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With the vigorous development of China's market economy in the new century, the demand of freight transportation shows a characteristic of diversity. Affected by them, our country's railway freight transportation is developing in directions to heavy haul, direct, centralized, freight and passenger transportation separated. Corresponding to this, the freight car is developed to larger size and specialized. The axle load of common freight car increased from 18t based to 21t based, and is transiting to 23t and 25t gradually. There is still a further development in the future.
     Under the background of railway freight transportation changing and freight car axle load increasing, the marshalling at the hump yard in our country shows some problems of adaptability. As the hump is high, the humping speed has to be reduced, which causes problems of lower operational efficiency, poor safety and high energy consumption, hump speed control cannot adapt to the humping demand under the application conditions of 23t axle load cars which causes problems like light load cars can't run in place under adverse conditions and heavy 23t axle load cars are over speed coupled in yard.
     In view of this, based on relevant research results, the paper systematically studies on the humping speed control in the mixed application conditions of present 23t axle load cars and conventional cars, and the design of larger size freight car based energy-saving hump of marshalling station in our country:
     (1) Based on discussing the trend of China's freight transportation and freight car technology, the paper analyzes the current developments of hump of marshalling station, problems and trend in the future.
     (2) The paper describes the characteristics of static optimization and dynamic adaptation for the hump design under complex constraints, and the complexity, dynamic and fuzzy control of hump operating control problem in-depth, the hump design and design idea in operational control, and factors of cars, car unit, operating control system, plane vertical section, climatic conditions and error are analyzed systematically in the paper, and their interrelation is studied comprehensively.
     (3) Based on a deep analysis of model for speed determination of existing hump exit, the paper studies the humping speed control problem under the existing hump height. A dynamic interval speed-control model for dynamic speed determination and a target speed-control model based on fuzzy neural networks are established respectively under the existing hump height. The problems of that light load cars is not in place under adverse conditions and heavy 23t axle load cars are over speed coupled in yard in China's current marshalling station are solved.
     (4) Based on the design idea of energy-saving hump, the paper studies "three difficult conditions" ("difficult lines", "difficult climate" and "hard rolling cars") in the design of hump, the influence of factors in "three difficult conditions" on design of hump is analyzed, and the irrationality of the choice of "hard rolling cars" in the existing design criterion of hump is pointed out. A quality determination method of "hard rolling cars" based on "probability of three difficult conditions" is proposed, and a quality value of "hard rolling cars" in hump design is recommended.
     (5) The computer simulation theory is applied to simulation of hump operating, a simulation model of hump operating is established, and computer simulation software is developed in the paper.
     The paper takes a hump with 36 shunting lines as an example to design the height of energy-saving hump and longitudinal reconstruction, the energy conversion during the process of hump operating is analyzed, a humping energy consumption calculation model, a braking energy consumption calculation model and a transformation fees consumption calculation model are established, and the energy saving effect and cost-effectiveness of energy-saving hump, also the necessity, time and technical route for hump reconstruction are discussed, the conclusions of this paper are tested by simulation.
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