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The main content of this thesis is to build the model for post-merger integration mechanism of horizontal M&As by applying deduction and empiricle study. The aim is to answer the following three questions about integration in a structural style: (1). What is the objective of integration? (2). What are the main contents of integration? (3). What are the relationships between the objective of integration and the main contents of integration? After the complete introduction of the model for integration mechanism, examples of enterprises in China are used to testify this model. The result shows that the model is basically applicable. Moreover, we show how to improve the model.
    This thesis consists of eight chapters as followed:
    The first chapter is introduction. By using the hierarchy architecture including factor analysis, integration mode, and integration mechanism, we study the research of integration in past 20 years. We find the breakthrough point, which is significant in the research of the integration theory. That is, the resource-based view, synergy theory, organization theory, and management studies should be combined to synthetically study the integration mechanism of horizontal M&As.
    In the second chapter, we build a firm model as a theoretical platform for studying the model of the integration mechanism. This firm model mainly comes from the resource-based view. After analyzing the relation among resource, knowledge, and ability, we build a framework of the firm model. We further consider the related content in the organization theory and management studies. Finally, we propose the firm model including two sub-models - structural model and logical model.
    We present the model for integration mechanism of horizontal M&As in the third chapter, which is the core of this thesis. First, we produce five integration modules by combining two of structural models for enterprises involved in the M&As process. Second, by the combination of logical models for enterprises and study of synergy theory, we obtain the "basic logic" of integration and three "support logics", which contain the core of "leadership", "management system", and "human", respectively. By combining the above work, we produce the model for the integration mechanism. Finally, we introduce the vision and strategy integration. The main content of strategy integration includes the strategy integration modes for the enterprise involved in the M&As process and the value creation plan for utilizing synergy choose in the integration. They will be the guidance framework for the following integration operation.
    In the fourth chapter, we analyze the integration modules directly related to the objective of "synergy realization". They include the integration of product-market combination and the integration of basic service processes. Of them, we will design various types for mining the framework of synergy choose, transfer of knowledge, and integration of processes and structures in the production-market combination.
    In the fifth chapter, we analyze the integration of operating system, which comprises three parts:
    adjustment of govern structures, integration of management institutions, and integration of policies for human resources (that mainly concern the reconstruction of economic contracts), which are respectively related to support logic I, II, and III.
    In the sixth chapter, we analyze the creation and integration of social capital, including reconstruction of psychological contracts, integration of enterprise culture, reconstruction of relation networks, and integration of organization language and code systems. These contents are "soft" and heavily require the art and patience in the integration operation. This chapter is one of main contents of support logic III.
    In the seventh chapter, we testify the proposed model of integration mechanism. First, we apply the statistic analysis of massive samples to check the relation between main contents of the model. The result shows the model can stand with small adaptation. Second, we apply
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