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As a study of the state's "Tenth Five-year" National Science and Technology Project "Research on Internet-based NC (numeric control) Machine Tools From Design and Humanized Interface Technologies and Implementations Based on the Design Knowledge and User Knowledge", this paper mainly introduced the design knowledge about form design of NC machine tools, and combined with some cases in the ICAID system to establish the design knowledge subsystem in the ICAID system.
    This paper was founded on the analysis of the CAD and CAID which based on the knowledge at first, and given some discussion about the origin and the research direction of this task. The conception of ICAID based on knowledge was also brought forward.
    By expounding on the correlative theory research about knowledge and knowledge system including the sorts of knowledge and the definition of the knowledge system, the conception and research content of the design knowledge in the ICAID system are given out. At the same time this paper discusses the expression manner of design knowledge at the view of aesthetic psychology.
    First the paper analyzed the principles of basic and NC machine tools form. Then the correlative form design of NC machine tools in the process of research was also analyzed. Based on these analyses, some well-regulated design knowledge about the form design of NC machine tools was drawn out. Namely the form unit connective way and disposal means were creatively put forward, which is one of the key points in the paper.
    Another keystone of this paper is to capture the form design knowledge by using experimental methods. Through importing several experiments, this paper aimed to capture different design knowledge about NC machine tools design and comparatively integrative design knowledge of ICAID system. Introducing some correlative technologies in the computer science field to the ICAID system is also another key content. Through using the Metadata, design knowledge in the ICAID system is
    expressed perfectly.
    This paper has set forth the application of design knowledge in the ICAID system by analyzing the cases of design knowledge and design knowledge subsystem at last. Therefore the design knowledge and design knowledge subsystem of the whole ICAID system has been expressed integrality.
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