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Concerns about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and the pollution caused bycontinuously increasing energy demands make H_2 an attractive alternative energy source. H_2production via photocatalytic reforming of biomass is a sustainable-energy technology due tothe potential application for the conversion of solar energy. Proton exchange membrane fuelcells (PEMFCs), using H2 as the fuel source, have received much attention as a potentialelectric power source. However, the Pt-anode catalyst of PEMFC is extremely sensitive to COcontaminant in H_2 feed gas. Small amount of CO can poison the catalyst and decrease thecatalytic performance. It is an urgent and challenging objective to reduce the COconcentration in H_2 for the applications in PEMFCs. Therefore, the effects of metals andmetal particle size on the CO formation, as well as the mechanism of CO formation areinvestigated using methanol, ethanol and glucose as the typical representatives ofbiomass-derived compounds.
     Among the gaseous products, the H_2, CO, CO_2 and CH_4 were detected as the majorproducts in the photocatalytic reforming of methanol, ethanol and glucose on M(Pt, Pd, Au,Rh, Ni etc.)/TiO_2 catalysts. It is shown that the loaded metals generally enhances the rate ofH_2 production while depresses the CO formation. Both H_2 production and CO formation arestrongly dependent on the kind of deposited metals. In the reforming of methanol and ethanol,the highest photoactivity was achieved on Pt/TiO_2 catalyst, while the CO formation was thelowest on Pd/TiO_2 catalyst. Rh/TiO_2 catalyst was found to be most active for H_2 productionwhile with the lowest CO concentration in the photocatalytic reforming of glucose. The factthat the molar ratio of CO_2/H_2 is much lower than the stiochiometric value indicates that a lotof oxidized fragments of biomass are produced and diffuse into the bulk solution. Theseintermediates are successively adsorbed and oxidized on the M/TiO_2 catalyst for several timesfinally forming CO_2 through the photo-Kolbe reaction.
     H_2 with low CO concentration was produced via photocatalytic reforming of methanol onAu/TiO_2 catalyst. The rate of H_2 production is greatly increased when the gold particle size isreduced from 10 nm to smaller than 3 nm. The concentration of CO in H_2 decreases withreducing the gold particle size of the catalyst. It is suggested that the by-product CO is mostlyproduced via decomposition of the intermediate formic acid species derived from methanol.The smaller gold particles possibly switch the HCOOH decomposition reaction mainly to H_2 and CO_2 products while suppress the CO and H_2O formation. In addition, some CO may beoxidized to CO_2 by photo-generated oxidizing species at the perimeter interface between thesmall gold particles and TiO_2 under photocatalytic condition.
     The loading of platinum on TiO_2 influences both the H_2 production and the CO formation.When the loading of Pt is higher than a threshold value, the rate of H_2 production is greatlyenhanced while the CO formation is largely depressed. The CO formation was significantlydepressed with a slight increase in H_2 production in the photocatalytic reforming of methanolon Pt/TiO_2 catalyst with addition of a small amount of inorganic anions, such as SO_4~(2-) andH_2PO_4~- in the reaction system. The ability of the anions for depressing CO formation is in theorder: Cl~-<NO_3~-<HCO_3~-<SO_4~(2-)<H_2PO_4~-. It is suggested that the byproduct CO is formedat oxygen vacancy sites on TiO_2 where formic acid species derived from methanol decomposeto CO and water. The deexcitation of the trapped photoexcited electrons at oxygen vacancysites may accelerate the dehydration reaction of formic acid. Sulfate and phosphate ions caneffectively suppress the CO formation via competing adsorption on oxygen vacancies with theformic acid species derived from methanol.
     The inhibition effect of the SO_4~(2-) anions on CO formation was also observed in thephotocatalytic reforming of glucose on Pt/TiO_2, Ni/TiO_2, and Pd/TiO_2 catalysts, indicatingthat the addition of some inorganic anions to the reaction solution is an efficient method todeppress CO formation in the photocatalytic reforming of biomass-derived compounds for H_2production.
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