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With integration of politics and economy around the world advancingconstantly, government management how to adapt to changes in the externalenvironment and to construct a more effective administrative system, has becomea global issue. Along with information technology (IT) developing, wideapplying and IT bringing great value to enterprises, governments are faced withthe urgent requirement of transformation from the traditional government arisingfrom the Industrial Age to e-government of the Information Age. And now howexisting government to acclimatize itself to environmental changes and toimprove performance of e-government (PEG) activities by building e-government, becomes an issue bearing great theoretical and practical values.
     From implementing to working, e-government are influenced by manyfactors, in which leadership delegates direction of e-government and organizationinnovation benefits realizing potential value of IT. So we research deeply oninfluence of leadership and organization innovation on PEG.
     We study theoretical base of influence of leadership and organizationinnovation on PEG. In the paper, we first definite e-government and differentiatesit with related concepts, discuss advantage of e-government from origin, e-government system and differentiation between e-government and traditionalgovernment. Then we define PEG, and construct its evaluation system in linewith our country facts based on some principle. We analyze leadership andorganization innovation related e-government, the former includes e-government cognition (EC) and strategic leadership (SL), and the latter includesadministrative culture innovation (ACI) and organizational structure innovation(OSI). Then, we construct theoretical framework which suggests the mainproposition that leadership influences PEG through organization innovation.
     Then, we design the whole research process. We construct research model ofinfluence of leadership and organization innovation on PEG, including correlativepropositions and corresponding hypothese. We choose dada analysis instrumentaccording to need of empirical research, and design survey questionnairescientifically. The sampling population is all servants working in a certain government. Through sampling method and sending e-mail and questionnaire inpaper, the research attains112valid questionnaire finally which is used as mainresearch data. And the analysis of demographic characteristics, descriptivestatistics, reliability, rationality and applicability on main research dataestablishes necessary foundation for structural equation model (SEM).
     In the empirical research, we first test the classification rationality of everymeasuring scale of PEG, EC, SL, ACI and OSI, and provide foundation forsimplifying data. We definite the SEM by research model, and identify it, thenestimate and evaluate the SEM through LISREL program. After passing throughoffending estimates test, the whole validity test and internal validity test, wechoose a competitive model and compare it with research model. The resultindicates that the research model can fit main data more than competitive model,so we confirm theoretical model of the research. Then we test all the hypotheseand propositions.
     Based on analysis results of data quality and SEM, we discuss three aspectsof research findings-the status of PEG, leadership and organization innovation,sample characters’ effect and force of leadership and organization innovation.And then we propose some suggestion of applying research findings.
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