum for creative learning Kratus, J. (1990). Music Educators Journal, 76(9)
    131 Music, memory, and thought Ann Kratus, J. (1990) Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International
    132 Sight-reading and ear playing abilities related to the training and backgrounds of instrumental music students Luce, J. R. (1958). Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
    133 Sight-reading and ear playing abilities as related to instrumental music students Luce, J. R. (1965). Journal of Research in Music Education,XIII(2)
    134 A multitrait-multimethod investigation of the relationship between music memory and spatial memory Maggio, M. S. (1989). Ph.D., Texas A & M University.
    135 Kinaesthetic factors in the recall of musical experience Mainwaring, J. (\933).British Journal of Psychology, XXIII(3)
    136 The meaning of musicianship: A problem in the teaching of music Mainwaring, J. (1941)..British Journal of Educational Psychology, XI(3)
    137 An investigation of the effects of matching timbre and training on melodic ear-to-hand coordination of college music majors Markovich, V. A. (1985). Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan.
    138 Factors and abilities influencing the development of visual, aural and creative performance skills in music and their educational implications McPherson, G E. (1993). Ph.D., University of Sydney, Australia. UMI Order No. 9317278.
    139 Evaluating improvisational ability of high school instrumentalists McPherson, G. E. (1993/4). Council for Research in Music Education
    140 Contributions of selected music skills to music sight-reading achievement and rehearsed reading achievement Miller, R. E. (1988). Ed.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
    141 Technique and creativity - part 5 Morris, K. (1991). Music Teacher, 70(1)
    142 Memorization of piano music Nuki, M. (1984). Psychologia, 27
    143 Aural awareness: Principles and practice Pratt, G (1990). Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
    144 Playing by ear: An investigation of the phenomenon and of its potential for instrumental learning as part of music education Priest, P. (1988). M.Phil., Institute of Education, University of London
    145 Playing by ear: Its nature and application to instrumental learning Priest, P. (1989). British Journal of Music Education, 6(2)
    146 Principles and problems of music education Regelski, T. A. (1975).Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
    147 Memorizing piano music: What the research offers teachers Reichling, M. (1989). Update, 8(1)
    148 The effectiveness of mental practice in improving the performance of college trombonists Ross, S. L. (1985). Journal of Research in Music Education, 33(4)
    149 The influence of analytical prestudy in memorizing piano music Rubin-Rabson, G. (1937). Archives of Psychology, 31
    150 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music I: A comparison of the unilateral and the coordinated approaches Rubin-Rabson, G. (1939). Journal of Educational Psychology
    151 Studies in the psy chology of memorizing piano music II: A comparison of massed and distributed practice Rubin-Rabson, G. (1940a). Journal of Educational Psychology, 31
    152 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music III: A comparison of the whole and the part approach Rubin-Rabson, G. (1940b). Journal of Educational Psychology, 31
    153 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music IV: The effect of incentive. Rubin-Rabson, G (1941a). Journal of Educational Psychology, 32
    154 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music V: A comparison of prestudy periods of varied lengths Rubin-Rabson, G. (1941b). Journal of Educational Psychology, 32
    155 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music VI: A comparison of two forms of mental rehearsal and keyboard overlearning Rubin-Rabson, G. (1941c). Journal of Educational Psychology, 32
    156 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music VII: A comparison of three degrees of overlearning Rubin-Rabson, G (1941d). Journal of Educational Psychology, 32
    157 Studies in the psychology of memorizing piano music VIII: The inhibitory influence of the same and of different degrees of learning Rubin-Rabson, G (1947). Journal of Musicology, 5
    158 A sound approach to teaching instrumentalists: Application of content and learning sequences Schleuter, S. L. (1984). Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press.
    159 An experimental approach to the memorization of piano music with implications for music reading Shockley, R. P. (1980). Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado
    160 Generative processes in music: The psychology of performance, improvisation, and composition Sloboda, J. A. (1988). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    161 The effect of a sight reading pacer machine upon the sight reading ability of college wind instrumentalists Streckfuss, R. J. (1984). Doctoral dissertation, Catholic University of America, Washington.
    162 A sequence of musical development: A study of children's compositions Swanwick, K., & Tillman, J. (1986). British Journal of Music Education, 3(3)
    163 Creative music in education Thackray, R. M. (1968).London: Novello.
    164 Some thoughts on aural training Thackray, R. M. (1975). Australian Journal of Music Education, 17
    165 Aural awakening Thackray, R. M. (1978). Perth, Western Australia: University of Western Australia Press.
    166 Music as model and metaphor in the cultivation and measurement of creative behavior in children Vaughan,M. M. (1971). Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
    167 The Watkins-Farnum performance scale: A standardised achievement test for all band instruments Watkins, J. G, Farnum, S. E. (1954). Winona, Minn.: Hal Leonard Music, Inc.
    168 A factor of intellect approach, to creative thinking in music Webster, P. R. (1977). Doctoral of Philosophy, Eastman School of Music, The University of Rochester.
    169 Relationship between creative behavior in music and selected variables as measured in high school students Webster, P. R. (1979). Journal of Research in Music Education, 27
    170 Refinement of a measure of musical imagination in young children and a comparison to aspects of musical aptitude Webster, P. R. (1983). Paper presented at the Armington Symposium, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
    171 Refinement of a Measure of Creative Thinking in Music In C. L. Madsen & C. A Prickett (Eds.). Applications of research in music behavior Webster, PR. (1987). Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press.
    172 Creative thinking in music: The assessment question (40-74) In Richmond, J. W. (Ed.). The proceedings of the suncoast music education forum on creativity. Webster, P. R. (1989). Tampa: University of South Florida.
    173 The effect of instruction in music composition strategies on middle school band students' ability to improvise melodies Wig, J. A. (1980). Doctor of Education, Pennsylvania State University.
    174 The effect of sleep and time on music memory Wilson, J. P. (1983). Doctoral dissertation, California State College, Stanislaus.
    175 The Arts and The Creation of Mind James G. Henderson (2002). New Haven, Yale University Press.

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