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叶片衰老是一个高度有序的调控过程,涉及到复杂的基因调控和多种生理生化特征的变化。我们以黑暗为选择因子,从经快中子诱变的拟南芥Columbia型M_2代种子中,筛选获得了耐受黑暗胁迫的突变体,将其中一株生长发育延迟而莲座叶早衰的突变体,命名为fnb45(fast neutron b45)。
Leaf senescence is a highly regulated progress that involves orderly,sequential changes in cellular physiology,biochemistry and gene expression.To screen stay-green mutants from mutagenized Arabidopsis seedlings(Col),mutants showing higher survivability under darkness stress were obtained.One of the mutants,which showed slow growth and premature rosette leaves,were named fnb45(fast neutron b 45).
     The mutant exhibited a pleiotropic phenotype,including small and thin cotyledons,slight opened hooks in etiolated seedlings,premature rosette leaves, increased apical dominance,decreased seeds.In addition,fnb45 showed delayed seed germination process(8 days) and reduced seed germination rate(42.7%),reduced plant stature,delayed flowering time(77 days) and prolonged lifespan of inflorescences(4 months).
     Genetic analysis showed the mutation was single recessive and mapped to the middle of chromosomeⅢ.Fine mapping results showed the mutation was located in a region of 50kb between T16K5 and F3A4-1,a novel locus involved in the regulation of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis.
     Compared with the wild type,fnb45 was hypersensitive to the exogenous IAA, ABA,high concentration of sugars and PQ.Also there were a 8-fold increase in free IAA level and an 4-fold increase in ABA level in the mutant.The increased endogenous level of IAA in fnb45 plants is probably indirectly affected by the FNB45 mutation.Sucrose metabolism and/or signal transduction were also found being altered,inducing increased levels of anthocyanin.And the activities of SOD and CAT in seedlings were higher than wild type.
     When checking the expression pattern of several senescence and oxidative stress related genes,we found that ACS4,GD,GS have apparent changes in expression.
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