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创新是知识工作的核心特征之一,是知识工作非结构化内容的重要组成部分,也是提高知识工作生产率的关键。因此,探索知识工作中创新的形成机理成为学术界关注的焦点。德鲁克(Peter Drucker)指出,创新的本质是新知识的创造。基于这一观点,野中郁次郎(Ikujiro Nonaka)从知识转换的角度提出了著名的知识创造理论。然而知识的转换离不开人的主观认知,新知识的形成更依赖于人的认知行为,但目前基于认知视角探讨知识工作中创新形成机理的研究尚不多见。
Innovation is a significant characteristic of knowledge work. It is a weighty component of knowledge work and is crucial to the improvement of knowledge work productivity. Thus exploring the formation mechanism of innovation is among leading spectrum of knowledge management research. The research carried out by Peter Drucker indicates that the essential element of innovation is the creation of new knowledge. This concept is further developed by Ikujiro Nonaka who introduces the Knowledge Creation Theory. However, the neglect of subjective cognition and knowledge conversion in the process of knowledge creation which depends on cognitive behavior saps the root of existing researches.
     Furthermore, the researches of various type of information technology which is powerful booster that extends the sphere of innovation in knowledge research are largely ignored in the previous researches. Thus the earlier reaches of such kinds only concentrate their attention on function of information technology that is utilized in information and knowledge processing and disregards cognitive function of information technology and the effects of information technology on innovations in knowledge work.
     Based on the previous researches, this dissertation focuses mainly on answering two questions. The first is how the innovation in knowledge work originates and the second is what impacts information technology exerts on innovation in knowledge work.
     The main research contents are stated as below:
     (1) This dissertation analyzes the concept and the origination of innovation in knowledge work. This is mainly fulfilled through theoretical deduction based on the definition of innovation developed by Peter Drucker and combined with theories of knowledge management, psychology and philosophy.
     (2) This dissertation forms theoretical hypotheses regarding the formation mechanism of innovations in knowledge work. Based on the knowledge creation SECI model developed by Ikujiro Nonaka, the characteristics of cognitive behaviors in four knowledge conversion modes and the core cognitive behavior in each knowledge conversion mode is refined through theoretical deduction.
     (3) This dissertation analyzes the information technology and its impact on innovations in knowledge work. The definition of information technology is defined in perspective of information science, cognitive science and intelligence science. The characteristics and the function of each tool that implements are analyzed to investigate the consequential cognitive functions.
     (4) This dissertation analyzes the effects of information technology on the process of innovation in the spectrum of knowledge work. Based on the analysis of the cognitive functions of information technology tools, this dissertation investigates the cognitive behavior in each knowledge conversion mode and concludes the theoretical assumptions of core elements of information technology tools in each knowledge conversion mode.
     (5) This dissertation carries out the empirical research. Qualitative samples of case study are obtained by depth interviews of individuals. The analytical process utilizes the method of data coding, data display and virtualization mapping.
     Conclusions are stated as below:
     (1) This dissertation defines the concept and the origination of innovation in knowledge work.
     Innovation in knowledge work is defined in terms of interaction between cognitive behavior and knowledge conversion. The core of innovations in knowledge work is the generation of new knowledge. This conclusion stems from the interaction of different cognitive elements, the conversion of different types of knowledge, and the interaction between cognitive behavior and knowledge conversion. Cognitive behaviors promotes the mutual conversion between implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge in knowledge work to generate new knowledge, such new knowledge in turn exerts influence on cognitive behaviors, which further promotes the evolution of cognitive abilities.
     (2) This dissertation defines the core cognitive behavior corresponding to each knowledge conversion mode.
     Experience, metaphor, logical thinking and re-experience constitute the core cognitive behaviors of innovation process in knowledge work. Experience is the core cognitive behavior which leads to conversion form tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge in Socialization knowledge conversion mode. Metaphor is the core cognitive behavior which leads to conversion form tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge in Externalization knowledge conversion mode. Logic thinking is the core cognitive behavior which leads to conversion form explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge in Combination knowledge conversion mode. Re-experience is the core cognitive behavior which leads to conversion form explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge in Internalization knowledge conversion mode.
     (3) This dissertation defines the information technology and its impact on knowledge work.
     A vast variety of technology can enhance corresponding capabilities of an ordinary person. As the extension of an individual especially brain, the thinking organ, information technology is an intelligential tool to boost cognitions and intellectual abilities. On the other hand, information technology as well expand memory capacity of a person by providing a wealth of medium and carrier of information and accelerating the speed at which information is transferred. All the complexity untaken by information technology ultimately reduces the cognitive loads of individuals.
     (4) This dissertation defines the effects of information technology on the process of innovation in the spectrum of knowledge work.
     Information technology has a wealth of impacts on the process of innovation corresponding to the Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization mode. In Socialization mode, synchronous collaboration tools are commonly used to extend the sphere of direct experience and create more face-to-face opportunities. In Externalization mode, mind mapping software and office graphic software are commonly used to promote metaphor and boost presenting the thinking process and thinking results which are metamorphic when expressed in language. In Combination mode, database system and specialty software are commonly used to replace the analysis and decompose of concept knowledge, also synthesize and connect of knowledge units. In Internalization mode, asynchronous collaboration tools, database systems and mind mapping software are used to accommodate various materials for indirect experience, extend the sphere of re-experience, boost personal knowledge management and enhance the in-depth understanding and the reflection of re-experiences.
     The innovations of this dissertation are stated as below.
     Firstly, cognitive elements are introduced to enhance the SECI model of knowledge generation and formation mechanism of innovations in knowledge work. This is fulfilled by conducting analysis based on the perspective of the interaction between cognitive behavior and knowledge conversion which leads to the construction of a new model regarding innovations in knowledge. This model depicts more directly the four knowledge conversion modes involved in the innovation process and the core cognitive behavior corresponding to each knowledge conversion mode. This model pushes forward the understanding of the formation mechanism of innovations in knowledge work.
     Secondly, functions of information technology and corresponding impacts on cognitive behaviors in innovation process are analyzed. This analysis creates a new perspective to analyze the functions and corresponding impacts of information technology tools in knowledge work.
     Thirdly, impacts of information technology on innovations in knowledge work are explored from the perspective of cognition. Combined with the cognitive functions of information technology, information technology tools utilized to embrace the core cognitive behavior in each knowledge conversion mode are preliminarily explored, which is innovative in this spectrum of researches.
     This dissertation also has positive academic and practical significance:
     The analysis of the innovation mechanism in knowledge work from the perspective of cognition as well as the refining of the core cognitive behaviors in four knowledge conversion modes improve knowledge creation theory developed by Ikujiro Nonaka. The induction of the main information technology tools utilized in knowledge work and its cognitive functions fixes those understanding of information technology based solely on the information/knowledge management perspective. The exploration on impacts of information technology on innovations in knowledge work extends the spectrum of relevant research, and provides advices regarding appropriate application of information technology tools to promote innovations in knowledge work.
     These conclusions provided a new approach for innovation practices and information technology applications in knowledge work.
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